In some fields, fame is omnipotent.

This is what Chu Xi is currently engaged in in the field of entertainment.

Not only her, but even An Cheng, who was directly pushed by Bo, followed her.

And it's the kind of red with positive energy.

The kind that is famous and affirmed by others!

The popularity of such a combination of two swords, supporting Chu Xi's entertainment company, is not a problem at all.

After registering the company, she immediately recruited troops, hired a team of production teams, and then began to engage in works.

Yes,-team production team.

From director to screenwriter to operation to cv and so on, everything.

Lots of people.

But the money spent is not much.

Because the people that Chu Xi hired are not expensive.

It's all the cheapest kind of young people just out of school.

Hey, young people just out of college are always the cheapest.

This is the same in all walks of life.

Moreover, young people who have just graduated from college are still the most energetic, motivated, and most believe in ideals.

This is also recognized common sense.

Therefore, money is extremely important and I just want to minimize the cost of trial and error.

In this way, if you fail to start a business in the future, you can pay less.

Moreover, Chu Xi feels that dreams and motivation are still very important.

Young people have the simplest dreams and full of energy. Such people can easily succeed in doing things. Especially in the entertainment industry!

From Ancheng’s colleagues, it can be seen that once people get older, they don’t want to fight. All kinds of excuses just want to fish. In addition, the body is indeed not as good as the young man, and the energy is not as strong as the young man, only one mind, more money, less work.

This thought is understandable from everyone's point of view.

But Chu Xi invited people, but didn't want to invite such people.

She really wants to find someone to start a career with herself. It's really very important to have the ideal of being in harmony and the drive to do things!

As for money, she is not prepared to be stingy.

Any boss who doesn't talk about money is a hooligan.

She didn't want to be that kind of hypocritical boss.

At the same time, from Ancheng's previous working environment, she also understands: Benefits are the first source of motivation!

No one is a fool these days.

If you can't get benefits, who is willing to "work hard"?

Isn't it good to lie at home and rest?

Therefore, those Ancheng colleagues are all nonsense.

In fact, it is not easy for anyone.

Who is not lazy?

Who doesn't want to rest?

Who is in good health?

Who was born to help others do things for free?

Everyone does things, everybody struggles, everybody works hard, nothing more, just want to get the corresponding reward, and live the life you want.

Therefore, as a boss, if you want employees to work hard for themselves, you must be willing to give them money.

Therefore, from the very beginning, Chu Xi paid double the salary for these young people.

——Although, these money, in the eyes of older employees, are also despised.

Even if you are grateful in your mouth, you will not really take it seriously in your heart, you should still be lazy, you should go fishing.

But young people are different.

Young people are simple and softer in their hearts. As long as you treat them sincerely, they will respond accordingly. Even give back more.

Chu Xi is willing to cooperate with such a conscientious and energetic person.

For example, the people in Ancheng's original unit, all of whom are leaning on the old and selling the old magistrate to fish with no conscience, she does not want to suffer.

In fact, those people may not be really "old". Some Bianchengs are not even a few years older, but they have been in society for a long time after graduating from technical secondary school, and they also have the habit of pretending to be old and shirking in public institutions. .

Before Chu Xi and An Cheng went to the school for lectures, they were very indifferent to the gloominess of those people.

That kind of person can only decay in place.

Recruiting them to start a business is definitely not enough!

It's better to be a young college student!

Of course, if you are in other industries, you still care about your experience and contacts.

For example, even if the old teachers do not work hard, the teaching effect is much better than that of the new teachers. This is experience, and it is indeed valuable.

For another example, if a salesperson has a network, even if you are lazy, it can bring great value.

But it really doesn't really need to be a piece of entertainment company.

Because entertainment companies are facing the general public.

As long as you can catch everyone's attention, you can do it.

Even, because the audience in the entertainment sector is more young people, young people who do this work can resonate more with the audience.

In fact, in many cases, I am in my twenties when I have the strongest personal energy, the strongest inspiration, and the highest ability.

Therefore, the representative achievements of many great people appeared when they were in their twenties.

Scientists are like this, writers are like this. The same is true for actors and singers.

It's just that, relying on these achievements in their twenties, they are gradually recognized by the world, they have a certain social status, and they have more and more voice...

Therefore, in every industry, those with high status and strong discourse power are all aging. But when they actually preached, they were basically in their twenties.

Many people didn't notice this point, but Chu Xi felt it keenly.

She believes that these people under her will join her to fight half of the entertainment industry.

Sure enough, she was not wrong.

The development of this company is very successful.

The company's first project was to shoot Chu Xi's new articles and promote Ancheng.

The two of them are super hot flow

As long as-debut, it can cause a huge sensation.

Usually-every move, it can be directly on the hot search.

Under the targeted operation of that group of young people, their enthusiasm is closely linked to the company's reputation.

The company has also gained popularity.

The company's products are naturally known to everyone.

The novels that Chu Xi voted for are successful one after another.

The enthusiasm for each drama has been expected by countless people before the interview.

This makes her not even need to find a cooperation platform, but various video platforms to find cooperation.

It can be said that Chu Xi's name has gradually become a guarantee.

The guarantee of explosive drama.

Ancheng has also been successfully operated.

The only academic goddess on the entire network is the first among Internet celebrities.

Especially, after she gave a lecture on TV in public, her appearance was exposed, and it shocked countless viewers!

This is really an unexpected surprise.

In fact, what everyone loves is the inner part of Ancheng.

Her wisdom, the humor of her short videos, the style of her content selection, the elegance of her words and deeds on the Internet...

Who knows, the real exposure, she is still a super beauty.

Moreover, it is really not that ordinary and vulgar beauty.

But the beauty based on the intellectual temperament, the beauty is inexplicably comfortable, inexplicable, and inexplicably friendly.

That is the unique charm of intellectual teachers.

-Now, everyone is boiling even more.

The popularity of An Orange has reached its peak.

And Chu Xi did not stop, seizing the heat, and after gaining a foothold, continued to expand his business——

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