
Luffy's wine glass and Hancock's bumped together, and Hancock was quite satisfied that Luffy was not "charmed" by Xiao Ai, but...

Little Ai Feiyang's skirt corners, flicking hair, and a smile all feel attractive, which makes the wine in Han Cook's mouth a little bitter, do you have to learn to jump this, Luffy likes this? After that, I have the opportunity to let the Hara Hetanian girl group teach herself? But I heard that Xiao Ai is the head of the sect...

Uta sang a song, Hara Heitania's young ladies pulled Xiao Ai and danced a song of their fame, only to let Xiao Ai go, I have to say that the stage performance is really laborious, strong as Xiao Ai has become a little panting, fine beads of sweat appear on the forehead.

The towel was handed over....

"Thank you... Groove! Fuck off, you. "

Can't blame Xiao Ai for being so irritable, the main thing is that the person who handed the towel is Sanji, this guy's nostrils keep twitching and seem to be sniffing the taste, it looks more perverted and perverted, and this is not the key, the key is that Changkong and Brin's compassionate gaze arrived at the same time, so that Xiao Ai couldn't help but feel the chill.

You all want this guy, love is really blinding... Although Xiao Ai's body is female. But he is still a boy at heart, and he doesn't understand how much charm Yamaji, a shameful guy, is, so that the two young ladies of Bryn and Changkong are fascinated.

Nami and Robin are still witty, knowing that the situation on the island is not right now, hiding far away, at this time Nami is fighting with Brin's brother and sister group, that bold look makes Brin's brother blush, I have to say that Nami this guy is still a little grinning.

Xiao Ai hurried over, but Brin's brothers and sisters looked at Xiao Ai's expression was a little strange, after all, from the consequential theory, Big Mom did indeed die at Xiao Ai's hands, and the soul fruit was also eaten by Nami.

Xiao Ai was stunned for a moment, and then remembered this incident, she stretched out her index finger and pointed at Nami's shoulder, and the soul fruit suddenly broke away from Nami's control and began to operate on its own, and the cold gate of Hades opened, making the atmosphere here look a little strange.

But just for a while, three light groups appeared in mid-air, gradually condensed and formed, with a soft sound of "Oh", the super mini version of Kaido, Lingling and Carmelite appeared, I have to say that the Q version of them does not have the momentum they should have before, but looks very cute.

"Mom!" Brin's brothers and sisters shouted in unison and gathered around Lingling, and Lingling looked confused, and hid behind Carmelite with a "boom", seemingly frightened, he was obviously still a child, how can so many people call themselves "mother".

Are they faulty....

Carmelite was still thinking about the current state, glanced at Xiao Ai with confused eyes, seemed to understand something, she floated in mid-air and saluted Xiao Ai respectfully, and then stretched out her hands and hugged Lingling's brothers and sisters one by one with Lingling, the previous obsession made her ignore a lot of things, and after dying once, she found that her family seemed to be much more important than those things.

Bryn's brothers and sisters don't know Carmelite, but they feel their mother's love from the hug, which is something that has not been felt for a long time, maybe it is buried deep in the depths of memory and felt only when he was born, and now he feels it again, such a strange picture is full of warmth, why is it full of warmth....

Looking at the current Kaido, you know that this guy's Q version is not as tall as a wine glass, to be precise, it is half shorter than Meili, and he drinks "ton and ton" while crying like a fool, is this still the "Ming King" of the country of Wano?

Xiao Ai was stunned when he heard his crying, and then this guy thought that Kaido was missing his daughter, snapped his fingers and disappeared in place, and when he appeared again, Ace and Yamato appeared in the field, these two didn't know what they were playing, entangled, Ace didn't wear a top, and Yamato's clothes now looked a little untidy.

The crying stopped abruptly, the resentment of the cabbage being arched by the pig was close to materialization, and Kaido seemed to have completely desensitized from the warmth, at this point he probably just wanted to incarnate as a pig killer and knock to death a guy who wanted to arch his cabbage.

( ・᷄ὢ・᷅ ) Huh? [This is Yamato. 】

━Σ(゚Д゚|||) - [This is Ace.] ]

Yamato also wants to press Ace under him without mercy, so that it does look a little bad, Ace felt Kaido's murderous gaze, struggling to get up, but Yamato's phantom beast species is not covered, the strength is not mentioned, the strength alone seems to be a little unable to resist.

The end result is that Ace lies on the ground, and Yamato rides on him and shouts "Obey!" "This picture... Except for Kaido, they all think it's quite interesting.

Ace looked humiliated, and Yamato only noticed Kaido at this time, she was stunned for a moment and seemed to be about to cry, but she held back abruptly and smiled: "Yo ~ old man ~" Kaido seemed to

want to pull his daughter off Ace, but when he got close to him, he just gently put his hand on Yamato's head and gently stroked it.

The chain can only lock Yamato's body, but not Yamato's yearning, Kaido worked so hard to find the fruit of the phantom beast species for Yamato, you must know that his three plagues are only ancient species. He is always worried about his daughter, so he will not allow her to go out of his sight, and Luffy, who came to Wano Country, made him see the possibility of a new era, so he would allow his daughter to follow the Whitebeard Pirates to the sea in half a push.

But then again, going to sea is going to sea, and falling in love is falling in love, these are two things.

Sailing at sea, OK.

Arched by pigs, only pigs can be killed!

But the scene on the scene does not seem to be a pig arching cabbage, but a cabbage arching the pig, so Kaido still looks a lot calmer.

Yamato's face became a little red, and she didn't seem to be very comfortable with such a father-daughter warm scene, but she didn't dodge it, just let Kaido stroke her hair, her mental activity may be a little complicated, she has begun to understand this kind of thing little by little, but she can't fully know it.

Kaido floats near Yamato's head, and Yamato rides on Ace's body, this face is a little strange no matter how you look at it, Ace looks loveless, and feels dead.

"Ace~ what are you playing~ I want to play too!" Luffy approached, and Hancock, who followed him closely, blushed when he heard this, but he was eager to try.

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