After a while...

"Alliance leader, alliance leader, I'm back..."

Chen Changsheng, who had been waiting for a long time, was about to give up, but he finally waited for the person he was waiting for.

"It's good to be back. Are you not injured?" Chen Changsheng asked.

"No, I was just confused for a while, and then I didn't know where I was..."

"Alliance leader, what kind of talisman is that? How did it teleport me hundreds of miles away in an instant, and then I fell into the nest of a group of sky-piercing fish? Fortunately, those are all first-level low-grade sky-piercing fish, otherwise, I might not be able to come back!" The Qi training monk said with a trembling heart.

Longhu Lake is vast, and it also breeds many water monsters, especially spirit fish.

However, most spirit fish, although they can be regarded as first-level monsters, only know some wind and wave riding spells. This spell is very weak, and even ordinary mortals may be able to catch them.

Of course, in addition to the spirit fish, there are also some truly lethal water monsters, but there are not many of them, and they are very well hidden.

After all, Longhu is the territory of immortal cultivators, not the land of demon mountains. Monsters are full of treasures. Once they are discovered, they will basically be skinned and torn apart...

"Hundreds of miles away? You said... you appeared hundreds of miles away?" Chen Changsheng said in surprise.

Ordinary small teleportation talismans can only teleport people to a distance of 100 miles. The new small teleportation talismans made by yourself can actually teleport to hundreds of miles away?

The gap between the two is not ordinary!

Running hundreds of miles away in an instant, the Jindan ancestor will be at a loss, and there is no place to catch it!

"Yes, it's about 300 miles away from here!" said the Qi training cultivator.

"More than 300 miles? Are you sure?" Chen Changsheng said.

"Leader, I'm sure that the location is not far from the Flame Reef. If you get here, it is indeed more than 300 miles away!" said the Qi training cultivator.

"More than three hundred miles... So, the power of my talisman is more than three times that of an ordinary small teleportation talisman..."

"Good, very good!" Chen Changsheng couldn't help muttering to himself.

Although he didn't know how strong the Jindan Patriarch's spiritual sense was, he could infer from the peak of the foundation building that the ordinary peak of the foundation building spiritual sense could cover about a mile in radius. Even if the Jindan Patriarch's spiritual sense was at the foundation building stage, it would be about ten miles in radius.

The distance of three hundred miles was safe enough. This time, he no longer had to worry about the Sanyang Patriarch suddenly blocking him on Lingxi Island.

Of course, the small teleportation talisman was not invincible.

He could only directly activate the talisman to escape when the Sanyang Patriarch was not paying attention. If the Sanyang Patriarch used a magic weapon in advance to stir up the surrounding void, his small teleportation talisman would be useless...

When the void was shaking, using the small teleportation talisman would be swept away by the space turbulence.

Space turbulence, let alone Chen Changsheng, who is in the foundation building stage, even if the old monster of the Nascent Soul stage is caught in it, it is a life-and-death situation. This is also the reason why the Jindan masters never use the small teleportation technique when fighting.

"Leader, you... you used the legendary small teleportation talisman for me, right?" the Qi training cultivator couldn't help asking.

"Oh? You also know the small teleportation talisman?" Chen Changsheng was surprised.

In the world of immortal cultivation, knowledge blockade is very serious. If the strength is not at a certain level, the understanding of the world of immortal cultivation will often be greatly deviated.

Except for some common sense, such as the several realms of immortal cultivation, the knowledge that ordinary immortal cultivators can understand is limited to their own realm, and they know very little about the things involved in higher realms.

This person is just a Qi training cultivator, but he actually knows the small teleportation talisman...

This third-level talisman may not be known by ordinary foundation building cultivators.

"I have heard of this talisman. After using it, it can randomly teleport people to a hundred miles away!" the Qi training cultivator replied.

"Yes, what's your name?" Chen Changsheng asked.

"I'm Zhang Xun. My family once had a foundation-building ancestor, but now it's in decline..." Zhang Xun said respectfully.

"No wonder you know the small teleportation talisman. It turns out that it's a family tradition. You're a good seedling. You can go to Huang Feng to get the spirit stones later. These bottles of pills are extra rewards for you. Practice well!"

Chen Changsheng smiled and threw a few bottles of pills over first, then gently patted Zhang Xun's shoulder...

"Yes, leader!" Zhang Xun said excitedly.

After watching Chen Changsheng leave, Zhang Xun gently opened the jade bottle...

"It's actually the Great Peiyuan Pill!"

In an instant, Zhang Xun covered the bottle to his chest, and then carefully put it into his storage bag.

"With my current strength, I'm not enough to take the Great Peiyuan Pill... Well, go to Huang Feng to get the reward of one thousand spirit stones, and then buy some Huangling Pills. Practice to the late stage of Qi training first, and these Great Peiyuan Pills will come in handy!" Zhang Xun said to himself.

The reason why Chen Changsheng casually gave the pill was Da Pei Yuan Dan instead of Huang Ling Dan, which was more suitable for Zhang Xun, was mainly because... something as low-end as Huang Ling Dan was no longer worthy of appearing in his storage bag...

In fact, Da Pei Yuan Dan was not worthy either. The reason why he had some in his hand was that he specially refined it and occasionally used it to reward his subordinates...

Sanyang City!

Senior Brother Lu Miaozi stared at Sanyang Palace...

One month!

Third Junior Brother Shen Feihong has been in there for a month!

But he hasn't come out yet...

Inside, in Sanyang Palace, what happened?

Is the master dead?

And third junior brother Shen Feihong, have you found the third-level demon pill?

Or did he choose to refine the demon pill directly in Sanyang Palace?

What happened in Sanyang Palace?

Lu Miaozi wanted to go in and inquire, but he was cautious by nature and did not dare...

The majesty of Patriarch Sanyang has always been deeply engraved in Lu Miaozi's soul. As long as the master still has the slightest chance of being alive, he cannot enter...

"Lu Miaozi, you have been observing outside the palace for so long, why don't you come in?"

At this moment, the voice of third junior brother Shen Feihong came out from the main hall...

"Third Junior Brother? You..."


Suddenly, Lu Miaozi took a deep breath, and then said: "Third Junior Brother, what crime do you deserve for breaking into Master's retreat without permission?"

"Okay, Lu Miaozi, don't act like a senior brother of yours, come in and talk to me!" Shen Feihong's voice came out again...

"Third Junior Brother, are not Third Junior Brother? You..."

Lu Miaozi was shocked...

The third junior brother would never talk to him like this, and the tone of the other person's words made him extremely familiar...

If the voice wasn't wrong, this should have been what Master said...



Suddenly, Lu Miaozi took a breath of cold air...

No way?

Could it be that the master gave the third junior brother to...

Seize the body?

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