The person Gu Zike was talking about was none other than Gu Wancheng.

For Gu Wancheng, she could help Gu Zike open such a commodity channel in a matter of minutes.

After all, she had countless resources.

Coupled with the warm support of the current popularity and the temptation of cash withdrawal games.

Once the group-buying website is launched, it will set off a wave of enthusiasm!

"Thank you for your hard work during this period. I have transferred 100,000 yuan to each of your cards."

Gu Zike said with a smile; "Next, you will need to work for a while to prepare for the launch day."

"Everyone remember, as long as you follow me, I will let you eat meat."

"When goes public, I will give you different shares according to your work attitude."

Again, Wen Nuan is reliable, but it does not mean that these big guys are reliable.

People are all for their own interests.

So they must be given some shares, and they can only be sold after five years.

"Long live the boss!"

"The boss is the most handsome!"

Hearing the reward thrown by Gu Zike, everyone cheered.

Gu Zike exchanged a few words with them, looked at the time, and left the rented office building and went straight to the roof.

On the rooftop, a woman in a tight suit overlooked the city.

The wind on the rooftop was a little strong, blowing her hair a little messy.

"You don't need to meet me in a place like this, right?"

Gu Zike walked to her side and looked at the busy traffic below.

The crowd below the 30th floor became very small.

"Isn't it nice here?"

The person who spoke was none other than Gu Wancheng.

She closed her eyes tightly and breathed the air on the rooftop hard, "It's like a field with wind blowing here."

" will be online next Wednesday." Gu Zike did not respond, but said lightly;

"Have you found any evidence against that old man Gu Shanhe recently?"

Gu Wancheng was silent for a while, she opened her eyes slightly and looked at Gu Zike, "I found some."

"This old man is richer than I thought."

"She has two mines outside Jian'an."

The reborn Gu Zike was not surprised, he was a little numb to money.

"Then what? What else?"

Gu Wancheng took a deep breath, "Also, those two mines have been mining illegally, and one of the mines recently had a death, eight people were buried."

"The families of those eight people came to the mine to ask for an explanation, and they were all beaten and sent to the hospital."

"What?!" Gu Zike was surprised; "This old guy, he came openly?"

Based on his current view of Gu Shanhe, he should be cautious.

"He is not the legal representative, so of course he came openly." Gu Wancheng said calmly; "Those people were also scared, and finally Gu Shanhe gave their family 10,000 yuan to cover up the matter."

"This old thing! This 10,000 yuan is not enough for medical expenses!" Gu Zike couldn't help but feel angry,

"I really don't want to wait anymore, I can't wait to skin this old thing now!"

"I know what you are thinking, you are thinking of finding the families of those eight people, using warmth to build momentum, and sending this old thing in, right?"

"You are right, I really think so." Gu Zike did not hide it.

Gu Wancheng shook his head, "It's useless. They won't stand on your side, at least not now."

"If you do this, you will expose your intentions."

"Besides, it was the legal person who was arrested, and Gu Shanhe took his family abroad. You should know what that means, right?"

Gu Zike sighed, "This old man is really shrewd."

"Someone is taking the blame for him. Even if the legal person is arrested, he can't be punished."

"And I guess the families of the eight people already know this."

"If they do this, they will live in fear forever in the future!"

Gu Wancheng looked at Gu Zike seriously.

Fortunately, his brother did not stand on Gu Shanhe's side, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"That's right, and now many people in the Gu Group have secretly defected to Gu Shanhe's side."

Gu Wancheng smiled coldly, "Now the control of the entire group is in Gu Shanhe's hands."

"And I am just a title now."

Gu Zike was silent for a while, and slowly said; "So you

A few days ago, you told me to sell Gu's Group's products on the group buying website, so as to destroy Gu's Group's physical business? "

"Yes, in this way, we can dilute the shares of those who want to run away. Zike, you must remember our agreement."

Gu Zike looked at the skyscraper of Gu's Group in the distance, "Don't worry, Gu Shanhe will definitely die!"


After Gu Zike returned to the school library.

The mood finally returned to calm.

Smelling the smell of paper, at a certain moment he wanted to stay at this moment forever.

Beginning and ending is Gu Zike's consistent creed.

Even though he is now worth a lot of money, he did not move out, but still worked as his librarian, sorting books on weekdays.

"I have been a little slack recently."

Gu Zike looked at the books piled on the ground like a small mountain and began to sort them out.

Da da da...

At this moment, the familiar sound of footsteps washed over Gu Zike's ears.

"Big stupid pig! What are you doing! "

"I'm organizing the books. By the way, is your sister feeling better now?" Gu Zike asked with a smile.

Teacher Yan always attaches great importance to students. This time, she took a week off to take care of her daughter. She only started coming to school the day before yesterday.

From Teacher Yan, Gu Zike learned that her daughter was almost well, but not yet well.

"She's almost well, otherwise I can't come out."

Liang Yinan squatted down, holding her delicate little face, and looked at Gu Zike steadily.

"That's good." Facing Liang Yinan's clear eyes, Gu Zike's heart was moved. He suddenly noticed that Liang Yinan was a little different today, "Hey, why did you cut your hair short?"

"I..." Liang Yinan said a little stutteringly; "I just want to change my image!"

"Okay, let me help you!"

Gu Zike gently scratched her nose, "Then you help me organize these, I'll go to the front to find the envelopes in the box. "

Jian'an No. 1 Middle School has a rule full of memories.

That is, every graduate must write a letter to himself ten years later when he graduates.


Suddenly, Liang Yinan shouted, which scared Gu Zike.



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