I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1227: Exchange Xuanyuan Swords to eliminate disasters

Chapter 1227: Exchange Xuanyuan Swords to break the disaster

 “In Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain, Shen Gongbao, a disciple of the saint, asks to see the Three Emperors. I respectfully invite you to meet him.”

A few days later, Qin Yao rode a cloud to a picturesque mountain, landed in front of a cave with a tightly closed door, and called out loudly.

 “What’s the matter?” A gentle voice sounded.

Qin Yao explained: "The human emperor Xin Huang was licentious and immoral. He openly wrote poems to humiliate the saint Nuwa, which led to heaven's execution. In order to survive the catastrophe, the golden immortals of Yuxu Palace came down one after another and joined the Western Zhou Dynasty, intending to help Zhou conquer the Shang Dynasty and comply with the will of heaven. . Unexpectedly, the immortals of Jiejiao went against the will of heaven, and Sanxiao was born, sealing off Xiqi, trying to protect Yin Shang. We, the immortals of Yuxu, could not break the Sanxiao formation. I heard that the three emperors were all masters of the formation. The Antarctic Immortal sent me to ask for help~~"

 Inside the Fire Cloud Cave.

The old, middle-aged and young people looked at each other, and the middle-aged man spoke slowly, his voice still gentle: "Why are you here?"

Qin Yao muttered: "Because it is most suitable for the younger generation to come."

The most appropriate term is very interesting. It seems that no information was revealed, but the three emperors quickly understood the reason.

 “You go back.”

After exchanging glances, the old man said quietly: "The Three Emperors have long since stopped caring about worldly affairs, let alone matters involving the Holy Religion."

Qin Yao looked startled.

 Because of the reputation of Yuanshi Tianzun and the fact that Huang Long was entrusted with this matter, he never thought that the three emperors would refuse.

 But now, the Three Emperors refused!

Judging from the headstrong character of Yuanshi Tianzun, if he failed to complete the task, then the blame would definitely not be put on the head of the Three Emperors. He would only feel that he was a waste.

 Once you lose your grace, your future will definitely be difficult.

 Fortunately, he still has a few trump cards to play. What needs to be considered at this moment is which one to use...

 “Why aren’t you leaving yet?” Inside the cave, the old man spoke again.

Qin Yao finally made up his mind, took out the bronze talisman given by Master Huanglong from his arms, and raised it above his head: "Putting aside the matter of breaking the formation, I have other things to do and want to see the three supreme beings."

Among the three of them, the younger one stood up slowly and said in a voice that only the three of them could hear: "My two brothers are my cause and effect."

 The old man and the middle-aged man looked at each other and said at the same time: "Let him come in."

The young man clasped his fists and saluted, and then waved his hand in the direction of the door. The huge stone door suddenly flashed with golden light and slowly rose.

"Taoist Master Shen, come in..."

Qin Yao breathed out gently, put away the bronze talisman, and walked slowly inside.

After a while, he came to the belly of the palace-like cave and looked around. He saw men representing the three stages of human life sitting and standing, all looking at him with indifferent expressions.

 “Greetings to the three supreme beings.” Qin Yao bowed again.

 The young man said loudly: "Do you know who I am?"

Qin Yao hesitated and said, "I would venture to guess, are you Huangdi Xuanyuan?"

The young man smiled slightly: "Yes. How did you tell?"

"The reason is a bit ridiculous..." Qin Yao explained: "Because in terms of age, you are the youngest among the three emperors."

Huang Di couldn't help but laugh, and then said: "If you think about it carefully, it's not that ridiculous. I am the youngest among the three emperors."

Qin Yao raised the bronze talisman in his hand and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, this junior is here to ask for help."

Huang Di raised his arm towards him, and the bronze talisman immediately flew up into the air and fell into his palm: "Why did Huang Long give you this bronze talisman?"

Qin Yao thought for a while and said: "They feel sympathy for each other, or they have high hopes for me, hoping that I can change the current situation of the monster race, so that the monster race is no longer an inferior race, and can be on an equal footing with any race in the world."

"This is his style." Huang Di murmured to himself, and then said: "What do you want to ask for help?"

Qin Yao turned his hand and took out the Donghuang Bell, held it in the palm of his hand, and raised it high above his head: "Junior, please help me solve this problem."

 “Chaos Clock.” The middle-aged man said in surprise.

Qin Yao nodded and said, "This thing was given to me by a Taoist named Lu Ya who hid it in an energy crystal. I didn't discover it until I finished absorbing the energy crystal."

“It seems that you have also heard of the name of Chaos Clock.” The middle-aged man said.

Qin Yao responded: "Yes, I know that it has another name called Donghuang Bell, which is the companion treasure of Donghuang Taiyi, the Supreme Demon Court in ancient times. This thing is very important, I'm afraid I can't bear it."

 “What can’t you bear?” the old man asked.

Qin Yao said in a solemn voice: "I can't bear the responsibility and calculations. The Three Emperors are on top. I admit frankly, I don't want to be the savior of the demon clan, let alone use my demon blood to reshape the backbone of the demon clan. And the most important thing is, I can't guess I can’t see what the plot is, and I’m afraid I’ll become a scapegoat.”

 The middle-aged man smiled and said: "Why are you so short-minded? This is a world-famous innate treasure after all. Have you never thought of taking it for yourself, achieving good fortune, and forcibly breaking the situation?"

Qin Yao smiled bitterly: "Senior, do you think I'm better than Donghuang Taiyi?"

 Hand of the Chaos Bell, Donghuangtai didn't even make the demon race have the last laugh, so why should he?

 The middle-aged man seemed to have recalled something, and gradually his smile faded: "The stories back then were far more exciting than they are now."

 Qin Yao was silent.

Huang Di thought for a long time, then turned to look at the other two emperors: "Can the two brothers help him get rid of this disaster?"

 The other two emperors were silent and lost in thought.

Qin Yao's heart continued to sink, and he felt that the Donghuang Bell on the palm of his hand was getting hotter and hotter.

Originally, he just felt uneasy and thought that he could not bear the heavy responsibility of reviving the demon clan. But now it seems that the situation is more serious than he expected. Otherwise, why would the three emperors be like this?

 At the same time, this also indirectly shows that Lu Ya is by no means as pure as he appears!

"I have an idea, and I would like to ask my two brothers to give me some advice." After a long time, Huang Di suddenly said.

 “Tell me about it.” The middle-aged man spoke.

Huang Di raised his hand and summoned a golden ancient sword, pointing at the East Emperor Bell: "I will exchange the Xuanyuan Sword for the Chaos Bell."

"Why is this so?" The other two emperors understood his thoughts one after another, and the old man sighed softly.

It is true that the Xuanyuan Sword is a very powerful artifact, but it is not on the same level as the Chaos Clock.

 Once this news comes out, Huangdi's reputation will inevitably be greatly affected.

And the most important thing is that the person behind the scenes was willing to hand over the Chaos Bell to Shen Gongbao, so he must have tampered with the clock body.

Even if Huangdi obtained this magic weapon, without his approval, he would not be able to use the Chaos Bell unless he asked the saints for help.

Carrying a bad name for a magic weapon that cannot be used is not worth the gain in the eyes of the other two emperors.

"This is the Chaos Clock. Why do you still think I'm at a disadvantage?" Huang Di laughed.


Just as the old man was about to speak, the Chaos Clock in Qin Yao's hand suddenly buzzed, then collapsed space and time, trying to fly away.

The middle-aged man hummed softly, raised his hand and lit a Bagua halo, forcibly holding the bell in place.

 Inside the clock, the golden figure sitting on the throne of the Immortal Palace suddenly stood up and pointed forward. A beam of golden light quickly passed through time and space, flew out of the bell, and shattered the Bagua halo with a bang.

At this time, the old man summoned a cauldron, with the mouth of the cauldron facing down, and forced it down, pressing the Chaos Bell into the cauldron. The next moment, a clanking sound of collision came from the cauldron, which was obviously the Chaos Bell struggling.

“If nothing else happens, it won’t be long before someone comes to us and asks for this treasure.” The old man put away the Shennong Ding and said softly.

Huangdi threw the Xuanyuan Sword to Qin Yao and said, "I exchanged the Xuanyuan Sword for this. Whoever wants it has to make up for my loss, right?"

Qin Yao raised his hand to catch the Xuanyuan Sword, feeling a sense of joy in his heart.

 My life is pretty good.

 Chaos Clock carries countless calculations and cannot be exposed. Xuanyuan Sword is much safer, and it can also be used as the carrier of your own Immortal Sword.

 Thanks to Master Huanglong!

The old man then looked at Qin Yao and said: "The fact is as Xuanyuan said, regardless of the calculation carried on the Chaos Bell, by exchanging the Xuanyuan Sword for the Chaos Bell, we took advantage of you..."

Qin Yao shook his head: "The Emperor's words are wrong. If you ignore the facts, then no matter what conclusion follows, it will be ridiculous.

 Because the facts cannot be put aside, neither can the causal calculation on the Chaos Clock.

Having said that, if I had earned this treasure through hard work, I might still be reluctant to part with it, or even feel that I was at a loss.

 But it was someone else who gave it to me, which made me feel that I could exchange it for the Xuanyuan Sword, but I had earned it. "

A smile appeared on the old man's face, and he said with approval: "There are not many sober people like you in the world, but I haven't finished speaking yet."

Qin Yao felt a little embarrassed and immediately apologized: "I'm sorry."

The old man waved his hand: "As compensation, you can go directly to Sanxiao with the Xuanyuan Sword in hand, ask them to retreat, and tell them that if they don't retreat voluntarily, the three of us will capture them and bring them to the Fire Cloud Cave to help them. Cultivating one’s moral character, I think Master Tongtian would also be happy to see this happen.”

Qin Yao bowed deeply: "Thank you so much, Three Emperors."

Huang Di smiled and said, "Go."

Qin Yao turned around and left, quickly disappearing from the sight of the three emperors.

“Do you think it’s possible that the people behind the scenes really want to turn Shen Gongbao into the savior of the demon race?” After a moment, Shennong suddenly asked.

"Impossible." Emperor Fuxi said: "I only need to say a few words and you will understand, bloodline!"

 The two emperors were slightly startled, and then nodded in unison.

 Shen Gongbao's bloodline was so inferior that he was not even qualified to enter the Demon Court in ancient times.

 The demon clan bosses who have lived from ancient times to the present will not let him touch that position.

How to describe this situation?

Taking human beings as an example, the so-called princes, generals, and ministers would rather have their own kind, but the person who is qualified to be a prince must at least be a person, right?

A monkey, even if it wears a monkey crown, cannot be a prince, let alone be willingly supported.

the other side.

Leaving the Fire Cloud Cave and soaring in the sky, Qin Yao felt relaxed and happy, as if all the shackles on his body had been cut off.

Hence, his current flight is not for the purpose of rushing at all, but purely to vent his feelings of relief. Otherwise, the dimensional gate would be far faster than the speed of piercing the clouds and the sky!

This joyful mood gradually calmed down until he flew thousands of miles away. When he could control his mood, he quickly put on a solemn expression, opened the door to the dimension, and appeared outside Xiqi City.

Subsequently, he rose up against the wind, suspended in front of the Nine-Bend Yellow River Formation, took out the Xuanyuan Sword, and shouted loudly: "Three Emperors decree, and Three Sky obeys the order."

 “Where is the decree?” Bixiao frowned.

Yunxiao released his spiritual thoughts and carefully observed the long sword in Shen Gongbao's hand. His pupils suddenly shrank, and he cupped his hands and said, "Sanxiao accepts the order."

 “Sister?” Bi Xiao’s face was filled with astonishment.

Yunxiao turned around and said, "That's the Xuanyuan Sword."

Bixiao: “…”

No matter how ignorant she is, she still knows whose sword Xuanyuan Sword belongs to.

At the same time, on the top of Xiqi City, the immortals of Chanjiao walked out of the city gate tower one after another, watching the changes in the situation closely...

Qin Yao shouted loudly: "The three emperors have ordered Sanxiao to release Guangchengzi immediately and return to the mountain quickly. He must not leave the mountain again before the end of the Fengshen Tribulation."

  Sanxiao: “…”

 “Do we want to listen to the Three Emperors?” Bixiao murmured after a long time.

Qin Yao said without thinking: "Of course you have to listen, unless you don't admit that you are a human race."

 Bixiao was unwilling to give in and shouted: "Who knows if you brought a fake to deceive us?"

Qin Yao couldn't help laughing and said: "Empress Bixiao, how bold do you think I am to falsely pass on the decrees of the Three Emperors?"

Bixiao: “…”

Yunxiao took a deep breath and said to Wen Zhong who was in the Shang army behind him: "It is difficult to violate the law. Wen Zhong, I can't help it."

Wen Zhong felt bitter in his heart. He opened his mouth, but suddenly felt so weak that he couldn't even speak.

Looking at this situation, even the Three Emperors have abandoned the Yin Shang Dynasty. Di Xin, this bastard, has no good choice but to offend Nuwa...

“Sister, are you really giving up like this?” Bixiao asked with regretful eyes.

Yunxiao nodded: "I said, it's hard to violate the law, so withdraw."

Shaoqing, as Sanxiao retreated from the formation, Qin Yao rushed to Guangchengzi immediately, chopped the flagpole with his sword, held the weak Taoist in his arms, and flashed back to the head of Xiqi City.

 “Junior brother (senior brother).”

 The next moment, the Antarctic Immortal and a group of golden immortals gathered around and shouted with emotion on their faces.

It’s just that Guangchengzi seemed to be stupid, his eyes were dull, and he turned a deaf ear to these calls.

Antarctic Immortal Old Man shook his wrist and immediately knew what happened to him and where his heart was. He immediately said: "Junior brother, don't be discouraged. Master will definitely find a way to help you restore your cultivation."

These words were like a beam of light shining into Guangchengzi's heart. He suddenly grabbed the other person's wrist tightly and asked nervously: "Really?"

The Antarctic Immortal nodded: "Of course it's true, I will plead for you. Believe me, as long as you don't die, you will win."

 Under his comfort, Guangchengzi gradually regained hope, and his whole person became "alive". He looked forward to returning to Kunlun as soon as possible and asked his master to help him restore his three flowers and five qi.

At this time, Yin Liusun stared at the Xuanyuan Sword in Qin Yao's hand and said, "Junior brother, didn't you go to find Luobao's money? Why did you come back with the Xuanyuan Sword?"

 (End of this chapter)

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