If you are an immortal, you will live forever after you die.

Chapter 291 A half-step third-level formation master?

"No, the lines seem to be a little off..."

"Rhubarb, Rhubarb, spit out your demon elixir quickly, and then let me observe..."

"It's really strange. I obviously have the gift of photographic memory, but I just can't remember the lines on your demon pill!"

"No, it's not just that I can't remember it, I just turned around and forgot it. Your pill patterns are really weird!"


Chen Changsheng waved to Dahuang, who spit out the demon pill obediently. Chen Changsheng stared at the pill pattern, as if he wanted to imprint it in his mind, but no matter how he tried to remember it, he would remember it in the blink of an eye. Blurred, and will be completely forgotten after a while...

"Well, this side is a little wrong. The arc of this turn is slightly smaller...and this side..."

With Rhubarb's demon elixir as a reference for comparison, it becomes more intuitive and clear to depict the void patterns on the array disk.

However, because he forgot the lines too quickly, he could only compare and depict them bit by bit...

Every stroke of carving is a deepening of the memory of the pattern. Chen Changsheng believes that as long as he keeps copying like this, one day he will be able to master the void pattern on the Big Yellow Demonic Pill.

"It should be almost done this time. Well, let's try the effect..." Chen Changsheng used this array disk as the basis, rearranged a formation, and then started it.

"Huh? Why did it suddenly get dark?"

"What's going on? I saw a lot of people outside the palace just now, why did everything suddenly disappear?"

"I'm not on duty in front of the palace, where is this place?"

As Chen Changsheng's formation was activated, the Qi-training monks who were suddenly shrouded in the formation became frightened one by one.


"No, it's still a little bit worse..."

"Although this formation is filled with some void power, which can affect the senses of the monks in the formation, the power of the formation has not been substantially improved. It is still the second-level high-grade..."

"What is this? A half-step third-order formation?"

"It's really not that easy for a third-level formation mage to break through. We need to work harder on the power of the formation..."

Chen Changsheng shook his head slightly, and then removed the formation. The monks who were enveloped in the formation immediately returned to their original appearance as if they had been in a dream for a moment...

"Everyone, don't panic. The alliance leader was just testing the formation before. You all should perform your duties and are not allowed to leave without permission!"

After a while, everyone received a notification from Huang Feng...

As for Luo Qing, she is no longer on Lingxi Island. She was successfully persuaded by Chen Changsheng and has already left for Yuezhou City.

"It turns out that the alliance leader is experimenting with formations!"

"No wonder it's so powerful. I heard that the leader is a second-level high-grade formation mage!"

"As expected of our number one person in Longhu, this strength is amazing!"


Everyone was complimenting Chen Changsheng on the surface, but deep down, they were actually panicking...

The reason is also very simple. Chen Changsheng killed the direct descendant of Sanyang City!

The number one person in Longhu is certainly powerful, but compared to Sanyang City, he is not on the same level at all...

For more than a month, the ancient deputy leader, in order to leave a way out for the Seventy-Two Island Alliance, is said to have begun to send some elite disciples away from Longhu incognito...

As for them...

It is basically the abandoned part. Once Sanyang City attacks, I am afraid they will be the first to die...

However, even so, they didn't have many complaints.

This is the benefit of a cultivating family. They are dedicated to the family and have strong cohesion. In order to cultivate family masters, many Qi cultivators have never even tasted the taste of elixirs in their lives. They work hard and earn the few spiritual stones. All provided to the family elite...

"Leader, we have already informed you. In addition, in the past few days, Lingxi Island has sent the bodies of twelve more Qi Practitioners. Eight of them died of natural causes and the other four died of accidents!"

"In addition to the qi-training monks, there are sixty-two ordinary mortals. Some have exhausted their lifespan, and some have died unexpectedly!"

"Now they are all displayed in the charnel house behind the palace!" Huang Feng reported to Chen Changsheng.

Huang Feng felt very uneasy...

The leader actually has necrophilia...

And it has been going on for many years...

In Huang Feng's heart, he even slandered Chen Changsheng. Is he actually a demon cultivator like Song Xing?

Who among serious monks would be interested in corpses?

Only the rumored demon cultivators would use corpses to refine some sinister magic weapon or practice some evil magic...

Although he was worried, he still didn't dare to disobey the alliance leader's order and could only obey it!

Not only him, but the entire Seventy-Two Island Alliance must comply!

"Yes, I understand. I'll be there in a moment, and you can send all those corpses back tomorrow!" Chen Changsheng nodded.

This is the advantage of controlling a force and sitting on a large island...

There is no need to worry about the source of the body. As long as he wants it, it will be delivered to his door naturally, and there is no need to kill anyone...

On Lingxi Island, there are tens of thousands of monks alone, and hundreds of thousands more mortals!

If the population on the surrounding scattered islands is added, this number can double!

What is this concept?

It can be said that basically every day, new monks and new people are born, and similarly, people die almost every day...

Chen Changsheng ordered that all the dead should not be buried immediately, but should be sent to him first, and then they would be sent back to their families one by one.

At the beginning, this order was resisted by almost everyone.

But the world of immortal cultivation is a strange world where great power is attributed to oneself. As the leader of the Seventy-two Islands Alliance and the number one person in Longhu, Chen Changsheng's words are more effective than the imperial edict of a mortal emperor. Not to mention just handing over the bodies, even if they kill people for fun every day, they can only accept it...

But slowly, as Chen Changsheng completed more and more last wish tasks, almost everyone was willing to send the bodies of the dead to Chen Changsheng.

Because, in most cases, the families of the dead who sent the bodies here will get help from the alliance!

Ordinary people will be given gold and silver to support the deceased, their children, and sometimes even married women...

For cultivators, they are generally given skills, spiritual stones, elixirs, etc., which are helpful for cultivation...

No one is a fool. Who would not be happy to receive such benefits in return for just sending a corpse?

Gradually, Chen Changsheng's policy has gradually developed into a benevolent policy. Even some cultivators on islands far away from Lingxi Island will send their bodies to Lingxi Island after someone dies. Naturally, Chen Changsheng will not refuse anyone. The efficiency of completing the last wish mission is as high as 80%, and the rewards from the last wish are from life span, talent, spiritual roots, and immortal cultivation skills, etc., which madly enhance Chen Changsheng's immortal cultivation foundation in various aspects...

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