CC1000 cut through the hazy heavy rain like a fast turning knife and drove out of the red pine forest, leaving behind the roar of the wind and the roar of the rails.

The weather forecast that there were rain clouds drifting toward Illinois was true. When Lin Nian got in the car, the weather was still sunny. After closing his eyes for a short nap, he opened his eyes again and saw only the rain falling violently outside the port window, and the strong wind sweeping the fallen leaves into ripples in the ditch. Circle, the sky and the earth are full of water flowing, close your eyes and listen as if the whole world is flooded by rain.

On the distant platform, someone was sitting on the seat with an umbrella and waiting quietly. When the black train slowly slid into the station, she raised her head and opened her resting eyes. Lin Nian stepped off the train wearing a windbreaker.

"Not bad." She smiled while holding an umbrella: "I can finally buy my own clothes."

"You mean this?" Lin Nian tugged on his windbreaker: "The execution department sent it to me temporarily, and I will probably have to return it later."

"How stingy." Lin Xian walked up, holding an umbrella, and circled Lin Nian twice.

"There are no arms or legs missing." Lin Nian smiled bitterly and reached out to hold down the restless old lady.

"That's good." Lin Xian held an umbrella and patted his shoulder: "Comrade Lin Nian, congratulations on your return from the mission. Your glorious deeds have already gone viral in the academy!"

"Are you talking good or bad about me?" Lin Nian helped Lin Xian take the umbrella and put it on his head, and the two of them walked towards the Chevrolet car parked outside the platform.

"They say you are handsome and powerful, and you kicked a gangster who tried to rape a girl in public." Lin Xian patted Lin Nian's shoulder.

"A gangster raped a young girl in public?" Lin Nian rolled his eyes. Without even thinking about it, such stunts and rumors could only have been created by those guys from the Information Department who were just worried about the world being in chaos.

"Both you and Caesar have become heroes. You have solved the situation that the senior commissioner couldn't handle, and you have improved the face of the execution department. Now many people are comparing you two, and it seems that they want to decide who is the jam in these four years. The Collie of the College."

"It turns out there are still people who want to be a dog."

"That is also a good dog to lead a group of elite sheep." Lin Xian nodded.

"Whoever likes it can be." Lin Nian sighed and walked to the Chevrolet to open the door for Lin Xian. He held an umbrella and waited for her to sit in before getting into the passenger seat.

"How do you feel?" Lin Xian, who was sitting in the driver's seat, turned to look at Lin Nian who closed the car door.

"How does it feel?"

"The feeling of completing a mission." Lin Xian started the Chevrolet.


Lin Nian, who was in the passenger seat, did not answer Lin Xian's words for a while. He held his right hand lightly to support the side of his face. He leaned his elbow against the window and tilted his head to look at the slowly moving rain outside the window.

"It doesn't look very happy?" Lin Xian took a moment to look at Lin Nian while driving the Chevrolet: "I thought it was the type of family fun mission."

"Family fun mission? What is that?"

"The bad guy appears, and the righteous partner defeats the bad guy, おめでとう(o_me_de_tou), おめでとう." Lin Xian shrugged.

"Have you been watching Japanese dramas recently?" Lin Nian glanced at her.

"Ah, I've been discovered." Lin Xian stuck out a small piece of his tongue. This scene happened to be seen by Lin Nian, and it brought back his bad memories, and a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.

"Female?" Lin Xian suddenly asked.

"What?" Lin Nian said subconsciously.

"Are you unhappy because of a woman?" Lin Xian tilted his head and looked at Lin Nian from the corner of his eye: "The same age as you? 16 years old? 18 years old? No. 19 years old?"

Lin Nian immediately looked away. His elder sister was very accurate in reading his thoughts. He didn't want the other party to know about the messy things in the hospital.

"It seems that you are not getting along very happily." Lin Xian said, "This kind of thing will always happen, just get used to it."

It's not that at all, okay?

Lin Nian looked out the window casually and thought, but in fact he said nothing. The Chevrolet passed through the heavy rain, and its headlights pierced the dimness cast by the clouds and fog like snow arrows before heading towards the mountain.

The car fell into silence, and only the sound of the wiper could be heard. This atmosphere lasted for about a minute or two. Lin Xian, who was driving, suddenly stretched out a hand to grab Lin Nian's face. Lin Nian could not avoid being hit. He grabbed the left cheek and moved it up and down several times, then held down the hair and rubbed it vigorously.

"Drive well!" Lin Nian shouted in a loud voice. He didn't know whether it was because his elder sister suddenly became nervous, or because he was afraid of being hit by Senior Sister Mandy's car while driving one-handed on the dangerous road up the mountain.

After Lin Nian had moved enough, Lin Xian took back his hand, held the steering wheel, and exhaled with a refreshed look: "I'm relieved. I've hated you since I was a child, and I've followed you with bitter hatred." It’s like paying a hundred yuan. What, you got dumped by a girl? Are you unhappy? Do you want to cry? I’ll lend you my shoulder, your sister.”

"That's not what happened at all, okay!" Lin Nian finally couldn't help but say it.

"What's going on?"

"." Lin Nian became speechless again.

Lin Xian saw that his hands on the steering wheel were rising again.

"There's a bend ahead!" Lin Nian couldn't help but raise his hand to block and threatened.

"I have a certificate for drifting with one hand." Lin Xian raised an eyebrow.

Shit, you took the second grade exam three times before you passed it, do you think I don’t know? Lin Nian resisted the desire to reveal his shortcomings and mocked a female driver who was holding the steering wheel. It was extremely irrational behavior. If the words in his heart were spoken, he might have performed a one-handed swing on the mountain road for you.

"Okay, okay, there's nothing about love or hatred. It's just a pretty girl who did something bad, and then I caught her, and she died in the end." Lin Nian said.

"Oh." Surprisingly, Lin Xian's reaction was quite bland: "I thought it was a big deal."

"Then how big a deal do you think it is?"

"My brother was played with his feelings and then dumped or something." Lin Xian shrugged.

"Someone died, and it was related to me." Lin Nian said.

"Then die."

"Wow, sister, you are so cold-blooded."

"That's cold-blooded." Lin Xian said nonchalantly: "How can there be such a big thing in the world as my little baby? The real big thing to me should be that you were deceived by that scumbag, and then you played with your feelings and had sex with her. Wipe it clean and throw it away. If that's the case, let's not go back to school at all, just turn around and step on the accelerator and drive to Chicago. Your sister, I will help you tear up that little bitch who is playing with your feelings."

"Wow." Lin Nian expressed his amazement with a helpless smile.

"As long as you are fine." Lin Xian looked at the long mountain road and stepped on the accelerator: "For me, things can happen to others, but not you. Someone died. I respect and cherish this, but as long as If you have nothing to do, to me, that means peace in the world."

"I'm fine." Lin Nian chuckled: "On the contrary, I have awakened my superpower this time. Do you want to see it?"

"Can I set off a fireball?" Lin Xian was indeed attracted to his attention.

"No. My word spirit is not of the same lineage as the King of Bronze and Fire."

"Can we fire the ice gun?" Lin Xian pushed his hand to make a wave.

"That seems to be from the lineage of the king of ocean and water. My spirit of speech should be the sky and..."

"Then what can you release?" Lin Xian looked at Lin Nian strangely: "You can always suppress a wave, right?"

"I don't think I have Saiyan blood." Lin Nian felt a little uncomfortable being struck by the three axes: "The effect of my speech spirit is that I am very fast."

"Oh." Lin Xian suddenly realized it, and then said nothing further. He drove calmly and peacefully. The Chevrolet made a beautiful sideways turn and approached the college halfway up the mountain.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward. Lin Nian adjusted his words to try to save his face: "It's not the ordinary speed, but the very, very fast kind."

"Can you catch the bullet?" Lin Xian thought for a moment and made a gesture of shooting at his temple.

"I haven't tried this distance. Is it possible?" Lin Nian was a little confused.

"Oh." Lin Xian said, "You can perform a show next time."

For a moment, Lin Nian felt that he was just asking for trouble by talking to his elder sister about the speaking spirit. Compared with the elemental speaking spirits such as 'Jun Yan', 'Yin Lei', and 'Vortex', the performance of 'Shu Mo' The strength is indeed much lower. In the eyes of an outsider, even if you can cut three hundred and fifty-six knives in one second, you are not as good as the handsome guy next door who puts his hands together and pushes out a fireball.

He has taken advantage of this for the time being today, and if he shows off his talent to his sister in the future, he will just take her surname.

I don't know why, but after a few simple chats, Lin Nian's originally gloomy mood became much more relaxed - probably due to the effect of the idle talk, which wasn't bad at all.

As he spoke, the Chevrolet drove into the college.

The Kassel College was particularly desolate in the heavy rain. The rain was like silver-gray sticky spider silk, weaving into a web that covered the entire ancient and stern building community. Students in school uniforms holding umbrellas hurriedly holding textbooks. Haunted among the winding stone paths.

"Send you back to your dormitory or go directly to the cafeteria?" Lin Xian asked.

"Do you know how to get to the principal's office?"

"It seems to be over there at the Hall of Heroes. I remember it says so on the map." Lin Xian said, "Why, did you make a joke during the mission and was interviewed by the principal?"

"No, I just went to catch an afternoon tea." Lin Nian shook his head: "It should be almost time now."

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