The old man was very angry.

"Why is it like this?"

Liang Yinan kept asking questions in her heart.

Her eyes, which were like the stars, became a little dim at this moment.

"You... do you still know Aunt Yu? What disease did she have?" Liang Yinan asked softly.

It was a coincidence that my mother met Gu Zike ten years later, right?

The disease was also a minor one, not a vegetative state, right?

Please, please...

Liang Yinan prayed silently in her heart.

After she returned to the world that originally belonged to her ten years ago last night, she immediately went to Aunt Yu and told her not to go to the morning market on Jian'an West Street on May 15th of the tenth year.

Don't be a home nanny for the Gu family.

"Mom, after you resigned, Jian'an No. 1 Middle School recruited another teacher, and the teacher quota is full."

"But you can go to Jian'an No. 2 Middle School or No. 3 Middle School. They are all interested in letting you teach in their schools."

"Will you go next month?"

Liang Yinan told Aunt Yu all this earnestly.

At that time, Aunt Yu agreed well, "Okay, my dear daughter, as long as you are happy, I will agree to anything you want..."

The two of them were still hanging for a hundred years.

When Liang Yinan thought of Aunt Yu's serious promise to her, she felt like she had fallen into an ice cave, and a glimmer of hope rose again...

However, Gu Zike's next words pulled her back to the cruel reality.

Gu Zike didn't know the secret in Liang Yinan's heart that couldn't be told.

With a look of surprise, he raised his hand and touched Liang Yinan's smooth forehead, "You little stupid pig, you didn't have a fever, so you were confused."

"Didn't I tell you the day before yesterday that Aunt Yu had an accident at the morning market on Jian'an West Street and hit the back of her head, and now she has become a vegetable?"


Gu Zike leaned towards Liang Yinan again, and the two of them were now skin to skin. He suspected that Liang Yinan had been drinking secretly.


He sniffed left and right, but didn't smell any alcohol.

"You didn't drink either." Gu Zike looked up with a puzzled look, met Liang Yinan's lost eyes, and couldn't help but ask worriedly; "What's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

"I... I'm fine!" Liang Yinan said with a smile,

"I just saw a story in a fairy tale book. A little girl in it deliberately forgot her mother and made everyone around her forget her mother, and then her mother's illness was cured."

"It seems that you haven't read this story, and you don't know how to cooperate with me at all..."

Sure enough...

The timeline ten years later has not been changed.


What went wrong?

Liang Yinan felt that her head was about to explode. Aunt Yu had never lied to her and always kept her word.

This time, did she say something wrong?

"Little stupid pig, you are not, what cat?" Gu Zike thought of an allusion, it felt like it was on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn't remember it.

Liang Yinan poked his nose gently, "Big stupid pig, it's Schrödinger's cat!"

"Yes, yes, yes!!!" Gu Zike suddenly realized, "Aren't you Schrödinger's cat?"

"Oh, I just want Aunt Yu to wake up quickly!" Liang Yinan murmured;

"After all... After all, Aunt Yu is so kind and has been taking care of you."

Gu Zike rested his chin, looking at the beautiful scenery of the sunset outside the window, but his mood was a little heavy,

"Yes, Aunt Yu is a good person, she has always taken good care of me."

"When I was taken back to the Gu family, if Aunt Yu hadn't taken care of me, I would have sneaked into the Gu family. I eat what I touch. I guess I have become skinny and fainted every day due to malnutrition..."

"I don't know if Aunt Yu will wake up in the future. She still has something to do."

Liang Yinan bit her thin lips lightly and opened her cherry lips slightly, "What is it?"

"It's Aunt Yu. She listens to a travel radio program at 10 o'clock every night."

Gu Zike gently played with Liang Yinan's hair, "I heard Aunt Yu say that this was what her daughter listened to every day when she was alive."

"In the past ten years, she has listened to it regularly every day, and she has the same habit as her daughter."

"Give this travel radio program a chance to listen to it.

Travel-related radio programs, send an interactive text message. "

As soon as the voice fell, Liang Yinan's eyes turned red, and tears as big as beans flowed down.

She tried her best not to let Gu Zike see it, and hurriedly turned her head to wipe it in panic, "I think Yu... Aunt Yu loves her daughter very much."

Although Liang Yinan tried her best to hide her tears, her sobbing sound was still noticed by Gu Zike.

"You little stupid pig, why are you crying again?"

Gu Zike couldn't help feeling distressed.

Liang Yinan, a sunny girl full of energy, has obviously cried more frequently recently.

This little stupid pig is too kind, so kind that it is easy to empathize.

"I... I just feel a little sorry for Aunt Yu. "Liang Yinan sniffed, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes.

She developed this habit because of the girl named "Wen Nuan" in the bed next to her.

Before Wen Nuan had the operation, she wanted to travel.

Even if her cancer was in the early stage, it was not impossible to treat it.

But Wen Nuan was young after all, even one year younger than Liang Yinan. She became more and more fragile after having cancer.

She was afraid that she would not be able to get off the operating table.

However, Wen Nuan was about to have the operation, so traveling was impossible, so she spent all day Holding a radio, take a cloud trip.

It is for this reason that Liang Yinan knows the meaning of the eight-petal Gesang flower.

She wanted to go to Gongga Snow Mountain, but Gongga Snow Mountain is a plateau. Even if her body did not deteriorate further at that time, she had no chance to go to the plateau.

That travel program talked about the eight-petal Gesang flower for three consecutive episodes.

Liang Yinan gradually liked the program and took a cloud trip every night like Wen Nuan...

"Okay, little stupid pig, crying can't solve the problem."

Gu Zike wiped Liang Yinan's tears and comforted her; "Besides, Aunt Yu still has a chance to wake up..."



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