The sun was shining brightly, and the sky was full of clouds.

A dark cloud suddenly appeared in the clear sky, blocking the scorching sun.

It blocked the Jian'an People's Hospital and the light on the boy...

"Calling my name?" Gu Zike's eyes sparkled and his tone was low.

Aunt Yu had a daughter who was about the same age as him, but unfortunately she was seriously ill.

In order to take care of her daughter, Aunt Yu, who was obviously a senior teacher, quit her job and emptied her family's assets, and is still in debt.

In the end, her daughter was unable to escape from the disease.

I remember one time when Gu Zike was helping Aunt Yu in the kitchen.

Aunt Yu said to him with tears in her eyes; "You are a very sensible child, just like my daughter. If she were still alive, she would probably help me like you."

Perhaps after that moment, Aunt Yu treated him as her own child.

"In addition to calling your name, she also said two words." Gu Wancheng frowned, "She asked you to run away quickly."

"In addition to Aunt Yu, Gu Jiao and Gu Tianlai also had accidents. There is absolutely no such coincidence in the world. This is also the fundamental reason why I asked you to be careful recently."

Run away quickly...

Gu Zike was stunned and stood there.

This is too much information. Considering that Gu Jiao rode Gu Tianlai out for a ride, the motorcycle was tampered with and had a car accident.

And overnight, Aunt Yu, who was loyal to her duties, suddenly fainted while buying vegetables, and told herself to run away quickly.

Considering that Aunt Yu suddenly asked Gu Wancheng for leave this morning, this matter became more and more mysterious.

You know, Aunt Yu works as a home nanny in the Gu family. Apart from the four days off every month, she has never taken a day off!

Maybe she found something?

But why didn't Aunt Yu call me when she clearly had my phone number? If she found something, why didn't she call me?

Gu Zike was confused and couldn't figure it out.


Gu Zike's eyes trembled suddenly, "The text message you sent me this morning mentioned that Gu Jiao and Gu Tianlai had a car accident."

"You also said that all this might be the work of Gu Shanhe?"

"Come over here and talk!" Gu Wancheng gave him a look that showed that he had ears next door, and pulled Gu Zike to a corner.

"I really doubt that all this is Gu Shanhe's doing."

Gu Zike clenched his fists and frowned, "Could it be that you have noticed it before?"

Gu Wancheng smiled coldly, "I think it may be that Aunt Yu found something, so he took action. Gu Shanhe has never loved us. He only loves those illegitimate children outside!"

Gu Zike was slightly startled, as if it was indeed the case.

At least Gu Shanhe deprived Gu Wancheng of her freedom and love, and made Gu Wancheng a tool.

And he often stared at him with a pair of eyes comparable to those of a cow, and was furious at every turn, calling him a beast and a waste!

"So, Gu Tianlai is one of them?"

"No." Gu Wancheng put on a smile as if to vent his anger, "This old man who is always romantic, was fooled by others after all!"

"He should have found out that Gu Tianlai is not his biological son, so he wants to drive Gu Tianlai out and take his other illegitimate son back."

Looking at Gu Zike's hesitant face, Gu Wancheng said frankly; "I admit that I have always known about this."

"In order to avenge Gu Shanhe, I originally wanted to let Gu Tianlai do it himself, so I kept it a secret from everyone in the family."

"Actually, I wanted to take revenge on Gu Shanhe and use Gu Tianlai, but I found that Gu Shanhe's financial resources and connections made me unable to touch him now! Do you understand?"

"Moreover, Gu Shanhe's methods are even more cruel than I thought."

"When you were born and kidnapped in the hospital, it was Gu Shanhe who hired someone to do it. He spent a lot of money to act as a buyer, 200,000 for a baby! You should know what 300,000 was like back then."

"The salary of an ordinary person is only about 100 yuan."

Gu Wancheng's words were like a thunder, resounding in Gu Zike's mind.

He couldn't help but be a little dazed for a while.

Gu Zike really didn't expect that his biological father would deprive him of 17 years of life for a so-called bastard!

He sent him to hell with his own hands!

Even if he returned to the Gu family, it was to become Gu Tianlai's mobile organ!

"I really didn't expect this old guy, hahaha!!!" Gu Zike laughed with relief, "It turns out that I am still worth some money! Worth 200,000!"

"Used 200,000 to throw me into a hell, hahaha!!!"

"No, this 200,000 is to buy your life." Gu Wancheng patted his shoulder, "I just found out recently."

"He originally wanted those human traffickers to throw you into the wilderness, uninhabited places, and let you be eaten by wild dogs or some beasts."

Gu Zike's eyes suddenly froze, "What?"

"Wait, if he wants to do this, then why did those human traffickers throw me in the suburbs of Jian'an, at the doorstep of the adoptive parents in hell?"

"Not yet Understand? "Gu Wan vomited a gently," On the day you were born, the baby boy of Jian'an Central Hospital was stolen! "" He was prepared in advance. " "It turns out ... my biological father, from the moment I was born, wanted to kill me?" At that time, he also heard the pair of adoptive parents mentioned and picked up his mouth. He had blood on the corner of his mouth. However, this was just the PUA of the adoptive parents!

By chance, Gu Zike learned that the adoptive parents had been thinking about selling him since they picked him up!

But the villagers had already spread the word that he was sick, and no one was willing to pay!

In the end, their ideas changed. As the saying goes, raising a son is a way to prepare for old age, so they thought about sucking Gu Zike's blood all their lives!

In fact, Gu Zike was not sick.

There was blood at the corner of his mouth because of breast milk. It was purely because Sun Liping had mild mastitis and Gu Zike could eat, which led to some blood in the breast milk.

"Give me the evidence!" Gu Zike shouted angrily; "As long as you can produce evidence, even if Gu Shanhe bribed those traffickers, their previous testimony will be overturned!"



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