The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two of them were in a state of panic.

"Zike, you should listen to that little sister Liang Yinan, right?"

Gu Wancheng looked at Gu Zike steadily, her eyes full of expectation.

How could she not want to be forgiven by Gu Zike?

After all...

Gu Zike, like her, was a puppet of Gu Shanhe, and even Gu Zike was even worse than her.

"Gu Wancheng, I think you'd better put yourself in the right position." Gu Zike said calmly, "We are just a cooperative relationship. You want revenge and you want to regain your lost freedom." "I want revenge, too, to find an explanation for my eighteen years of dark life." Gu Zike's response was within Gu Wancheng's expectations. She had hurt the innocent Gu Zike time and time again, with sneers, whippings, and so on. How could the crimes that Gu Zike had suffered because of her be easily forgotten? "I understand. I know I hurt you before. I didn't even consider you as a person. I used you as a vent to retaliate against Gu Shanhe."

Gu Wancheng raised her head slightly and looked at the blue sky and white clouds above the clear sky. "This is my fault. I didn't investigate clearly and blindly attacked you."

"I, Gu Wancheng, admit this mistake."

"After this matter is over, you can bully me back in the same way I bullied you before."

"I, Gu Wancheng, won't say a word of no."

Hearing Gu Wancheng's sincere words, Gu Zike couldn't help but look at her with a higher eye.

"You are indeed much better than those few. You dare to do and take responsibility, and you don't complain at all."

"You are also smarter than them. You didn't turn your guns around again and again because of the lies that Gu Tianlai could easily expose."

At this point, Gu Zike couldn't help but think of Gu Bing.

After Gu Bing found out what Gu Zike had written for her in the paper cranes, she burst into tears and looked like she was regretting her whole life.

She went to Gu Zike to apologize whenever she had nothing to do, which made Gu Zike annoyed.

Gu Zike was also glad that he did not forgive Gu Bing at that time. If he had forgiven Gu Bing at that time, he might have been really angry and hurt himself later...

Gu Tianlai just used a little trick to make Gu Bing, who went to Gu Zike to apologize every day, stand on Gu Tianlai's side again.

Even Gu Zike was put in jail because of her, saying that Gu Zike was in cahoots with the people who bullied her back then.

Gu Zike was the instigator of everything. It was Gu Zike who saw the wealth of the Gu family and deliberately made this drama of a hero saving a beauty.

As for Gu Jiao, her apology was never sincere at the beginning.

The reason why she apologized to Gu Zike was entirely because she felt a little guilty, just a little bit.

More of her was willing to side with Gu Tianlai.

Especially Gu Jiao's second apology, Gu Zike wanted to laugh whenever he thought of the scene that day.

She said that her friends saw that she was such a person and broke up with her. Unless Gu Zike reconciled with her, they would forgive her.

Gu Jiao's apology was never sincere. Until the third time, Gu Jiao was still a human being.


Gu Zike's heart was already broken, and he couldn't possibly forgive Gu Jiao!

As for Gu Nian, the so-called fifth sister, she was even more interesting. She admitted her mistake to Gu Zike and was scolded. She directly performed such amazing golden sentences as "putting aside the facts"!

"I'm quite happy today to hear you praise me so much."

Gu Wancheng felt satisfied.

Today was the first time that Gu Zike did not deliberately keep a distance from her.

Today was also the first time that Gu Zike praised her.

Although... rather than saying that this was a compliment, it was better to say that it was a satire on her own four sisters.

However, for Gu Wancheng, she was already satisfied.

"I, Gu Wancheng, have always been brave enough to take responsibility for my actions. If I make a mistake, I must admit it." Gu Wancheng looked into Gu Zike's eyes with a serious and sincere look.

"This is my principle, so no matter how you treat me, I, Gu Wancheng, will not say anything."

Gu Zike curled his lips, waved his hand, and said impatiently; "Okay, I forgive you, so I'm tired of nagging."

"But you have to wait until you can punish me..."

Gu Wancheng shuddered, "Zike, what did you just say?"

"Don't you have ears? I said I forgive you." Gu Zike rolled his eyes at her.

A glance.

Perhaps Gu Wancheng had the same tragic experience as him, or perhaps it was because Liang Yinan didn't want him to live in hatred forever.

Or perhaps, after experiencing so much and living a new life, Gu Zike has let go of all the tortures Gu Wancheng had done to him.

Gu Zike chose to forgive Gu Wancheng.

Speaking of hatred, he hated Gu Shanhe even more. If Gu Shanhe hadn't interfered, he wouldn't have been in that small village for seventeen years, being criticized by his alcoholic adoptive father and gambling adoptive mother.

Gu Tianlai would not have been adopted into the Gu family, and Gu Zike would not have experienced the pain that he shouldn't have experienced at that age since he was a child.

" forgive me?!"

Gu Wancheng was delighted. This was simply the happiest thing she had experienced in recent years.

All this was like a dream!

It made Gu Wancheng feel incredible.

Gu Zike said nonchalantly, "If you didn't hear it clearly, just pretend I didn't say it."

"I heard it!"

Gu Wancheng said quickly, "I heard it clearly, you forgave me!"

"Wow! My brother finally forgave me, hahaha..."

Gu Wancheng was so excited that she collapsed several times on the spot, not afraid of hurting her feet in high heels.


"What are you doing?"


"Are you sick?"


"Why don't you go to the mental hospital?"

Gu Zike looked helpless, and Gu Wancheng was like a repeater, repeating his name over and over again.

"I won't go. I'm not mentally ill." Gu Wancheng smiled brightly, like a sunflower. She held Gu Zike's arm and cried excitedly.

"I thought you would never forgive me in this life."

Gu Zike glanced at her, "Didn't you say that whether I forgive you or not depends on me? You didn't care at that time. Why are you so excited now?"

"You are stupid. That's what I said. How could I not want you to forgive me?"

Gu Wancheng pouted. This usually cold female president was like a little girl now, and she was acting coquettishly. "Today is simply my happiest day!"

"I want to write down today and celebrate it every year!"

At this time, Liang Yinan came over with three cups of milk tea. Looking at the close relationship between the two people, she said blankly; "Big stupid pig, Sister Gu, are you two reconciled?"



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