If you become a monster, you will succeed

Chapter 135 Set foot on the real world again

After handing over the huge sum of 12 million to the person in charge of the collection of the Flying Cat Organization, the other party glanced at several people with an inexplicable look, and then said:

"There are only five of you in this group. We recommend two options. One is to go out together, and the other is to go out with one person every two hours. Of course, you can also discuss it yourself. We will not intervene in principle. And we promise that we will not use this door again for at least one day. If you are worried about the influence of latecomers, you can leave the door as soon as possible. As for coming back... that is not within our service scope."

For this kind of advance warning, the others seemed to be very calm, but Feng Xue was not sure whether these people knew about it a long time ago, or they were just pretending to be veterans like him.

But it didn't really matter, there was almost no discussion, the five people, including Feng Xue, chose to go out together.

This is not something that needs to be considered. Let alone the possibility of being ambushed by the pioneers, if the other party goes out and kills them, wouldn't they have to face a group of soldiers with live ammunition when they go out?

Feng Xue, who has already been imprisoned once, doesn't want to experience what it's like to escape from prison again. Others probably think so too.

For such a result, the members of the Flying Cat Organization did not seem to be surprised. The leader clapped his hands, and the man who looked extremely haggard immediately stood up like a conditioned reflex, came to the door like a zombie, and stretched out his hand to open the door. through that door.

Through the door frame, several people can clearly see the scene outside the door. This door is connected to a store, and the scene outside the door is a street, but it seems that it is still late at night outside the door, and there are no people on the street. What pedestrians, only an occasional car passing by, bringing a short hustle and bustle.

"Then, I wish you all good luck." The steward of Flying Cat stretched out his hand and dragged the person who opened the door back to the chair, and said to several people in a urging manner. information, took the first step to the present world...


The moment the familiar yet unfamiliar sense of distortion hit, Feng Xue, who had already been prepared, immediately pulled up the cloak, and the power of "appearing and disappearing" wrapped it, making his body disappear in place in an instant.

Feng Xue's sudden behavior immediately aroused the vigilance of several other people. At the moment when the four people stared at him unkindly, Feng Xue spread her hands without apology, and said in her heart, "If you have ever experienced going out and being caught by a A row of machine gun fire, I'm afraid the reaction is bigger than mine," but without any explanation, he turned around and disappeared into the night.

Seeing this, the other four people didn't stay any longer. Without any discussion, they chose different directions and disappeared into the street.


"Fortunately, there is no mental retardation who can't wait to do it at the door." Hidden in the shadows, Feng Xue put away her Hidden Sword and began to search for nearby shops that were still open. Although the shop signs on both sides of the road were written in Victorian characters, he It is not quite sure whether this is the Commonwealth of Columbia, the Kingdom of Victoria, or other small countries that use the Victorian language.

"Of course, we can't rule out the possibility that this is another parallel world... Well, anyway, look around on the street to see if you can find an ATM."

Feng Xue muttered, took out the crocodile wallet from the storage bag and stuffed it into his pocket, and then put the precious pen in his coat pocket. For a moment, his body was filled with a strange aura, anyone who saw it Anyone who saw him would feel that he was very rich and would be an excellent...to be robbed.

It's a pity, I don't know if it's because of the time difference, or the worlds on both sides are not equal. At this time, the time in this country is around 4 o'clock in the morning. At this time, even the most industrious ATMs will not come out. robbery.

But Feng Xue didn't have nothing to gain, at least when he was walking on the street, he saw a lot of homeless people.

"There aren't so many homeless people in Shengluotan City, right?" Feng Xue looked at those men and women huddled in sleeping bags, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

However, this does not mean that the living conditions here are worse than those in Shengluotan City, but because if there is a homeless person in Shengluotan City who dares to sleep on the street, he will have nothing left the next day - including his life.

"Generally speaking, it should be some developed countries... Well, at least homeless people can afford sleeping bags and dogs."

Feng Xue glanced at the homeless man who was sleeping in a sleeping bag with his pet dog in his arms, and stopped thinking about finding newspapers from the homeless man's "quilt", and continued to wander the streets.

But unfortunately, Feng Xue couldn't find any 24-hour shops until the sky turned white. On the contrary, harsh sirens even started to sound on the side of the road.

"It seems that some of those colleagues can't help but do it..."

Feng Xue sighed, not wanting to be a hero of justice, but to speed up her pace and stay away from the direction of the alarm. Fortunately, the evening dress of the Phantom of the Opera has the effect of blending into the crowd, even if the street is gradually awakened by the siren, Feng Xue Didn't attract any attention either—

No one would think that there is any problem with this rich-looking yellow man appearing here.

At least when they reached out to borrow money, it was no different from those ATMs in Shengluotan City.


At 7:30 in the morning, Feng Xue took the handful of change she just got from the cash machine and walked into the convenience store that just opened on the street. With the newspaper of the day, Feng Xue finally figured out where she was. The place--

The capital of the Kingdom of Victoria, Backlund City.

"Tsk, I really don't know whether it's good luck or bad luck!" Feng Xue picked up the Backlund tourist map, took a bottle of happy water, and two boxes of biscuits before arriving at the cash register.

The cashier at the cash register is a middle-aged aunt about forty years old. She seems to have not woken up, and she scans the codes of each item in a daze.

"A total of 2 pounds 17p."

"Okay." Feng Xue immediately took out a two-pound note and a 50-pence coin from a handful of change and handed them to the other party. When the aunt saw the coin, she obviously showed disgust, took out a calculator and began to press it.

"Never mind, find me thirty-three pence..." Feng Xue saw the aunt struggling to press the button, and immediately said, the aunt actually showed a suspicious look when she heard the words, with an expression of "you kid is bluffing me" Looking at Feng Xue, he continued to press on his own.

The corner of Feng Xue's mouth twitched as she looked at where the aunt was struggling to press the calculator, and she couldn't help but sigh: "So it's true that Victorians won't settle accounts without calculators in my previous life..."

ps1: Again, the world in the book is not Terra, it is not secret, and it is not the real world. The place names are just set names, just to prevent harmony, so don’t think too much.

ps2: Ambulances in Victoria are very expensive, but they are still much cheaper than those in Colombia. The more expensive ones are about 300 pounds per trip. Well, it is much cheaper than the thousands of dollars in Colombia.

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