I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1216: This time, the Queen Mother finally got the support of the Jade Emperor

Qin Yao was unwilling to confront the Antarctic Immortal for Jiang Ziya, and it was even less possible for the other Golden Immortals to do such a thing that was not worth the gain.

Jiang Ziya had no choice but to turn his head and scan the people behind him, finally focusing on a tall and straight young man wearing a helmet and brown armor, and sighed quietly: "Wuji."

The young man's body trembled slightly, but he still endured the fear and walked out. He cupped his hands and said, "Master."

Jiang Ziya flipped his hand and summoned the apricot-yellow flag that Manjusri had returned long ago, and delivered it to Wu Ji: "Next time, come and explore the formation."

 “Ziya, think twice.” Fearful Sun suddenly said.

Jiang Ziya’s expression paused and he said doubtfully: “Junior brother is stupid, I wonder what does senior brother want me to think twice about?”

Jiang Ziya was suddenly stunned: "Senior Brother, what do you mean, I am not allowed to protect the Bukit Xinghuang Banner?"

Zhenliu Sundao said: "I just don't want to see the enemy's situation happen."

Jiang Ziya was furious, his face flushed, and he raised his halberd and pointed at Liusun: "Old... senior brother, don't you think about it, are those words you just said human?"

Wei Liusun's eyes turned cold and he said coldly: "Why are they not just human words? Others are unwilling to say it. It's not that the problem does not exist, but that they are embarrassed to say it. I am willing to say it out of pure publicity. ”

“I don’t bother you to worry about it. There are restrictions set by the master within the Xinghuang Banner, which can only be activated by teaching magic. So even if it is really taken away, there is no need to worry about the problem of endangering the enemy.”

Jiang Ziya's chest kept rising and falling, and he immediately decisively delivered the apricot-yellow flag to Wu Ji and said: "Disciple, you must come back safely."

 “Elder brother,” feared Liusun called.

"Okay." The Antarctic Immortal waved his hand: "The apricot-yellow flag is an important treasure given to Ziya by the master. Ziya has the right to make his own decision."

Hearing this, Wuji took over the Xinghuang flag and flew out of Xiqi City without hesitation.

"Kunlun Golden Immortal is so cruel. In order to find out whether the formation is true or not, he actually sent you here to die." When Wu Ji came to a line of black smoke, Dong Tianjun in the formation sighed quietly, which disturbed his Taoist mind.

Wuki took a deep breath, unfolded the apricot yellow flag, and protected his body with golden lotus. He stepped into the black smoke, only to see the wind and sand rolling in the world inside the formation, and countless stone pillars shining with bright firelight.

Dong Tianjun stood on a stone pillar and waved his sleeves. The stone pillars in the wind and sand suddenly burst into flames, rushing towards Buji like fire dragons.

Bukit was surrounded by countless fire dragons and could not move forward. He could only rely on the apricot-yellow flag to resist.

But no matter how good the magic weapon is, it requires a certain amount of strength to use it. After all, his magic power was too weak, and the golden lotus that protected him was quickly burned through by the flames, and he was buried in the sea of ​​​​fire.


Dong Tianjun flew down from the stone pillar, picked up the apricot-yellow flag that fell to the ground, and said with a big smile: "How foolish you are to bring this treasure to your doorstep."

Seeing this situation, Zhenliusun on the top of Xiqi City suddenly shouted: "I said it, I said this will be the case."

Jiang Ziya suddenly raised his head, staring at the other person with eyes filled with grief.

Antarctic Immortal Old Man shouted softly: "If you are afraid of leaving your grandson, shut up. If you talk more, you will go back to Kunlun."

Afraid of leaving Sun behind, he actually kept his mouth shut.

The Antarctic Immortal exhaled a breath of turbid air and said: "The secret of this formation lies in the wind. If the wind does not stop, the fire will not stop. As long as the wind is stabilized, the formation can be broken."

Zhenjun Daode said immediately: "I have a good friend named Zhenren Du'e, who possesses a rare treasure, the Wind-fixing Pearl, which can break this formation."

Antarctic Immortal Old Man said hurriedly: "In that case, junior brother, let's go on the road to find Nadu'e Zhenren."

But True Lord Daode shook his head: "I can't go. Lord Du'e has a rule. No matter who asks him to do something, the person must come to the door in person and cannot entrust others."

"So, only King Wen went to borrow the treasure." said the Antarctic Immortal.

 Moral True King: "Yes."

The Antarctic Immortal thought for a moment and then ordered: "Lei Zhenzi, Yang Jian, and Nezha, the three of you will **** King Wen to borrow the treasure."

 “Yes, Master.” The three of them said in unison.

Qin Yao watched with cold eyes, always feeling a little uneasy, so he secretly sent a message to Nezha: "If you encounter danger, tear the yellow talisman as soon as possible."

Nezha looked up at him, nodded silently, and said nothing.

“Ta-ta-ta, tap-ta-ta…”

 Late night.

 The moon is sparse with stars and the wind is freezing.

Yang Jian held a three-pointed and two-edged spear, and flew ahead with his divine eye to lead the way.

King Wen rode his horse and galloped across the vast land, with Lei Zhenzi flying above his head, and Nezha following behind him, guarding against dangers from the air and the rear.

From the three days, it has been galloping to the fifth and heavens. Wang Wang only felt the tremor and exhausted, but he couldn't rest or dare to rest. Whether Zhou Jun could break the business of the business and military law, it depends on his.


When the morning light quickly eroded the darkness, the void suddenly shook, and a starlight fell like an axe, striking hard at King Wen on horseback.

Lei Zhenzi suddenly raised his head, clenched the golden stick in his hand, and swung it out. The golden light surged and collided with the starlight.

In an instant, fire and silver flowers bloomed in the void, and Lei Zhenzi was carried by an extremely powerful force and hit King Wen.

Nezha stepped on the hot wheel and took King Wen away from the horse at the critical moment. Lei Zhenzi hit the horse's back with his back, and the white horse was instantly smashed into meat.

Yang Jian came back with a three-pointed and two-edged spear. In the starlight, he saw a man with a grimace mask on his face and a bright silver spear in his hand. He pressed forward step by step and rushed towards King Wen.


Yang Jian shouted loudly, the immortal energy in his body exploded, and the three-pointed and two-edged spear pierced countless spear shadows and rushed towards the grim-faced immortal.

The Ghostfaced Immortal turned around and thrust out his carbine. The gun tip made a terrifying sound of breaking through the air, and collided with the shadow of Yang Jian's gun. It was like the tip of a needle hitting wheat awns, making a continuous crisp sound.

Nezha led King Wen to avoid the battlefield and quietly tore off a yellow paper talisman on his body.

In the gate tower of Xiqi City, Qin Yao stood up suddenly, which immediately attracted the attention of many golden immortals.

 “What’s wrong, Junior Brother Shen?” asked the Antarctic Immortal.

 “King Wen is in danger.” Qin Yao said concisely and concisely.

The Antarctic Immortal's expression changed slightly, and he immediately waved his sleeves, and the scene where King Wen was suddenly appeared in the void.

Everyone looked up together and saw that the mysterious man had actually repelled Yang Jian, knocked Lei Zhenzi away, and rushed towards Nezha and King Wen with overwhelming murderous intent.

The Antarctic Immortal raised his arm and pointed, and a flash of golden light suddenly flew out from his sleeves, turning into a green-gold vine, traveling through time and space, flashing in front of the Grimace Man, and binding him from top to bottom.

The man with the grimace struggled desperately and tried to push forward, but unexpectedly, the vines suddenly sprouted countless sharp thorns and pierced deeply into his skin.

 In an instant, his body felt like a leather doll with countless holes poked in it, and his mana was drained away at an extremely terrifying speed.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief in unison, but just when the Antarctic Immortal was about to drag him into the city gate tower, a thunderbolt suddenly fell, and the grim-faced man was chopped into pieces.

Everyone was startled by the thunder, and King Wen, who was the nearest, even fainted from fright.

 “Who struck the thunder?”

 In the city gate tower, Qin Yao asked quietly. All the immortals were silent.

Qin Yao looked around and said, "It can't be the foreign aid invited by the Shang army, right?"

The Antarctic Immortal said seriously: "Junior brother, now is not the time to worry about these things. Just be fine."

Qin Yao muttered: "It seems that some people in heaven have inconsistent interests with my teaching."

 “Be careful what you say.” The Antarctic Immortal shouted softly.

 Qin Yao sneered in his heart.

Be careful what you say?

 As long as the problem is not mentioned, does it not exist?

If it weren’t for the thunder, it would be difficult to identify a masked man who suddenly appeared.

 But the background of the appearance of Tianlei was directly made transparent, but no evidence was left behind.

So the question is, why did God, or Heaven, want to kill Ji Chang?

When the Antarctic Immortal came to Xiqi with all the Golden Immortals, he was already openly standing in line with the Western Zhou Dynasty on behalf of Chanjiao.

In this case, the Heavenly Court still sent people to assassinate Ji Chang. So are they dissatisfied with the spokesperson chosen by Chanjiao and are they ready to support their own spokesperson?

"Your Majesty, your majesty invites you." In heaven, a priest came to Yaochi and knelt down to the graceful Queen Mother and said.

The Queen Mother slowly stood up, stepped on the auspicious clouds, appeared in front of Lingxiao Hall, and stepped into the hall without waiting for permission.

On the throne, the Jade Emperor sat in the center of the chair, closed the memorial in his hand, and looked at the Taoist companion who was walking slowly: "Your Majesty, I don't understand your behavior."

 The Queen Mother came to the royal table and said, "I recently heard about something."

The Jade Emperor asked calmly: "What's the matter?"

"There is a saying in Xiqi City that Ji Chang is the real dragon and the emperor. The real dragon is in front and the emperor is behind." said the Queen Mother.

The Jade Emperor frowned: "Where did the news come from?"

"It is said that it came from the Xiqi Palace." The Queen Mother asked with a half-smile: "How does your Majesty feel now?"

 How do you feel?

 The Jade Emperor only felt a little angry.

 The dragon clan is also worthy of being in front of the emperor?

The Queen Mother knew her limits and did not press forward step by step. She said slowly: "Shen Gongbao is constantly testing our bottom line, touching the limit little by little. If we give in again and again, it will only make it push forward.

I am not worried about the other party knowing that I want to kill Ji Chang. I even want to tell them straightforwardly that whoever makes a contract with the dragon clan in the future will violate the will of heaven.

Ji Chang had hundreds of sons. Even if he and his eldest son and second son all died, he could still choose an emperor who was satisfactory in all aspects. "

The Jade Emperor gently exhaled a breath and said: "I have no problem."

 The Queen Mother felt a sense of joy in her heart, and she was slightly excited.

This is the first time that the Jade Emperor has expressed his support for Shen Gongbao on the issue of Shen Gongbao. With the support of the Jade Emperor, she no longer has to be so timid in doing things...

  Human world.

While the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother were chatting, Yang Jian, Nezha, and Lei Zhenzi had already escorted King Wen to Jiuding Iron Cha Mountain and walked into the Babao Yunguang Cave.

The process of borrowing the beads went smoothly. Master Du'e respected King Wen very much. After King Wen made the request, he immediately offered the Dingfeng Pearl. In the end, he even sent a group of four people out of Yunguang Cave in person, which made King Wen very fond of him.

 Subsequently, Lei Zhenzi carried King Wen on his back, with Yang Jian and Nezha supporting him, and the four of them flew back to Xiqi City.

However, what no one expected was that after giving the Dingfeng Pearl to the Antarctic Immortal, King Wen fell ill.

The fever persisted, and he seemed to be suffering from the cold, but all the immortals could clearly see that the vitality in his body was rapidly passing away.

The Antarctic Immortal tried to control this flow, but found that this flow of life was unnatural and more like a curse.

 But after tracing the source, the source points to the underworld...

“Senior Brother, Heaven is testing our bottom line.”

Qin Yao said solemnly: "If we don't respond to this, then after Ji Chang's death, it will be Boyikao and Ji Fa until they choose a candidate they are satisfied with."

“Senior brother, which end are you from?” Qin Yao asked, “Will the interests of Chanjiao be harmed by signing a contract?”

Fear of leaving Sun Dao: "Isn't this a crack in the relationship between the relationship between the heaven and the teachings?" Isn't this? "

Qin Yao asked bluntly: "Are you saying that the Dragon Clan is an enemy and a criminal in the eyes of Heaven?"

"I didn't say that." Zhen Liusun knew well that disaster comes from words, and said seriously: "Don't misinterpret my meaning."

 “Shut up, both of you.”

The Antarctic Immortal said solemnly: "Junior brother Ziya, please arrange for someone to hold the Wind-fixing Pearl to break the formation. I will go to the master to explain this matter."

 “Yes, senior brother.” Jiang Ziya took the order.

Shao Qing watched the Antarctic Immortal drive away on a crane, fearing to leave Sun Dao: "Junior brother Ziya, leave the matter of breaking the wind and roaring array to me."

He didn't dare to fight for it when the Antarctic Immortal was there, but once the Antarctic Immortal was gone, he had no scruples.

Tianzun once said that all the twelve golden immortals in Kunlun will be killed. This time they came down to earth to break the Ten Jue Formation, just to take the opportunity to break the murderous calamity. Anyone who can break the formation will be able to eliminate the murderous calamity.

 The current situation is that there are more monks than meat, so if you can fight for it, you should naturally fight for it.

It's just that because of the previous incident in Wuji, Jiang Ziya also had some opinions on this senior brother.

Although he didn't know about Jinxian's killing and robbery, what the other party was fighting for was what he wanted to stop, let alone agree with.

"Master Du'e is a good friend of Senior Brother Daode, and he only lent this Wind-fixing Pearl for the sake of Senior Brother Daode's face and King Wen's. It should be Brother Daode who holds the bead to break the formation." Jiang Ziya said slowly. .

 Afraid of leaving grandchildren: “…”

He couldn't refute what he said.

Not long after, True Lord Daode held the wind-fixing beads and rushed into the formation filled with yellow sand in the sky. Wherever he passed, the storm stopped, and there was no wind to move it, and the flames could not form.

Seeing this situation, Dong Tianjun had no choice but to take action himself, but his strongest ability was to control the wind. When the wind failed to work, when the figures intertwined, he was beheaded by the True Lord Daode.

 The Western Zhou army was defeated again, but except for the moral true king, others could not feel the slightest satisfaction.

 Wuji's death and King Wen's serious illness, no matter what happened, it made people feel heavy.

 It’s late.

King Wen, who was dying, gathered all the immortals in front of him and asked Qin Yao:

"My time has come. I am still alive because of Prince Long Wu's own vitality. My death is God's will, and God's will cannot be violated. Please excuse me, Taoist Priest, to terminate my contract with Prince Long Wu. There is no need to cause any harm. Let's die together with him..." (End of Chapter)

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