In A Ling's cognition, those who can make girls go to graduate school are very rich people.

Especially, there are boys in the house.

After all, patriarchy has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

As long as there is a son, there is definitely nothing wrong with the daughter if there is property or something.

Of course, if the parents are very, very rich, they will give their daughter a little.

This is a question of proportion.

For example, if you can give your son a hundred yuan, you don't mind giving your daughter a five yuan.

So, if you can train your daughter to graduate with a master's degree, how could your family be short of money?

If I was short of money, I would have asked my daughter to work and earn money!

Since even a daughter can be raised to the age of twenty-six, why should he only contribute more than 200,000 yuan to his son's purchase of a house? !

This is absolutely not possible!

Therefore, A Ling did not agree to An Jie's life and death to buy the second house.

In addition, she decided to come to celebrate the New Year in person and talk to her future in-laws personally.

This is a lifetime event.

Must not give up!

Anyway, she didn't believe that Anjia could only buy a house with more than 200,000 yuan.

What's more, there is Ancheng, isn't it?

The younger brother gets married and buys a house, shouldn't the older sister sponsor a sum?

Unless this sister has no heart.

It just so happened that Ancheng was also back for the New Year.

A Ling also didn't have much patience, and directly in front of everyone, clearly mentioned the matter of buying a big house at the dinner table.

There was silence on the table.

Even Chu Xi, who had been eating with a smile, stopped.

Silence always seems infinitely long...

Finally, Chu Xi... silently... took out a cell phone...

Silently... pressed it up.

And, as she became a little proficient, she gradually came out with the speed of pressing the phone.

In the end, the fingers were like dancing on a mobile phone, pressing frantically.

Yes it is.

She is in codeword.

And, after sorting out your ideas, the more you press, the faster you press it.

Well, the writing is like a fountain of words, it is really unstoppable.

Moreover, as a Kuaishou party with a daily turnover of 30,000, she has not coded for a long time today. She is really stuck and can only give a big vent.

So what, what is used to, it is really powerful.

As a result, everyone in the An family watched speechlessly as Chu Xi pressed her phone like a cramp in her finger.

—Okay, she has nice fingers. It's like "cramps", but it's actually more like "dancing".

However, the rhythm of this "dance" is too fast.

Whether it is finger cramps or finger dancing, this is considered impolite behavior in the eyes of others.

Although An Jie also pressed his cell phone while eating, he just pressed the button at will, just accustomed.

Although A-ling is pressing her phone while eating, she is a daughter-in-law who has never been through the door, the most noble in this family! Even Anjia's parents have to wait on them carefully.

Who is Chu Xi?

It was just a friend brought back by Ancheng. l

She is so unscrupulous to play mobile phone like crazy, she is too ignorant!

What's more, going to a friend's house for New Year's Eve is not so good at home.

At least, not a precious only child.

If it is a precious only child, the family will naturally not be willing to go to a friend's house for the New Year.

For example, because I have a younger brother at home, it doesn't matter whether I am at home or not for the New Year.

That's why I came to Anjia to talk about the house during the New Year.

Thinking of this, A Ling couldn't help but say, "What's this name, sister's friend, isn't it? What fun game are you playing?"

Her words are not polite.

His complexion is also very bad.

Chu Xi didn't hear it, and was still pressing her phone frantically.

She writes the text as soon as she commits.

Once the rapid writing enters the state, the five senses are basically closed.

Point your finger madly, at this moment, there are only code words in her world.

Even, emotions fluctuate with the story of the hand.

Unless her own Ancheng called her and others called her, she really couldn't hear her.

After Aling finished speaking, she waited for Chu Xi's response.

Originally thought that Chu Xi would be very embarrassed and would not even be able to step down.

Who knows, Chu Xi... still keep pressing the phone.

A Ling was angry.

An mother hurriedly finished the game: "Ha, you young people like to play games. Last time your second aunt said that young people nowadays cannot do without mobile phones. They said this is the trend of young people!"

An Orange has already poked Chuxi at this meeting.

Chu Xi blinked and returned to reality.

I was about to laugh and agree.

Who knows, before she spoke, A Ling let out a cold sigh from her nostril.

And hum very loudly.

"How many years ago was that young man? Now young people don’t love mobile phones and games the most. What they love most is houses. Only people who can’t afford a house at all will give up on themselves and play games with mobile phones every day. Myself."

A word was actually transferred to the house again.

This topic is a private matter of others, and it is inconvenient for Chu Xi to interrupt for fear of affecting Ancheng.

He smiled and didn't talk to each other.

In order to take care of the situation, she neither played with her mobile phone, but also resisted the urge to pick up vegetables for her baby, lest she cause trouble to the baby.

Just quietly hung a smile like a Mona Lisa, and sat with him.

On the contrary, An Cheng was very afraid of being wronged by Chu Xi, and silently stretched out his hand under the table and took La Chuxi's hand.

The meaning of comfort and concern is obvious.

Chu Xi had a sharp heart and didn't say much. She only shook her backhand, held An Cheng's hand in the palm of her hand, and patted it.

It was also comforting, and signaled the other party to rest assured.

The Anjia few people didn't notice Xiao Jiujiu who was under the table with the two of them.

In the tense family atmosphere at the moment, only the word "house" is written.

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