The sharp chirping of cicadas kept ringing in Lin Nian's ears. The footsteps and screams of the crowd in the hall suddenly became very far away, and his consciousness seemed to follow those sounds and drift to a distance beyond his reach.


Lin Nian slapped himself hard, and the sharp stinging sensation brought his consciousness back to reality. The tinnitus suddenly disappeared, and chaotic human voices once again occupied his hearing.

He reluctantly stood up and looked around. The hall of the inpatient department was full of panicked people, like the unstoppable black waves returning at night.

Lin Nian hissed and touched the back of his head and found a sticky mess. He turned around and found that the tiles on the ground were cracked like a spider web, with some blood in the center. Although he hit the ground just now, he bumped into a few unlucky passers-by who acted as buffers. , but unfortunately his head still hit the ground. Now he felt obvious vomiting and probably had a slight concussion.

But where is Helena compared to this?

Lin Nian suppressed the vomiting in his throat and glanced in the direction of the women's restroom. The door had long since disappeared. He turned his head and quickly scanned the surrounding crowd, and found a few agile men heading towards the crowd quickly. They squeezed in, probably the senior specialists who came to support.

"Report the casualties. Are there any casualties in the undercover team? 'Beta'? 'Beta'?"

Lin Nian heard the instructor's question again. He immediately pressed the headset and replied: "It's nothing serious. I just hit my head. Where is 'Marita'? Has anyone seen 'Marita'?"

"In the hands of the murderer, hell, that guy is actually hiding in the women's bathroom. 'Beta', can you see the main entrance of the inpatient hall from your position? The murderer is escaping over there! Report his location to me !” The instructor yelled loudly: “We must not let him escape from the door. All senior commissioners, please push me up! You must keep that damn bastard for me until you die!”

Lin Nian suddenly raised his head and looked at the main entrance of the hall. Sure enough, he noticed at a glance the 'strong man' who stood out among the crowd. He was dressed in women's casual clothes and was bulging with muscles. This guy was like a walking tank. All the crowd broke through the obstacles and rushed to the door of the hall! And in his waist was the unconscious Helena!

Seeing that pale face, an indescribable feeling of rage welled up in Lin Nian's heart. The murderer kidnapped Helena in front of him, just like hiding in a tree hole and brazenly snatching away black bear honey. A naked provocation!

The senior commissioners tried their best to push through the crowd, but the crazy people completely lost their minds and could not control it. They now became the murderer's natural barrier, protecting the other party from escaping this place where the dragnet was set!

Lin Nian subconsciously rushed over, but before he could take two steps, a passerby suddenly bumped into him. As if a chain reaction had occurred, everyone around him fell on his back and pressed towards Lin Nian. He was forced to do nothing but He took a few steps back to avoid being crushed to the ground and threatened by being trampled. At this time, he looked up and looked at the murderer's position. It was much further away than before!

Ten seconds, no, at most seven seconds, the murderer can squeeze out of the inpatient unit along with the flow of people!

Only a hundred meters outside the door are the bustling streets of Chicago. Once the murderer enters the steel forest-like city and the execution department tries to find him again, the kidnapped Helena must have become a cold corpse!

It was too sudden. This attack completely went against the committing style of a serial killer. This was not a murder at all, but an upright kidnapping! Even the tactical department of the execution department had no idea that the murderer would act so resolutely in public! And now he is about to succeed!

"Clear a path! Clear a path quickly!" No matter how much Ryder yelled in the headset, the chaotic scene could not be effectively controlled. The murderer could only be seen advancing and advancing in the black wave. Like a castaway swimming toward a white lighthouse, he can gain eternal freedom by simply stepping into the light outside.

Just when everyone was furious and furious, a deafening gunshot suddenly rang out in the hall!

"Who fired the shot?" Ryder asked subconsciously, his mind blank, but no one answered him.

Those three gunshots were accompanied by echoes that made everyone's eardrums buzz and tremble. The shooters were definitely not senior specialists who intercepted the murderer. Their pistols were filled with live steel-core ammunition. The murderer was in the crowd at the moment. Who could They can all be used as his shield. Shooting rashly is the next best thing. Shooting randomly in such a chaotic situation will kill someone!

"Robbery! Everyone, squat down! If anyone takes another step, I'll blow his head off with a shot!" A deafening Lengran roar swept through the whole place, followed by three more ridiculously loud gunshots, the sound echoed in the hall It's like it's about to blow away a person's spiritual cap.

This powerful "robbery" confused the senior specialists at the scene, and the instructor Ryder in the combat conference room was also confused.

robbery? Dare I ask the brother who fired the gun? Is this the time of robbery? Why not pick the bank diagonally opposite the hospital if you want to rob? Did you go to the wrong door to rob the bank?

Unexpectedly, all the people in the hall who were running away in a hurry were frightened by the eardrum-torn gunfire and their legs weakened. When they heard the word "rob", nearly a hundred people squatted on the ground as if they were having a PTSD attack. , as neatly as if they fell down collectively.

Lin Nian turned around and saw that the shooter was Caesar. He did not retreat with the temporary commissioners of the surveillance team. Instead, he chose to stand up and fire into the sky, saving the current executioner in an unexpected way. Unfavorable form! Those ridiculously loud gunshots were made by his Desert Eagle. Those manly guns were not only powerful, but also made noisy enough to make your eardrums bleed, which created a shocking and perfect field-control effect!

"Well done, first grade! Senior Commissioner, stop him!" Ryder saw the crowd on the screen that "stopped the flow" for an instant in the war conference room. His eyes suddenly lit up and he understood Caesar's intention.

If you can't control chaos by shouting loudly, then suppress it with even greater chaos! Due to the national conditions of this country, the people have developed the habit of cooperating immediately when encountering bad incidents such as "robberies". Crouching down and paralyzing on the ground is completely driven by their instincts. These gunshots did not hit anyone. But it directly disintegrated the human barrier carefully created by the murderer!

In the war conference room, Ryder punched the steel table with his fist and made a dent. This is what the elite of this department should be like, efficient decision-making! Excellent execution! Use your own efforts to turn the tide when it is falling, and to support the building when it is about to collapse!

The only people still standing in the hall are the commissioners of the execution department, and the tall and sturdy murderer who rushed straight to the door without paying attention to the sound of the gun! At this moment, Lin Nian also saw clearly the appearance of the "goddamn bastard" in the instructor's words, and his eyes fell on Helena's bloodless face. For a moment, a wave of emotions that could not be suppressed rushed into the back of his head.

At this time, there was no crowd to stop the three senior commissioners from rushing to the side of the burly murderer. One of them took out a gun and was about to pull the trigger. It was at this moment that the murderer's bloodline advantage was truly revealed. He seemed to have eyes on his back. As if he suddenly stooped down and grabbed a passerby on the ground, threw it high like a paper ball and threw it towards the senior commissioner who was about to shoot!

"Everyone in the hall is his hostage. The senior commissioner on site is preparing for close combat!" Ryder's pupils shrank when he saw the murderer's exaggerated arm strength. This strength is no less than that of an 'A'-level hybrid who specializes in combat. The power of this mission is probably higher than lower than the 'A' level danger!

The other two senior commissioners sprinted like hyenas. They were the best in the execution department. Their bloodline advantage was no less than the murderer's 'A' level. Their speed was naturally not much slower than the other party. In an instant, they entangled them and kicked each of them. After grabbing the murderer's legs, he rolled forward and blocked the door of the hall. The 1.8-meter-tall murderer lost his balance and fell to the ground on his face. However, despite this situation, he remained dead. He hugged Helena and didn’t let go!

"All irrelevant personnel disperse to the corners!" Caesar in the corner of the hall saw that the senior commissioners had detained the murderer, and immediately opened fire and drove the crowd at the entrance of the hall to separate, leaving a large open space on both sides!

"'Snake' and 'Mirror' just guarded the door, and 'Dagger' blocked his escape route!" Ryder saw that the place of 'Decisive Battle' had been successfully vacated under Caesar's command, and he couldn't help but start the final battle with high spirits. Ambush deployment.

The three senior commissioners looked at each other and followed the order to surround Helena's murderer in the center. Two of them blocked the door, and one of them forced the escape route, completely controlling the situation!

After the gunshot, the hall fell into an eerie silence. It was as if the chaos just now had never existed. Now it was so quiet that only the rapid breathing and tiny sobs of the crowd could be heard.

The burly murderer on the ground got up with a whimper and a low growl. He held Helena in his left arm and looked around ferociously. The three senior commissioners all lit up their golden eyes under the excitement and slowly took out something in their hands. A cold weapon, a dagger or a knife, was in a fighting posture.

"He's scared." Lin Nian, who was watching the battle from far away in the hall, was suddenly startled. He found that the murderer's legs were shaking involuntarily, and his muscular face could not help but twitch, with an expression between anger and extreme between fears.

"It seems that our enemy is a coward. He dares to commit murders but dare not bear the consequences. But he should be afraid. When he killed Andrew, he should be trembling like a child who has done something wrong now. , but it is a pity that what we give him cannot be forgiveness." Ryder, the earphone, said coldly, his face as hard as steel in the combat conference room: "The enemy has hostages in his hands, don't act rashly, he will move soon There’s no need to keep him alive, just find the opportunity and kill him with one strike!”

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