"This seems to be... the power of incense and vows?"

Chen Changsheng's eyes widened and he looked at Pan Hua...

The power of incense and vows?

How could a person who is not even a cultivator absorb the power of incense and vows?

In this world, there are many types of cultivators, including immortal cultivators, demon cultivators, demon cultivators, ghost cultivators, and Buddhist cultivators.

The legendary Buddhist cultivators like to collect the power of incense and vows, but it is difficult for ordinary cultivators to sense it. Chen Changsheng also accidentally felt the existence of the power of incense and vows during several times of saving the Wanfamen and dangers, but out of caution, he did not absorb and use it himself.

But this little guy comprehended the power of incense and vows by himself, and absorbed it by himself?

Chen Changsheng suddenly thought of many novels he had read in his previous life, among which there were cultivation modes about absorbing the power of incense and vows.

"Since immortal cultivators exist, other cultivation methods described in the novels of the previous life may also exist...but they are different from the popular cultivation system of this world..." Chen Changsheng couldn't help but mutter to himself.

"Uncle, what did you say? I didn't hear you clearly..." Pan Hua said.

"Oh, nothing... I seem to have found the reason..."

"Pan Hua, have you felt anything unusual in these years? For example... there may be a little extra thing in your brain, or memory or something like that?" Chen Changsheng asked.

"Something extra in your brain?"


"But if you say it's abnormal... there are indeed some..."

"I often dream at night, and in my dreams, there will be some people asking me for help, and the information for help is also varied, with everything..."

"For example, some people ask me for money, some ask me for safety, and even some ask me for children... I'm over a hundred years old, and I'm afraid they've asked the wrong person for a child..."

"The strangest thing is that when I dreamed before, I often forgot most of the content of the dream in an instant after waking up, but these messages asking me for help are very clear in my memory..." Pan Hua shook his head.

"Oh? Then have you tried to help them?" Chen Changsheng said with a bright look in his eyes.

He suddenly discovered that this incense and wish power were quite similar to his own corpse collection technique...

The only difference is that the incense and wish power is for the living, while the corpse collection technique is for the dead...

"Help them? Uncle, I was dreaming, dreams are fake, who can I help?" Pan Hua smiled and shook his head.

"No, other dreams are fake, your dream is real!" Chen Changsheng shook his head.

"Ah? Dreams... are real?" Pan Hua was confused...

Dreams, are there real ones?

"Yes, there are real people praying to you and wanting to seek your help!" Chen Changsheng said.

"But... how is this possible? Who can be so powerful that he can come to my dream?"

"If there is such a skill, it is just like you, uncle, and is a fairy-like existence. What is there that needs my help?" Pan Hua said.

Although he is considered to be a high-ranking and powerful person, in the world of mortals, he can almost be said to be a rare opponent!

But those immortals who can enter dreams must be much more powerful than me. It's useless to find me if they can't solve the problem...

"No, you are wrong. Those who enter dreams are ordinary people!" Chen Changsheng shook his head.

"Uncle, what you said makes me more and more confused... How can ordinary people enter other people's dreams? This is impossible!" Pan Hua shook his head.

"In this world, there is a magical power called incense and vows, and some people call it the power of faith!"

"This kind of power is invisible and intangible on weekdays. Even immortal cultivators with spiritual roots cannot sense or absorb it."

"It is not the original energy of this world, but comes from all living beings themselves. I don't know much about it, so I can't tell you too clearly. You are a congenital warrior and have led troops to fight. You must understand what murderous aura means, right?" Chen Changsheng said.

"I understand. Killers will generate murderous aura. People with too much murderous aura can make people feel fear and terror with just one look!"

"In history, there are even records of cases where some tyrannical generals scared their opponents to death with just one look!" Pan Hua said.

"Yes, this kind of incense and wish power is a similar energy, but it is more special. Most of the immortal cultivators cannot sense this energy."

"You can sense it... I suspect it may be related to your status..." Chen Changsheng said.

"Status?" Pan Hua asked doubtfully.

"Well, you are a founding hero of Dagan, and you have saved Dagan from danger several times. You are the pillar of Dagan. With you, they feel at ease, so you have accumulated extremely high prestige in the civilians, the court, and the army!"

"Countless people worship you and regard you as a great man. They set up a longevity tablet for you at home, and some even build temples for you to worship..."

"These behaviors will generate a lot of incense and vows."

"These incense and vows are invisible and intangible on weekdays, but they are always around you. After a certain period of time, they will dissipate by themselves..."

"It should be because you have been wrapped in this incense and vows, and you accidentally feel this energy. So even if you don't know how to control it or absorb it, because your body has been immersed in this incense and vows for a long time, it has also changed your physique, thereby extending your life..." Chen Changsheng analyzed.

He didn't know if his analysis was correct, but at present, it seemed that this was a more reasonable explanation.

In particular, Pan Hua's body does contain traces of the power of incense and aspiration.

Can incense and aspiration increase longevity?

Chen Changsheng doesn't know yet. He can only say that existence is reasonable...

If you want to find out the real reason, I'm afraid you have to spend a lot of time and experiment, or you can absorb it yourself and give it a try...

"Ah? Uncle, if you say so...then the emperor is worshiped by people every day, and he should also be wrapped in incense and wishes, but why haven't we seen these emperors live so long?" Pan Hua asked doubtfully.

"There are two reasons. Although the emperor is worshiped by people every day, no one knows how sincere the people who worship him are!"

"If you want to generate the power of incense, you must pray devoutly without distracting thoughts, but it is not something that can be generated just by worshiping..."

"Secondly, understanding the power of incense and fire requires opportunity... I have said that even if you are an immortal cultivator, most of them cannot feel the existence of the power of incense and fire!"

"Your words... are rather special..."

"First of all, you are an innate warrior who has entered the innate world through martial arts. You have also lived in the secular world for a long time, where spiritual energy is vague and non-existent. Your induction of various energies is more sensitive than those of immortal cultivators."

"Secondly, you don't really master this energy. You can only read the contents of these incense wishes through dreams, while you are half asleep and half awake."

"Third...Pan Hua, don't underestimate yourself, you are really a genius and a living legend. For Daqian, you can even be called a saint!"

"It's a pity... you don't have the spiritual root qualifications. Otherwise, I really want to take you to the immortal path and see where you can go in the future!" Chen Changsheng sighed.

It is undeniable that Pan Hua is another son of luck that Chen Changsheng encountered!

Perhaps, he is not the protagonist in any novel, but he is a legend in the protagonist's world, just like Zhang Sanfeng in the world of martial arts. While others practice martial arts, he cultivates immortality. He is not the protagonist, but indeed a legendary figure that the protagonist will chase. No matter where he is, he is a legend. If you can express your own style, you can immediately take off in a different world.

It's not that he's not strong enough, but that the upper limit of this world limits him...

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