Two years ago, each with ideals, two years later you will become king.

For those who have experienced the beatings of life, it is completely impossible to understand things such as friendship bonds.

Human society is full of betrayal and cunning, in this world people always become sleek, and the price of smoothness is that it is difficult to find the soul that is closely connected with you.

While expecting, but locking yourself up.

Only after all the expectations have gone through, you will return still a teenager.

The world may be much better than you think.


Gravity knife. Tiger!

Fujitora accumulates gravity on the knife, then slashes it out, and at the same time releases a huge lateral gravity to the trajectory of the knife, crushing and destroying everything in front of him. Even those that were not destroyed were knocked out by the huge wind pressure generated by their gravity.

The charging Solon couldn't help but pause, his knees were slightly bent, and the cracks in the ground showed how strong the gravity pressure he was bearing, and the blade in his hand suddenly weighed more than a thousand pounds, but even so, his hands were bruised, and he refused to retreat by half a point.

This vine tiger is worthy of being the end of the scene, and the battlefield has become a ruin under his attack, perhaps this is why in ancient times the Devil Fruit ability was called a god, this ability that only gods can have appeared in the hands of people, and whether it can still be counted as a human is indeed debatable.

The mortal body, the power of the gods, the power of the gods driven by the mortal body, is just abandoned by the sea, and this price seems to be small and does not matter at all.

If a knife hurts someone, should the person who made the knife be blamed?

Perhaps the beginning of the gravity fruit was just there, and in ancient times, I wanted to make the work of carrying a little easier... To put it a little more, all these Devil Fruits seem to be just props given by the gods to make the world a better place, but now they have become the key to measuring combat power in the battlefield, and such changes let the initiator know how to feel.

For the world to achieve peace, it needs an absolutely impartial but unambitious guy to rule the world, who will become a guardian saint to protect the whole world.

But this is clearly another paradox, how can a guy without selfishness and ambition think of domination, and how can a guardian-like existence become an existence that rules the world.

So this guardian deity also needs other people around him, such as Asura...

Asura is not good, but belongs to one of the six paths, it is an important part of the world, the guardian god treats the world with compassion, and the asura is the indestructible steel gun next to the guardian god, and all the guys who try to attack the guardian god will be killed by him.

Ghost gas. Nine knife flow. Asura. Purgatory. Extinguished!

Violent ghost qi overflowed from Solon's body, obviously overwhelmed by the huge gravity, his smile was still so full of fighting intent.

The ghost qi gradually turned Solon into a three-headed and six-armed form, as if it were real, without the feeling of a phantom before.

With the completion of Solon's "transformation", the gravity that was like condensation was actually isolated by the ghost qi, no matter how turbulent that gravity was, it could no longer affect him for half a point.

The soles of his feet slammed on the ground, and the cracked earth let out an overwhelmed wail, and Solon, who had three heads and six arms, disappeared in place, and reappeared in front of Fuji Tiger, wrapped in ghost qi and slashed towards Fuji Tiger.

There is one thing to say... Solon you use this trick, are you really human? How can any human being cultivate three heads and six arms on their own...


The improvement that the bloodline factor brought to Sanji is indeed obvious, the bloodline factor called the life design map squeezes out all the vitality of Yamaji's mother, and Yamaji, once considered a waste, is more like a perfect work.

And Yamaji ....

Given the choice, he would rather be beaten to death in battle than have such an ability.

The blue light and the yellow light kept colliding in the air, and it lasted for a long time before finally stopping, at this time, the Yamaji mask was broken, and the blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth made him look a little embarrassed, and the black drag clothes on his body were also scarred, and he fought a little hard in the face of the yellow ape general, who was perhaps stronger than the red dog.

On the other hand, the yellow ape, who had suppressed Jia Baili before, and then did not suffer much damage under the siege of the 4 generals, but at this time there were traces of blue flame burning on his body, strong muscles were exposed in his tattered suit, and even dense old injuries could be seen, and Sanji's strength was higher than originally expected.

Sanji landed lightly, and then wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth at will, the cross-dressing could no longer be supported, at this time Yamaji was wearing a suit, an image of a noble son, the strong resilience brought by the bloodline factor began to play a role, and the power of the bloodline factor...

More like a mother's love....

Just like a gentle mother gently healed all the injuries of her child, if Sora were still alive, she would definitely gently stroke Yamaji's head and smile and say, "Yamaji can do whatever you want, and I will support you."

Sanji took the cigarette, and then as if he suddenly thought of something, he took it like this without lighting it, took a deep breath and looked at the yellow ape in mid-air, and stuffed the cigarette back into the cigarette box.

Sanji lightly tapped the ground with his feet, and then moved his body, and the blue flames on his feet rose again, and the floating flames fell on the ground and burned one small crater after another.

Yellow Ape's sunglasses have long been damaged, and the iconic yellow striped suit on his body has many more damages, but his eyes look like a manipulated puppet.

I saw that he raised his finger and made a shooting gesture, the dazzling light shot out like a laser gun, aiming at Yamaji's eyebrows, and Yamaji raised his leg and kicked, a handsome battle horse came out like this, and the laser was kicked back by him abruptly.

The second round between the two sides is about to begin, this time Sanji has no cross-dressing of Kamen Superman... Without the Vince Mock family's combat suit cross-dressing, he began to use his physical strength purely to use.

But...... The Vince Mock family's battle uniform cross-dressing seems to be just a shackle for Sanji today, after all, such a perfect bloodline factor Vince Mock family has never seen before.

Life Design Drawings... If Vince Mock's Lei Jiu and Sanji's three brothers have completed 80% of that life blueprint, then Sanji is 100%.

And this 100% ancestry factor no longer seems to be considered human.

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