I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 456: Ah Yao, you can't be heartless!

Chapter 456 Yao, you can’t be heartless!

 “Bang bang bang.”

 “Bang bang bang.”

It’s night, and the moon is as bright as water.

Butler Wu, who had no time to disguise himself, hurried outside Tang's house and beat the door frantically.

Not long after, Tang Long held the sword in his left hand and opened the door with his right hand. He looked up at the other party and said in a gentle tone, "Is that fool dead?"


Butler Wu nodded and said hurriedly: "I used a trick to blame the servants at home for killing him, and now Mr. Jiang is fighting with those servants. This is a God-given opportunity, Master Tang, let's go get the gold quickly. "

"A scuffle with a servant?" Tang Long looked surprised: "Can an ordinary servant block Old Man Jiang's sword?"

"Of course ordinary servants can't do it. The problem is that those four servants are not ordinary. Each of them has extraordinary skills." Butler Wu said: "My Young Master Tang, don't think about it. Come with me quickly. Don't miss this opportunity. If you lose it, you can't." Not coming again.”

Tang Long licked his lips and said, "Let's go to Jiang's house first."

 Jiang family.

Feng swung an iron-tipped hook in his hand, and caught Master Jiang's sword with one hook. During the transformation, he wrapped Master Jiang's body with a hook rope comparable to a steel rope. He turned to the other three brothers and shouted: " Run!"

 “Come with me.” Lei extended his palm to Tang Shanshan, his face full of sincerity.

To his disappointment, Tang Shanshan not only did not hold his hand, she even took two steps back slightly, shook her head and said, "I'm sorry, I can't go with you."

Lei is like being struck by lightning and freezes in place.

 He couldn't understand how Tang Shanshan dared to stay here after something like this happened?

 “Let’s go!” Feng, who was almost exhausted, roared angrily as he was almost **** to death.

Yu and Dian grabbed Lei's arms respectively, dragged him to jump up, and broke out of the window in an instant.


Mr. Jiang tried his best to break the rope, with red eyes, holding the sword, and strode towards the defenseless Feng.

 “Senior Brother Qin, help!” Feng ran towards the broken window and shouted loudly.

 In the courtyard.

Qin Yao raised his hand to pick up a stone and shot it towards the wedding room with a snap of his fingers.


In the room, Mr. Jiang, who was chasing after the fat man, held out his long sword, and the tip of the sword pierced Feng's back heart.


Just when the sword blade was about to hit the slope, Mr. Jiang suddenly felt an evil wind coming. He had no time to think and instinctively turned back to block with his sword.

The flying stones hit the sword and instantly shattered it into pieces, but the powerful impact caused him to take half a step back uncontrollably.

Taking advantage of this time gap, Feng Ji quickly landed next to Qin Yao and said with gratitude on his face: "Thank you, Senior Brother Qin."

 “Go quickly and don’t come back again.” Qin Yao said.

Feng Feng was startled: "Senior Brother Qin."

"Hurry up, don't let me say it a third time." Qin Yao said coldly and solemnly.

Hearing his solemn voice, Feng shuddered subconsciously, quickly used Qing Kung Fu, jumped out of the Jiang family courtyard, and rushed forward without looking back.

"Why don't you leave?" Mr. Jiang came to the broken window with his sword in hand and looked down at Qin Yao.

Qin Yao: "I stayed here to tell you that your son was not killed by lightning, but by poison."

Mr. Jiang frowned and stepped in front of Young Master Jiang. He looked at the coating of his tongue, his eyes, and the color of his blood, and his eyes changed slightly.

In front of the dressing table, Tang Shanshan's heart skipped a beat and her whole body suddenly tensed up.

Mr. Jiang's eyes swept across her body and then returned to Qin Yao: "How do you know?"

"Because I can see clearly that the wind only hit your son once, and it is impossible for him to die." Qin Yao said calmly.

Mr. Jiang turned to look at Tang Shanshan: "Daughter-in-law, do you want to give me an explanation?"

"I have no idea."

Tang Shanshan shook her head: "I only know that he came back drunk and wanted to make out with me when he came back. When I was resisting, the man named Lei broke in and scratched him lightly, and he vomited blood and died. ”

Mr. Jiang held his sword and walked towards her step by step: "Are you sure that's all?"

 “Old Jiang, what do you want to do?”

At this moment, Tang Long, who was holding a long sword, suddenly climbed over the wall and rushed to the bottom of the broken window in a few steps.

"It's you, Master Tang." Mr. Jiang followed the call and said, "You came just in time. I have a question to ask you."

Tang Long looked grim and said, "What's the problem?"

“Your sister married my son, but didn’t let my son touch her. What’s the point?” Mr. Jiang said, “In other words, what is your purpose in marrying your sister into the Jiang family?”

"When it comes to matters between husband and wife, it should be settled in a natural way." Tang Long said without changing his expression: "Your son used the wrong method. If you want to touch my sister, you must first cultivate a good relationship."

"That's nonsense." Mr. Jiang scolded: "Tang Long, don't think that I don't know what you are planning. Let me tell you, after Tang Shanshan marries into our Jiang family, she becomes a member of our Jiang family. Even my son Even if she dies, I will let her bear the blood of the Jiang family and give birth to descendants of the Jiang family. There is no way that the Jiang family’s property will flow into the Tang family.”

Tang Long looked cold and said, "Old Jiang, are you crazy?"

Mr. Jiang said indifferently: "I have said everything that needs to be said, you can leave."

  "If you don't give a toast, you'll have to drink a fine wine." Tang Long drew out the sword in his hand, and an ethereal and elegant aura gradually emerged from his thin body. With a thought, he came to the wedding room in an instant and stabbed Old Man Jiang between the eyebrows with his sword.


Old Jiang raised his hand and knocked the opponent's sword away with a single blow. He kept walking around the room with his feet on the seven-star step, fighting fiercely with Tang Long.

Under the attic, Qin Yao suddenly felt something in his heart, his eyes flashed with golden light, and his sight passed through a wall. Behind the wall, I saw a middle-aged Taoist priest wearing a yellow-brown robe standing in front of a altar, holding a peach wood sword in his hand, dancing in front of the incense burning with green smoke, and mumbling something.

 “King of corpse chasers…”

Even though this was the first time Qin Yao saw the other party, based on the plot of the original work, he still guessed the identity of the other party immediately.

 In the original work, the corpse exorcist king was invited by Tang Long to the Jiang family to fight the cholera epidemic. The method he used was to resurrect the wax corpses of the Jiang family’s ancestors, causing the corpses to rush around and trigger a great chaos.

Now it seems that Tang Long and the Corpse Exorcist King are not involved, otherwise there is no need for Tang Long to show up. After the wax corpse of the ancestor of the Jiang family is resurrected, Mr. Jiang will no longer have time to pursue Tang Shanshan.

Since this is the case, then the reason why the zombie king appears here is very intriguing...

Steward Wu, Tang Long, and the King of Exorcists, all three of them had plans for the Jiang family's property, but they just used different methods.


 Outside the courtyard.

As the Corpse Exorcist King threw a handful of yellow paper into the air, the wax corpses in the secret room of the Jiang family suddenly opened their eyes.

 “It’s done!”

 In front of the Dharma altar, the king of corpse exorcists was overjoyed and laughed.

 In the wedding room.

Mr. Jiang gradually came to the vicinity of Tang Shanshan. Tang Long had a premonition that something was not good and shouted loudly: "Shanshan, get out of here quickly."

"No, brother, my feet are weak." Tang Shanshan said in panic.

Mr. Jiang sneered secretly, stepped to her side, pulled her into his arms with one hand, faced Tang Long, held the sword in the middle of her neck: "Tang Long, put down the sword."

 “Mr. Jiang, don’t be impulsive.” Tang Long said.

 “I want you to put down your sword.” Mr. Jiang shouted.

At this time, Tang Shanshan, who was being held hostage, suddenly blinked at Tang Long.

Tang Long was startled. Although he didn't understand why his sister asked him to cooperate with the old thief, he knew clearly that the other party would not harm him.


  Plunging the long sword into the floor, Tang Long said solemnly: "Can you let go of my sister now?"

Mr. Jiang relaxed and moved the sword blade away from Tang Shanshan's neck.

At this time, Tang Shanshan seemed to have gone weak, and she suddenly collapsed in Master Jiang's arms.

Mr. Jiang instinctively hugged Tang Shanshan, but he felt as if he had been stabbed by something. It wasn't painful, but it was very clear.

 “What?” He shook off Tang Shanshan and subconsciously checked his situation.


At this moment, Tang Shanshan, who had always been harmless to humans and animals, suddenly slapped Mr. Jiang on the heart and retreated using the force of the shock.

Mr. Jiang didn't notice for a moment and stumbled to the ground. The toxins in his body exploded, and a stream of black blood came out of his mouth.

Tang Shanshan came to Tang Long and said lightly: "Brother, go kill him."

 “What’s going on with him?” Tang Long asked in surprise.

“I pricked him with the poisonous needle you gave me.”

 “Poison needle, what poison needle?” Tang Long was stunned.

Tang Shanshan was stunned, and raised the long blue needle in her hand: "Isn't this what you asked someone to bring to me?"

Tang Long shook his head, and then suddenly understood: "I know, it's Butler Wu, no, this guy must be smuggling gold!"

"The green bamboo snake's mouth and the wasp's tail sting are not poisonous, but they are the most poisonous to women's hearts... We, father and son, fell into your hands, retribution, retribution!" Mr. Jiang screamed in grief and anger, and died on the spot.

"you deserve it."

Tang Long spat at him, grabbed Tang Shanshan's wrist and said, "Quickly, go and find the person named Wu."

 “Wait a minute, brother, there is another person.”

Tang Shanshan hurried to the window, held on to the broken window and looked out, only to see that under the moonlight, the courtyard was quiet and deep, with no one around.

"You mean that stupid guy?" Tang Long followed her gaze and said with a smile, "Maybe he was scared away."

 “Scared away?”

Tang Shanshan frowned slightly, feeling that things might not be that simple.

 The secret room of the Jiang family.

 “Get rich, get rich, after today, I will be the best among people.”

With a crazy look on his face, Butler Wu quickly put an ingot of gold and silver into a sack. He was so excited that he murmured to himself, unaware that a muscular figure quietly appeared behind him.

Shortly after.

Butler Wu finally finished loading all the gold. He grabbed the sack with both hands and tried to carry it on his back. However, after struggling for a long time, he failed to carry the sack.

Just as he was gritting his teeth and holding back his face until his face turned red, a hand suddenly stretched out from behind him to help him lift the sack.

"Thank you..." Steward Wu subconsciously thanked him, but then he suddenly reacted, his body trembled, and he didn't dare to look back for a while.

"You're welcome."

The burly figure snatched the sack from his hand, raised his leg and put him into the pit where the gold was buried: "Let me wait for the long-term workers to do this kind of physical work. The housekeeper should have a good rest in the pit."

 “Qin Yao!”

Falling down in the pit, looking at the familiar face outside the pit, Butler Wu almost broke his white teeth: "I recruited you, and you actually robbed me of my gold. Do you still have humanity? You are still a human being. ?!"

 (End of this chapter)

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