
The deafening dragon roar sounded, and the black dragon under Yuk just drilled out and frantically grabbed the scene, pulling everyone's attention to him, and Blackbearded Tichy, who was also one of the four emperors, actually became Yuk's mount.

Luffy stopped his attack, he looked at the black dragon at Yuk's feet with envy in his eyes, and then he turned his head to look at Em...

━Σ(゚Д゚|||) -

"Look at your sister! I'm not going to change this thing! The corners of Aim's eyes twitched, and he gritted his teeth as if he wanted to defect on the spot and beat up his unreliable captain.

The style of painting has become less serious, is there some serious disease....

Luffy's expression was full of pity, and he seemed a little unwilling that his crew could not become mounts, and Em looked at the suddenly low Luffy and took a deep breath, picking and choosing among the demon fruits that had just been collected, and then...

Luffy do you want to be Nezha?

Em kneaded Marko's Immortal Bird Fruit and Stussy's Suzaku Fruit into two wheels and threw it towards Luffy, which looked basically the same as Nezha's Hot Wheel, Luffy could fly himself, and the usefulness of the extra equipment was really debatable.

Luffy is quite happy, stepping on the "Hot Wheels" looks very excited, this painting style seems to become more wrong, Nezha big move Nidhogg, what kind of neuropathy like the plot.

Yuk looked a little sluggish at this time, he looked at Luffy who stepped on the "Hot Wheels" and opened his mouth and didn't know what to say, wasn't he the legendary final boss? What is your opponent doing? Is this really not disrespecting yourself?

"Yo he~

" Luffy was very happy, striking in various poses in the air, and the "Mixed Sky Aya" formed by steam surrounded his body, as if a red taser gun could turn him into the cramping bear child.

"What are you? You are poisonous, you..." The voice of the moonlit night sound a little helpless, there are too many slots, I don't know where to spit it out, no matter in any sense, it is the last battle now, should this painting style really look like this?

Em said casually while flipping through the Devil Fruit: "It's not that you didn't see Luffy's expression just now, it looks like an abandoned puppy, how can I withstand it, I can't drag Changkong over to him as a mount... Changkong is still weaker, and I am afraid that she will be killed. "

Moonlit Night's face grew out of the armor, good fellow... This style of painting is also strangely tight: "I thought I would die one by one, but the guys with names and surnames are basically intact, and I always feel that this number of deaths is a little inconsistent with the final battle." Em

found the Vine Tiger's Devil Fruit, melted it casually into his body, and then the energy turned into a beam of light and shot up into the sky, and at the other end of the beam was Jinping, who was still fighting.

After completing this, Em spoke: "It's good to have fewer deaths, what kind of dog are you, don't you want everyone to gg?" Living people can provide Yuk with a steady stream of nourishment, you mean for me to kill everyone? Yue

Yejian was silent for a moment before he spoke: "I have to say that although your theory looks cruel, it is very effective, and without the supply of nutrients, it should be able to solve the battle quickly."

Em took a sip: "Forget it, that kind of world does not meet the captain's expectations, he will definitely handle it, he is my One Piece." "

One Piece in Em's mind, at this time...

It's him who is him, our friend Xiao Nezha ~

Luffy stepped on the "Hot Wheel" and was so excited that he was like a fool, flying around, the black dragon on Nayuk's body kept spraying dragon breath but couldn't hit at all, and the style of this battle has collapsed.

And the other side....

Jinping was suddenly hit by the beam, and he was stunned in place for a moment, and then the corners of his mouth hooked, and a smile appeared on his face.

Blazing Angel Xiao Jinping rushed over with a flap of wings, and Jinping just took a step on the spot, the raging gravity wrapped the space in front of him, and the Blazing Angel Xiao Jinping suddenly felt that the change in gravity was pressed to the ground before reacting, unable to move.

On the other side, Little Tichy and Little Moria, who cooperated with Xiao Jinping to launch a sneak attack, had just entered this field, and they were actually crushed to their knees.

This sudden change made Vegapunk stunned for a moment, he looked in the direction where the beam came from and muttered: "The power of the gods..." Then he became a little gritted, the ability of the demon fruit is already a foul from a certain point of view, and the villain can also use power such as sea water as a restraint, but at this time... Jinping did not eat the devil fruit, but he was able to use the power of the demon fruit with the help of Em's power, which was simply too blatant.

There is hanging, you can't play, there is hanging ....

Jinping was suddenly able to suppress all three Blazing Angels, which changed the situation of the battle, and with Jinping's help, the other three Blazing Angels who could have suppressed Robin suddenly felt a little powerless, and were repelled little by little at this time.

Vegapunk's little head is running wildly, wanting to use his wisdom to pursue victory on this final island full of hangings, he came here to take Pluto in his hands, but now not only Pluto Pluto can't take it, his side seems to have a feeling of total annihilation, which is too outrageous, the guy in the center of the battlefield who is called the world tree is too useless.



is both people and ghosts are on the show, only spare food is being beaten, Joba doesn't know where to run around and run back, the blazing angel Xiaomi Hawk who is chasing him feels crazy at this time, no matter how you chase, you can't catch up with this guy, that feeling is really bad.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being the only species in everyone's fruit, the owner of the unjust seed form, although the strength of the battle is not great, but this ability to run is simply obvious to all, he ran such a circle, there was no injury at all.

Vegapunk gritted his teeth and directly gave the order to retreat, since it has been impossible to complete the strategic goal, then what can only be done now is to preserve its strength, today's world pattern will change again after the war, the struggle for the right to speak needs strength as a foundation, a point stronger that naturally has more right to speak.

But this is not a vegetable market, you can come and go whenever you want.

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