I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 588: Here it comes: You need to meditate when answering the phone (first update per day)

Chapter 588 is here: Meditation is required to answer the phone (10,000 days per day, first update)



A gray-haired old lady wearing a brown coat and carrying a black schoolbag slowly walked into the Guangzhou Pavilion Hotel. She glanced at the guests and quickly locked onto two figures: "Excuse me, is this Mr. Qin? "


Qin Yao nodded and asked, "Are you a friend of Sister Zhenqin?"

 “That’s right.”

The old lady smiled silently and said, "My name is Setsuko Aisaka. Perhaps, you may have heard of my name?"

"Ah, I've heard of it." Tahara Hideki said first, "You are very famous on TV."

The old lady looked at him and asked: "Are you the culprit of this disaster?"

Tahara Hideki smiled bitterly and said: "It can be said that, Setsuko-senpai, the master said that you can help us deal with the Pomo Demon. I wonder where we should start next?"

"The bad taste of the Pomo Demon is to drive people crazy. In other words, it is to torture adults who abuse children in different ways." Setsuko Aisaka said: "Before its strength has not increased rapidly, as long as you can stand in front of it "Keep absolutely calm and it won't hurt you at all."

“Ding ding ding, ding ding ding.”

Suddenly, a rapid, old-fashioned phone ringing sound came from Hideki Tahara, which scared him and took out his phone with trembling hands.

"It's best not to talk, let alone get angry, otherwise you will lose your mind during the ups and downs of emotions, and you will give the Poza demon a chance." Feng Saka Setsuko made a seal with her hands, pointed her two index fingers at each other, and said with a serious face.

"You mean this phone call..." Tahara Hideki said, swallowing his saliva.

"Take it." Setsuko Aisaka said, "Remember what I said, and don't lose your mind no matter what."

Tahara Hideki answered the phone with trembling hands, and Chisa's voice suddenly sounded on the phone.


At this time, Qin Yao, who was sitting next to him, suddenly stood up, pulled off the tape in his hand, and stuck it directly on Xiushu's mouth. Then, before he could say anything, he wrapped it around several times.

Tahara Hideki: "???"

    How is this tape used?

The voices of his daughter, his wife, his clients, and even his deceased grandmother appeared on the phone one after another. Hideki's eyes widened in shock, but he could not make any sound because his mouth was sealed.

At the end, his voice appeared on the phone again, and he said in a casual and perfunctory tone: "Isn't it just that I gave birth to a child? What's the big deal? After all, I grew up in a single-parent family. I see you It’s no different from your mother…”

Hearing this, Xiushu stood up with a groan. Just as he was about to shake his head, Qin Yao pressed his head with one hand and forced him down.

After a while, the phone call that never received a reply was finally hung up. Setsuko Saka glared at Hideki fiercely, put down her arms, and thanked Qin Yao sincerely: "Thank you, Mr. Qin, otherwise he would have said something just now. "

Tahara Hideki was very aggrieved by this glare, but the two people in front of him were his saviors, and he would need to rely on them in the future, so even if he was about to explode with aggrievedness, he did not dare to say more or say anything nonsense.

Qin Yao waved his hand and said: "You're welcome, please come back to Tahara Hideki's home with us. I'm worried that Makoto alone can't resist the attack of the Pomo Demon!"

 On the road.

 In a taxi.

Qin Yao was sitting in the passenger seat, Setsuko Aisaka was sitting behind him, and Hideki Tahara was sitting behind the driver's side... The car drove towards Waguang Community at a high speed. “Ding-ding-ding, ding-ding-ding.”

 Half an hour later, the taxi came to a driveway lined with poplar trees. The cell phone in Tahara Hideki's trouser pocket rang again, noisily.

 “Can you pick it up?”

 He took out his cell phone and became nervous instantly when he saw it was an unknown caller.

Setsuko Aisaka said: "It's not that you can't answer the phone, it's that you must always remain calm when you answer the phone, and don't lose control of your emotions no matter what you hear. It's best to not speak if you can't speak, like you did in the restaurant just now. , so as not to be confused.”

Tahara Hideki firmly remembered these words and reached out to slide the answer button.

"Hello, landlord, I am Makoto's sister." At this time, a small voice suddenly came from his ear.

Tahara Hideki was silent, but he heard the voice on the phone continue: "I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I just received the news that Setsuko Oisaka passed away due to a car accident two hours ago. You don't have to Keep waiting for her."


Tahara Hideki turned his head and glanced at Setsuko Aisaka next to him, with a confused look on his face.

“What’s wrong?” Sister Makoto on the phone and Setsuko Aisaka beside her asked at the same time.

“Wait a minute, why did I hear Setsuko Aisaka’s voice?” Sister Makoto asked, “Could it be that...she is with you now?”

Tahara Hideki was dumbfounded and didn't know which side to believe at all.

"Listen to me, there is something wrong with Setsuko Aisaka around you. If you don't know who to believe, after hanging up the phone later, you can search her name online. Her car accident has been on the news. "

Hearing this conclusive voice, the scales in Tahara Hideki's heart tilted slightly, he silently retracted his gaze, and responded in a low voice: "Yes."

“Now listen to me, Setsuko Aisaka around you is most likely a Pozamo. You must not let her live in your home, and try to find a way to get her away.

  After taking her away, you take down all the mirrors in the house, wrap them in cloth together with all the knives in the house, and throw them out of the room.

 Because mirrors will make the Pole Demon manifest, and knives can increase its lethality.

 Also, the Pole Demon is afraid of water. When you go to bed at night, it is best to fill a utensil with water and surround your bed. In this way, even if the Pole Demon breaks into your room, it will not be able to get close to you. "

Tahara Hideki nodded repeatedly after hearing this, but he kept an eye on it and asked, "What about the other two people..."

“You’re talking about Mr. Qin and Makoto, of course they have to stay, otherwise who will protect your family if a critical situation arises?

 The only thing you need to pay attention to is that when you do what I tell you, you must not guard them.

 Both of them have fought against the Pole Demon, and they have the eyes left by the Pole Demon. They can see what you are doing through them.

If the Pomo Demon knew all this, it would really be a failure. "

 “I understand.” Tahara Hideki said.

"Whose call is it?" Soon after he hung up the phone, Qin Yao asked curiously.

Setsuko Aisaka, who was suspected of being a demon, was sitting next to him. How dare Hideki Tahara tell the truth? He just said vaguely: "It's a leader of the company. He called me to talk about personnel transfers."

Qin Yao nodded silently, the light in his eyes was flowing, and he didn't know what he was thinking...

 (End of this chapter)

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