I’ll Move the Bricks, and Go To the Face-slapped Daughter-in-law

Chapter 43: Let's not be friends anymore

"By the way, let me remind my uncles and aunts, it usually takes about four months to determine the **** of a fetus."

Before leaving, Chu Xi left a few words to An's father and An's mother.

By the way, he blinked at Anjie and laughed: "Is your family Aling pregnant for four months? You know, oh?"

After all, without waiting for anyone to respond, open the door with An Orange and leave.

Shut the door by the way.

The embarrassment was left inside the door.

It takes four months to tell the **** of the fetus...

An Jie is indeed very clear about Aling's pregnancy months.

The main thing is to know the other side's days of each month. cough.

He didn't need to push carefully, he knew that the child in A Ling's belly was definitely not more than two months old.

Because, the last time her aunt came, it was last month...

Everything in the door has nothing to do with Chu Xi and An Cheng.

They don't care.

On the night of the New Year's Eve, the two held hands and walked on the almost empty street.

But I don't feel scared, I just feel warm in my heart, ironing the post.

Naturally, Chu Xi was not afraid.

She was the one who crossed over. How much can be regarded as two lives, bearish life and death.

Moreover, in the original world, she was extremely bereavement, and she didn't care much about being alive or dying. I haven't been scared yet.

But she did not forget to ask An Cheng: "How is it, are you afraid?"

An Cheng looked at her, smiled and shook her head: "Not afraid."

An orange is indeed very temperamental.

She is beautiful, and it is the kind of intellectual beauty.

This smile is enough to make the whole cold night bloom in spring.

Chu Xi was dizzy for a moment.

And equally dazzled, there is An Orange.

Chu Xi at this moment is also beautiful.

The beauty is so beautiful that An Cheng can't look away.

At the same time, such Chu Xi is kind and reliable.

Her performance in Anjia just now, and all her previous performances, made An Cheng deeply aware of the reliability of the people in front of her.

That is someone who can really make her rest assured to rely on her for life.

She is also willing to work hard to cherish her life.

At this moment, the two people looked at each other with only eager obsession in their eyes.

Finally, Chu Xi was the first to react.

"Well, I think we should find a place to stay first? It's not safe outside."

Although An Cheng said he was not afraid.

But Chu Xi was afraid.

She was afraid of what happened to Ancheng.

No one knows the charm of Ancheng better than her.

Everyone has returned home for this new year.

Those who are still wandering on the street are rare, and they are basically wanderers-either the body is wandering or the soul is wandering.

No matter what kind of wandering, it cannot be treated with common sense.

If there are individual homeless people who are interested in An Orange, they will...

Chu Xi's extreme baby An Cheng, can't let her take the slightest risk.

So, I decided to find a place to live safely.

An Orange also felt reasonable upon hearing this.

So they found the most expensive hotel to stay.

An Cheng actually hesitated: "Change house, this one is too expensive."

The local hotels in small places are actually quite expensive.

This hotel called Haojue, in Chu Xi's heart, has always been a wealthy presence far away in the sky.

Her impression of this hotel is one word: expensive.

It's so expensive that she doesn't seem to be in the same world.

Now Chu Xi brought her here casually, she was surprised and a little uneasy.

After all, it is too expensive.

However, Chu Xi only smiled gently: "Don't worry, we can afford it."

Yes, it is "we".

The two of them have long since separated each other.

And Chu Xi made enough money.

Staying in any hotel is not a problem.

An Cheng didn't say anything anymore.

Following Chu Xi, hand in hand, he entered this luxurious and unusual hotel in his heart.

Sure enough, you get what you pay for.

For such an expensive hotel, all facilities and services are indeed top-notch.

The spacious and bright rooms are clean and fragrant, luxurious and comfortable.

After taking a shower, lying on the bed softly, the whole person can only be described as "comfortable"!

All the unhappiness experienced before in Anjia has been completely forgotten.

Ancheng is now comfortable and beautiful inside.

Naturally, Chu Xi is even more so.

Originally, she only cared about one person in this world, and that person was An Orange.

At this time, the only favorite thing I care about is around, what else can I ask for?

Chu Xi was extremely satisfied, and happily took An Cheng's hand and touched it lightly.

An Cheng's hands are beautiful.

Slender and shiny, as beautiful as ancient text.

Caressing these hands, Chu Xi could only think of the word "soft" in his mind.

In fact, she felt that the word catkin was not enough to describe it.

This beauty, even a code-writer writer who is the same as a book, can't find a suitable description.

Anyway, she feels very happy and at ease now.

At this moment, the two of them are really "quiet in time."

Looking at the luxurious ceiling, An Orange's heart is empty.

This new year, she finally feels very happy.

"happy New Year."

An Cheng whispered like a dream.

Chu Xi smiled and said softly, "Happy New Year."

Outside, the New Year's cheers sounded at zero o'clock on time.

Heralds a new hopeful future.

Everyone is shouting for the new year.

Looking forward to the new year, it will go smoothly.

Everything is a new beginning.

Everything is full of hope.

In silence, An Cheng looked at the ceiling and suddenly said, "In the new year, shall we not be friends?"

Chu Xi, who also looked at the ceiling, bent her lips: "Okay. Be a girlfriend."

Between the two, there is already a heart.

An Orange's lips also bend.

This night, quiet and beautiful.

Like Chopin's nocturne, it is intoxicating and reluctant to leave.

The next day, the two got up very late.

The spirit is very good.

Smiles at each other, all are ashamed.

Last night, the window paper between the two was completely pierced.

Everything is qualitative.

In the future, there is no need to cover up the name of "friends."

They are real lovers.

Not being "friends" for each other, but being "girlfriends" for each other.

"I heard that the breakfast at this hotel is delicious. Shall we go down and try it?"

After washing, Chu Xi asked.

God knows who is "listening" to "speaking".

However, this high-end hotel charges the most expensive room rates, and indeed all aspects of services are in place.

Naturally, breakfast is also included.

The two went down for breakfast together.

On New Year's Day, few people live in hotels.

The breakfast buffet is not prepared too much.

But because of this special day, it is very elegant and attentive.

The waiter also smiled and sent a small gift: "Happy New Year~!"

"Yeah. Happy New Year."

The two took it.

At the same time, they looked at each other and smiled.


new Year,

It will be very happy.

There are very few people in the cafeteria.

Chu Xi and An Cheng were also happy and quiet.

The two quietly ate an exquisite breakfast and drank warm soy milk.

Chu Xi suddenly said, "When are you interested, go abroad and get a certificate."

"Huh. Hey?"

An Orange, who was eating, was surprised.

I thought I had auditory hallucinations.

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