However, Ancheng insisted: "It's okay. I have a computer myself. Anyway, I slept very late."


Yes, Ancheng did sleep late.

Because her life is very depressing. Always stay up late with revenge. And Aidong thinks about it.

This is also the place where the original owner is most at ease.

Before the original owner leaves this world, there are still people who can chat with An Orange, which can be considered a little relieved...

Chu Xi began to understand the original owner somewhat.

Such An Orange really makes people feel uneasy.

Moreover, the later awakening of the original owner was right—

What Ancheng needs most is not the companionship of each night in air chat, but a truly smooth environment.

To put it bluntly, it needs a strong person to protect it from the heart.

After all, the vast majority of psychological depression is not inborn, but caused by the living environment.

If everything goes smoothly and is held everywhere, I am afraid it will be difficult to get depressed.

Maybe, it’s not just a question of not going to bed early...

Even if someone is with me, I feel more comfortable inside. Anyway, it is also a long-term insomnia, even if you are not online, you may not be able to sleep.

"Okay. Then you can take care of it. If you are sleepy, just go to bed instead of waiting for me. If you don't want to sleep, you can talk to me."

Chu Xi smiled and comforted, while silently swearing in her heart: to get strong as soon as possible and make Ancheng happy as soon as possible.

This belief has never been stronger.

It is even comparable to the ambition of the college entrance examination.

This is not even because of the traversal task.

Yes, as soon as possible! ASAP!

In order to be faster, after negotiating the contract with the editor, Chu Xi printed the contract as quickly as possible, and then found the fastest courier company to send the courier.

Even if the express fee is a bit more expensive.

You get what you pay for.

And speed is what Chu Xi values ​​most at this time.

In this way, the contract comes and goes, about ten days.

And Chu Xi's text has also been updated simultaneously.

When the contract was delivered, the information was entered, and the list could be applied for, Chu Xi's writing was a little bit overdone, but she didn't care. Anyway, with the blessing of the "new list", she is not short of exposure.

The new list is the first natural list for each new author.

It is a benefit for the newly registered authors.

As long as you post, you can get on this list by virtue of your article points. Sort by points from high to low.

This list has a lot of exposure.

In particular, some readers who love packages and raise new authors prefer to read articles here.

As long as the quality of the text is good, you will have a good position on this list.

Until now, Chu Xi's articles have accumulated a lot of article collections.

Article collection is one of the achievements of this article.

At the same time, it is also one of the criteria for articles to enter VIP:

For an article, if you want to open a VIP, you must meet two conditions. One is that the collection exceeds 400, and the other is that the average click per chapter exceeds 1,000.

Before Chu Xi applied for the first manual list, he had already updated more than 40,000 words, which was considered to have exceeded the standard.

But her article collection has reached 262.

This collection is very rare. Very eye-catching among newcomers.

It is precisely because this article is relatively eye-catching that the editor just saw this article for the first time and stretched out an olive branch.

After signing the contract, the editor is also full of confidence in this article: "Aci, write it carefully, I am optimistic about you."

Chu Xi automatically played back Xing's head-catching expression in "Wulin Biography" in his mind, a little sweaty.

This era is still very similar to the era before Chu Xi traveled. Many people and things can find similar ones. For example, in the original world, some Jinjiang Literature City, some Q.Q, and even some "Wulin Biography"...this world has them all.

It's just that it's not called the original name, it's not created by the original person, and it's not the original direction.

All kinds of big and small differences exist.

But unfortunately, there are also all kinds of coincidences, large and small.

This makes Chu Xi often wipe a sweat.

The editor Su Xin was obviously humorous, with a funny expression, and had a lot of fun.

Chu Xi hehe, he can only play together happily together.

In this pleasant atmosphere, the data in this article is really getting better and better.

In the first week of the list, Chu Xi's collection has directly exceeded 400.

Chu Xi was taken aback: How could this be? This, this is the collection? !

You know, she did a lot of homework beforehand.

Especially, this literary website is similar to Jinjiang before crossing. She is also very familiar with the market.

As a newcomer, it is not easy to get to the V line after finishing the first manual list of the first book.

Especially, the market of this meeting is similar to the original world in 2012.

The collection of articles in 2012 is far from being as high as it was later, and generally very low.

Chu Xi blinked, thinking that he was wrong.

"What's wrong? Why don't you speak?"

On the other side of the chat software is An Cheng's inquiry.

She hadn't seen Chu Xi reply for a long time.

Only then did Chu Xi remember that she was fascinated by the data, and she didn't even chat with An Cheng.

"It's okay, I, I was just busy with something else."

Chu Xi quickly explained.

The other end was silent.

After a while, a line of words was sent over: "Xiao Xi, have you encountered something recently?"


Chu Xi thought for a while, smiling and typing two words easily: "Yes."

"What's the matter? Tell me, I will try to help you."

The other party responded quickly, and obviously An Orange didn't hesitate at all.

This made Chu Xi very moved and very pleased.

In the adult world she has experienced, everyone would detour when they encountered trouble, and no one would ask if others were in trouble, let alone offer to help.

An Orange is not in vain of the original owner's affection.

However, Chu Xi did not intend to let An Orange "help".

She led the task to protect An Cheng and give An Cheng happiness, but she didn't let the other side help.

not to mention-

"It's a good thing!"

Chu Xi explained happily.

"Good thing?"

An Cheng was stunned.

"Yeah. Very good thing!"

Chu Xi said sincerely.

This is naturally a good thing.

For Chu Xi's current status, this is a great good thing, okay!

Resigning from a cheap factory where life is exchanged for money, there is no other way to rely on, only one dollar is broken into two halves, all sorts of calculations, even basic meals and sleep have to be forgotten and the expenses are, she You can finally have income!

There is no need to work hard, no need to work so hard, and no need to worry that you will really die because you have no money. Just tap on the computer and you can make money. This is something the original owner can't even think of, right? !

Don’t be too happy, Chu Xi!

In particular, I saw the editor’s message: "Xiao Aci, I have received a reply. Your text has reached the V standard. You are ready to prepare and apply for V in the background. After the time is set, you can post the announcement two days in advance, and you can work hard. Update to earn money!"

It can be seen that the editor Su Xin is also very excited.

She is usually called Chu Xi "Aci".

Only when she is very excited, she will call her "Little A Ci".

Because Chu Xi's pen name is "Chu Ci".

Chuci is an inimitable name.

It has the unique ancient style thousands of years ago, and it also means "farewell". The implication is that she does not belong to this world, and one day she will say goodbye.

Chu Xi took this pen name almost without even thinking about it.

Fortunately, this time is still the same world as in 2012. The pen name of this city of literature has not yet been fully occupied.

At least, the pen name "Chu Ci" is still there.

Chuci is also called the editor "Xiao Suxin".

Because this editor is really "small".

Looks like a fresh graduate, still in the internship period. Very young, little work experience, all rely on enthusiasm, but it is in this state, very cute!

At least, Chu Xi likes it very much.

As a Wannian funeral home forced into a cold face by the last world, she actually needs this kind of passion and contagion.

When being enthusiastically beaten up by the editor Suxin over and over again, or enthusiastically discussing the data and future direction of the article, Chu Xi had to admit that the already indifferent heart would still fluctuate.

And these fluctuations brought warm ripples in circles.

This is different from the feeling of Ancheng.

This is purely out of yearning for the warmth of humanity.

Chu Xi gradually realized: Actually, he didn't really want to be isolated from the world, he still yearned for the sincere enthusiasm between people.

It turns out that my heart is not dead yet.

It turns out that I have been expecting this heart to come alive...

She felt more and more: She should cherish this life.

I also cherish every sincere and warm person in this world.

"Really? Great! What kind of good thing? Come and listen!"

"Speak and listen!"

"Say it!"

An Cheng sent a follow-up question from Sanlian.

Obviously, she was really happy for Chu Xi.

This feeling is naturally more sincere.

-Moreover, in this sincerity, in addition to the passion of human nature, there is also a different kind of warmth.

Chu Xi's smile grew deeper and deeper.

"Sell it off first. After a few days, there is really good news, and I will tell you!"

She is looking forward to surprise the girl.

"Ah, can't you say it now?"

An Cheng was a little sorry.

But still obediently: "Okay, then. I'll leave it alone. But I'll remember it for you. When you really have the good news that the dust has settled, remember to tell me as soon as possible."

"Yeah. Good."

Chu Xi's heart was softened by An Cheng's thoughtfulness and sensibility, and it almost turned into water.

At the same time, she knows well: "Sincerity" for a person is by no means a happy compliment, but a curse-like restraint. Every sensible girl has a weak and wounded soul behind it.

She swears: She must be strong and give Ancheng all the best! Then, let her live fearlessly, whatever she wants!

She swears silently while typing frantically.

In the process of typing, even inspiration broke out, and the handwritten manuscript was expanded and revised casually.

Her writing became smoother and smoother.

Because she is working hard and writing madly for someone who wants to protect!

Write and write.

Evening package. Use the computer to write at night.

Write on the cheapest draft paper with a pencil during the day.

Always write and write.

Finally, when her essay entered the VIP, she finished the one on hand.

The full text is saved.

And the essay that entered the V, the grades were good.

The editor excitedly suggested that she explode.

In fact, even if the editor does not suggest it, she will explode.

Because that's real money! !

After entering V, readers ask for money every time they read a word!

Sixty percent of this money will be paid to the author!

In other words: the more people who read and write, the more money you have.

Chu Xi couldn't control the people watching, but he could control himself.

It doesn't matter whether you see more or less people, the more you write, the more money you have!

Therefore, Chu Xi hardly hesitated. After the novel entered V, it immediately exploded.

Around 2012, it is still very rare for women to enter 10,000.

Chu Xi instantly stood out from the crowd.

Especially, she has been crazy day by day for two consecutive weeks.

Two weeks!

One hundred and forty thousand were thrown out directly!

Even the editor Su Xin, who has been urging her little whip, can't stand it anymore, and can't help but remind: "You still have to relax. Don't update too much at once, but take your time."

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