If You Are Asked To Tam Beasts, You Will Feed Them Devil Fruits?

Chapter 70 Blood God? I Have A Sword That Can Kill Gods!

"The old man with white beard told me not to look directly at these skeletons, nor to climb to the top of this blood mountain."

"I don't know what's on the top of this blood mountain, but it's definitely dangerous."

Ye Chen looked straight at this huge blood-red mountain, and his eyes didn't stay on these skeletons for a moment.

However, he was able to perfectly capture all the images, weirdness, and even the full appearance of these skeletons on this huge blood mountain.

Didn't you say that you can't let yourself see it?

Then let your pets see it, no problem!

After they see it, they will pass the pictures they see to themselves, no problem, right?

He didn't see it, his eyes were straight, and this can't petrify him or anything!

Ye Chen is here, perfectly stuck with a bug.

Under him is Tianxuan Baxia, and in his arms is Xiaobai.

Behind him are Xiaolei, Xiaohuo, Xiaoqing, Xiaoguang, Xiaochan, Xiaojing, Xiaomu and a group of god-level beast armies.

Just this momentum and huge size can scare many people to death.

The aura of each pet was extremely terrifying.

Even their bodies were extremely huge. Except for Xiaoguang, who was only 30 meters in size, which giant beast was not nearly 100 meters in size?

The whale was even more terrifying, 200 meters, almost covering the sky and the sun.

"These skeletons seem to be a kind of sand beast, but why do they look like they are dead?"

"Although the aura on their bodies is all in the realm of honor, or even the realm of the monarch, it is much weaker than the ordinary realm of honor and the realm of honor. It is really weird."

Ye Chen muttered in his heart.

The scenes on the Endless Blood Mountain were all captured by the sight of the pets.

Halfway up the mountain of the Endless Blood Mountain, blood-colored skeletons appeared one after another, some with broken hands, some with broken feet, and some even without heads.

Their body shapes and appearances were all strange.

They looked like wolves, jackals, tigers, leopards, desert giant insects, snakes, scorpions, and even a few skeletons with the same structure as plants, strange shapes, everything.

This huge blood mountain, towering into the clouds, is endless. The bloody aura on it comes from the mountain and turns into a red blood cloud, which is very strange.

"Pretending to be a ghost, but they are just some dead skeletons. Can they still turn the world upside down?"

"There are too few sand beasts killed in the outermost blood-colored quicksand. After selling some equipment, I only got 300,000 task points. How can this be enough?"

"I still need to get more task points, even a million task points!"

Ye Chen keenly noticed that the skeletons on the blood mountain seemed to be dead. Although he didn't know why he couldn't look directly at these skeletons, the old man Baihu would not harm himself, so he should recycle them all!

"Ant, why do you have the breath of the beast god on your body?"

"Did you get the inheritance of the beast god of my tribe by chance?"

"Hand over the beast god's palm, and you will be spared!"

A dazzling red light burst out from the top of the blood mountain!

The endless and endless huge blood mountain trembled violently, and a loud voice sounded from the void.

On the top of the mountain, the red light became more and more dazzling and stronger.

It sensed the breath of the beast god position on Ye Chen and woke up on its own.

Suddenly, it swooped down from the mountain top thousands of meters high at a very fast speed.

In an instant, it appeared at the foot of the mountain.

In that ball of red light, there seemed to be a pair of blood-colored giant pupils overlooking Ye Chen, with indifference in the eyes!


"It's the position of the three beast gods. Where did this ant get the position of the three beast gods? And there is also a heritage of a high-level beast god!"

"That's just? The descendant of the ancestor god!"

The red blood pupil shrank suddenly.

Just after landing at the foot of the mountain, it was extremely close to Ye Chen and clearly sensed that there was an extremely terrifying breath on Ye Chen, which emanated from the three-tailed fox in his arms.

The breath of the high-level beast god came from the huge ice crystal blue phoenix behind him, and suddenly rushed back to the halfway up the mountain, with the momentum of running back to the top of the mountain. It was really scared.

But soon, he thought of something and stopped halfway up the mountain. His blood-colored eyes were strange and indifferent, and even a trace of greed flashed across his eyes.

The aura of the three beast gods was so strong that he thought they were divine beasts in the semi-god realm.

Now, the divine beasts are divine beasts, but that is only their potential. Their realm is only the handsome realm. Killing them is just a joke.

The only thing that made him a little afraid was the three-tailed beast in Ye Chen's arms.

Although their realm was very low, they gave him a sense of extreme danger!


"Blood-colored eyes?"

"Could this be the original owner of this secret realm, the blood beast god?"

"After his death, he turned into this secret realm?"

Hearing these familiar words, Ye Chen noticed the indifferent attitude of the blood-colored eyes in the blood light, and couldn't help but recall the two funny beast gods he had met in the Ten Thousand Fire Secret Realm and the Ten Thousand Thunder Secret Realm.

"Boy, hand over the position of the three beast gods, bring your pets to submit to me, and become a traitor of my beast clan."

"I can help you break through this young human body, transform into the supreme beast body of my beast clan, and enjoy an endless and long life!"

The red giant eye stared at Ye Chen, and the voice came from the eye, with great arrogance in the words, saying these words as if giving Ye Chen a great honor.

Ye Chen did not even look at the blood-colored eye, because he was not sure what the consequences would be if he looked into the blood-colored eye.

In his hand, a demon-slaying sword quietly appeared, and the hit halo was just unlocked, and now it can be used immediately!

Before, he was able to slay the gods because his three pets happened to have blood that countered three different elements in the three secret realms.

So he could directly devour and be invincible immune to the elemental power of the beast gods

But his pets did not have the ability similar to blood, so this time, he would personally slay the beast gods!

"Boy, are you deaf?"

"Didn't you hear what I said?"

"I'll give you one more chance, submit to me, or you'll die under the endless skeletons behind me!"

The blood-colored pupil saw that Ye Chen didn't even look at him, and even ignored him. He felt very strange and was even more angry at being ignored.

Because he had been waiting for Ye Chen to look at him, so that Ye Chen's soul would be taken away by the dead sea behind the blood mountain and fall into the netherworld.

But who knew that Ye Chen didn't even pay attention to him and treated his words as wind around his ears, which made him furious.

But seeing the fox in Ye Chen's arms, he was a little afraid and could only move out all his men on the blood mountain.


"If I kill all the men behind you in seconds, where do you get any shitty men?"

Ye Chen sneered, still looking straight ahead, making expressions to the air.

These fell into the eyes of the blood-colored giant eyes, making his eyes itch with anger.

If it weren't for his unrecovered strength, he would have killed Ye Chen 10,000 times with just a fragmented thought!

"Ant, you are so small, but you are so arrogant!"

"To use the words of your human race, you are really a tortoise who is going to school every day, and you can't hold back your laughter! (Can't hold back your laughter)"

"If you brag like this, you are almost too arrogant!!

The blood-red giant eye sneered with disdain, and the look was full of teasing.

It was as if telling Ye Chen with words, can you kill the 30,000 Zun Realm Skeleton Soldiers behind me in one second?

One thousand Jun Realm Skeleton Soldiers?

"It's easy to kill in one second!"

Ye Chen didn't expect that one day, he would actually lose the upper hand in the verbal battle, so he simply stopped talking and came up with a plan.

"Tongzi, these skeletons are dead things, which means they are corpses themselves, right?"

"You should be able to recycle these corpses directly, right? "

Ye Chen set his sights on the system.

The system will not take the initiative to help him kill the enemy, but will only recycle the corpses of monsters.

Look, aren't these skeletons the corpses of dead sand beasts?

One breath, two breaths, three breaths...

The system was rarely silent and did not answer immediately.

After a long time, there was a little sound.

"Host, you are really a dog!"

"Although it is true that these skeletons are the corpses of dead monsters, there is a strange power in their bodies that can control them."

"But is it wrong for you to say so?"


A very weak light flew out of Ye Chen's body and slowly fell to the foot of the blood mountain.

In an instant, it enveloped the entire blood mountain.

The next second, all the skeletons on this blood mountain disappeared.

"Ding, the recovery was successful and converted into 300,000 task points! "

The system's voice sounded, and soon fell silent again, and there seemed to be some other expressions, like resentment, like a bullied young wife.

Ye Chen didn't care about it at all, his eyes looked ahead more playfully, his expression on his face became more annoying, he raised his chin high and sneered.

"Where are those skeleton soldiers behind you?"

"Where are they?"

"You said seconds? I'll kill them in seconds!"

"And, I'll kill you in seconds too!"

Ye Chen knew this expression of his, and the red giant eye could definitely see it, and it was completely in his sight, and he had an absolute killing intention.

I have a sword, and it will definitely hit!

I have a sword, and I will personally kill the gods in the world!

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