Invincible in the world, but Luffy did not have the slightest idea of suppressing domination, he was only full of curiosity about the unknown world, One Piece's goal has been achieved, and the next journey is a peaceful and beautiful world, a banquet that everyone in the world can participate in, a banquet that makes everyone laugh.

This dream can't be achieved overnight, maybe in his lifetime, Luffy keeps moving along his path, and all Em can do is help him sort out the power class of this world, although it is impossible to make it disappear, but let them converge a little can still do it.

When Draco disappears, a new Draco will be born, and the distinction between upper and lower will remain unchanged for eternity.

The dragon just stood at the elevator door for a while, but did not participate in this dinner, but silently retreated into the elevator and returned directly to the first floor, he is the leader of the revolutionary army and Luffy's father, but he is not the guy that Luffy remembers, Luffy gave it to Karp shortly after he was born, and he threw himself into the revolutionary wave, and now I think it is right or wrong.

Warren and Speth looked at each other, Speth chose to follow, this dinner really became a pure dinner, although everyone found out the arrival of the dragon and found out what Em said, but everyone did not open their mouths indiscriminately, after all, Luffy did not come to him, and others also chose to be non-existent.

How to face it? Father and son? This is unreasonable, how can a guy who has never appeared in his memory act such a scene, negotiating with the leader of the revolutionary army as One Piece, to be honest, it is better to let Em or Robin talk to him.

First floor....

"Commander... Don't talk about it? Luffy might say a word better than a thousand of us at the meeting. Speth poured tea for the dragon and asked with some doubt, obviously there is a time-saving and labor-saving method, but it is always a pity not to choose.

The dragon shook his head and said: "I thought I would be the guy who changed the world, but I didn't expect it to be my son, I have never appeared in his memory, and meeting now is to benefit, it's really a little impossible to do."

"But... We are not asking for favors for ourselves, but to seek a way to live for those who have been bullied, and some places have so few resources that it is impossible to imagine that if we do not rely on blood transfusions in other places, when winter comes, it will become a hellish existence. Speth was silent for a moment, but still spoke the words.

This world is originally extremely cruel, under natural disasters, people in some places have great difficulty in surviving, there are always islands beyond the field of vision just to live to do their best, it is impossible to save those places by the revolutionary army alone, the power of the world cannot be underestimated, because the combined forces can easily do what individuals cannot do.

The dragon also became a little silent, he quietly took a sip of tea, above the meeting he faced the five old stars, the red dog, and even Shanks, the forgotten places of this world were not in their consideration, he wanted to find Aim, or find Im, but...

Em seemed to hate him quite a bit, perhaps from Luffy's experience, or perhaps Em was the king of the world government, and it was impossible to do it with words.

The dragon took Saab's squad to attend one meeting after another in the Chambord Islands, and the other revolutionary armies all dispersed to help those who were suffering, but after all, it was a drop in the bucket, although now there was a place to start this next step, but... There is still too little that a single force of the revolutionary army can do.

"Speth... Have you ever wondered if those people were exiled, according to the historical texts we found, although it was only a few words, but... Pieced together still seems to be able to see something. "

The dragon's voice seems a little dry, the world has changed, but can something really be forgotten....

For example, in the country of Wa, Em has not completely eliminated it now because sometimes the rain and wheat exist, otherwise the country of Wano at this time would have been erased long ago, and innocence and grievances are nothing for a guy of Em's nature.

Speth was silent for a moment, but still spoke: "At least work hard..."

"That's about it, I've probably seen the Exiled Land before, you did it?" Robin took a sip of red wine after speaking, looking full of noble atmosphere, it should be said that this guy's temperament is more and more unbearable.

Oh ~ sister ~

Em scratched his head and said: "Their ancestors have provoked me, it has been so many years, it doesn't matter if the sins of the younger generations are gone, it's actually nothing to help, the main thing is that I hate the dragon guy a little, if it is Sabo Laiti, maybe the rescue fleet is on the way now."

Robin didn't quite understand Em's thoughts, and he didn't know where this evil feeling came from, after all, in the era of sea thieves, riding the wind and waves seemed to be a great thing, because the small family would even be ridiculed for remembering the family.

It seems reasonable that the three views are different and cannot understand each other, but the good thing about the Straw Hat Pirates is that no matter what differences arise from everyone's ideas, they will eventually merge together and seem so free.

Perhaps naïve to put it another way? After all, Luffy can change his mind immediately as soon as he speaks, and Luffy will do it seriously if Em speaks, there are differences, but there will be no disputes.

After all, Em licked Luffy so much... These two guys are really suitable for getting married in place.


Some readers say that my protagonist licks Luffy, here I will explain a little, after all, the protagonist is the virtual image in the author's mind, although I will see it as my own child or another person, but it will be more or less influenced by me.

Sometimes I fantasize that if I really go to the world of One Piece, then I will not only lick Luffy, but also Soron, Nami, Usopp, Joba, Brooke, Robin, Melly and Sonny, Sanji and Franky, these two are too perverted, even Ping, I am afraid of fishy smell.

So nah....

After the bad ending, it was completely the product of my self-indulgence, and if it was so disgusting that I could only say sorry, this garbage novel was born because I liked One Piece.


The most I should say sorry for should be Dai Oda.

I'm sorry! This fanbook is so rubbish... Although you can't see it, I'm still going to say sorry... After all, I changed a lot of blind times.

Foreshadowing, Luffy will definitely marry Nami because I am a staunch Luna.

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