"Woo woo woo..."

Da Huang made a humming sound under the ball...

"Don't scream, let me study it for a while, I'll succeed soon!" Chen Changsheng said without raising his head.

Da Huang could only lower his head in grievance when he heard it...

The ball that Chen Changsheng was studying was really its demon pill!

When Da Huang entered the second stage, it condensed the demon pill in its body, but at that time, it could not drive the demon pill, it could only feel it, not spit it out.

Until the past year or so, its strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and it can finally control its own demon pill, so it spits it out and presents it to Chen Changsheng.

As a result, Chen Changsheng remembered it. The inexplicable patterns appeared on its demon pill, and from time to time, it asked it to spit it out for research...

At this moment, the animal skin painted by Chen Changsheng suddenly emitted a burst of spiritual light, and Chen Changsheng was shocked. He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, then took out another talisman, compared it carefully, and then said in surprise: "Although there are some differences... but it should be done!"

When Da Huang heard Chen Changsheng's voice, he hurriedly took back the demon pill. This thing is equivalent to its life. If it weren't for Chen Changsheng, if someone else looked at its demon pill, it would swallow that person in one bite...


Da Huang looked at the animal skin in Chen Changsheng's hand and shouted...

"What is this? Hehe, it's a good thing... a small teleportation talisman!"

"With this thing, we don't have to worry about the Three Yang Patriarch suddenly blocking the door!" Chen Changsheng said with a smile.

Yes, a third-level talisman, a small teleportation talisman!

The original small teleportation talisman in his hand came from Lingxi Island Master, Han Qianyuan. It should be the life-saving item given to him by the Han family after he was promoted to the foundation-building stage. Unfortunately, he died before he could use it, and it finally fell into the hands of Chen Changsheng.

Chen Changsheng was originally a talisman maker, and he was naturally very interested in this rare third-level talisman and studied it from time to time.

But without inheritance and his own strength was only at the foundation-building stage, it was impossible to copy the small teleportation talisman. He could only take it out occasionally for research.

But more than a year ago, Da Huang suddenly ran in front of him and spit out a demon pill, which instantly stunned Chen Changsheng...

Usually, only third-level monsters have demon pills, but a few second-level monsters with extraordinary talents also have demon pills in their bodies. For example, Li Kui obtained demon pills by hunting second-level monsters and then used them to refine foundation-building pills. Chen Changsheng also got a second-level fox bear demon pill.

However, there is a big difference between that fox bear demon pill and Da Huang's demon pill.

The first is the size. The fox bear is only the size of a thumb, while Da Huang's demon pill is about the size of a pigeon egg. The size difference is huge, and there are many complex patterns on it!

The most important thing is that the pattern is more and more familiar to Chen Changsheng. Finally, he took out the small teleportation talisman for comparison and found that there is a surprising similarity between the two...

However, the pattern on the small teleportation talisman is slightly simpler than the pattern on Da Huang's demon pill, and only a part of the pattern on Da Huang's demon pill.

From then on, Chen Changsheng had an idea that the small teleportation talisman and Da Huang's void shuttle seem to have some similarities, both involving things in the space aspect, especially Da Huang has the talent of creating a space in his body...

Then, will the pattern on this demon pill be related to the rules of space?

From then on, Chen Changsheng began to study Da Huang's demon pill and even copied it.

At first, he used talisman paper, but he could only copy a small part, and then the talisman paper would spontaneously combust without any wind, leaving no trace...

Later, Chen Changsheng used the skin of a monster, but the skin of a first-level monster also spontaneously combusted like the talisman paper. Finally, Chen Changsheng chose the skin of a second-level monster...

But the initial copying was still unsuccessful. Before he finished drawing a talisman, Chen Changsheng felt dizzy and exhausted. Chen Changsheng understood that this was caused by excessive consumption of spiritual consciousness.

Until a few days ago, Gu Yang brought five foundation-building cultivators to come, but was defeated by Chen Changsheng. He used the Corpse Collection Technique to obtain six spiritual consciousness pills. After taking all the spiritual consciousness pills and increasing his spiritual consciousness, Chen Changsheng began to experiment again. It was not until today that he finally succeeded in making a spiritual talisman...

"Woof woof!"

When it comes to the Three Yang Patriarch, Da Huang couldn't help but bark twice...

"What, you're still not convinced? Don't think that you can be proud of yourself just because you swallowed Gu Yang!"

"That's the Golden Pill Patriarch, and he has killed a third-level monster... The Three Yang Patriarch must be capable of becoming the first casual cultivator in Yuezhou in a thousand years..."

"This small teleportation talisman... still needs to be tested, otherwise, I won't use it with confidence..." Chen Changsheng whispered to himself.

He planned to find a Qi training cultivator to activate this small teleportation talisman to see the effect...

"Woof!" Da Huang couldn't help but barked...

What about the Golden Pill Patriarch?

I am Da Huang, not bad!

Chen Changsheng ignored Da Huang and came directly to the outside of the hall with the newly made small teleportation talisman...

"You, come here..."

Chen Changsheng pointed to a Qigong cultivator who was on duty outside the hall.

"Leader!" The Qigong cultivator came to Chen Changsheng with excitement.

"Giving you a task may be dangerous... However, if you complete it well, there will be a reward... Well, just one thousand spirit stones, how about it?" Chen Changsheng said.

"I am willing!" the Qigong cultivator said hurriedly.

A huge reward of one thousand spiritual stones!

With these spiritual stones, he will have no shortage of resources to break through the late stage of Qigong in the future!

In the Seventy-two Island Alliance, as long as he can advance to the late stage of Qigong, his status will be greatly improved instantly!

"Haha, relax, it may not be dangerous..."

"This talisman... take it and activate its power!" Chen Changsheng handed the small teleportation talisman he refined to the Qigong cultivator's hand...

"Yes, leader!"

The Qigong cultivator took the talisman. Although he was very surprised why it was not made of talisman paper, he did not ask more questions and directly input a trace of mana into it. As a result...

The talisman did not move at all...

"Leader, this talisman... seems to be unable to be activated..." said the Qigong cultivator.

"You input too little mana, not enough to activate the talisman, input more!" Chen Changsheng said with a smile.

Ordinary first-level talismans only need a little mana to activate, but this is a third-level talisman, so the mana required is naturally different!

"Yes, leader!"

The Qigong cultivator heard this and continued to input mana into it, but the mana he input was like a stone sinking into the sea, and the talisman did not react at all...

"Is the talisman given by the leader bad?"

Although he had a little doubt in his mind, he continued to input mana until he had input about half of the mana in his body, and the talisman finally emitted a silver glow...

Then, right under Chen Changsheng's eyes, the Qigong cultivator disappeared in an instant...

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