"Ten questions?"


"Are you sure you answered ten questions?"

"At least that's what Professor Manstein, who collected the papers, said."

At night, in Dormitory 303, Area 1, Fingel nearly jumped out of bed and hit the ceiling. He pulled his hands back to make a hip thrusting motion and made a Wuhu sound.

"Is it necessary to be so excited?" Lin Nian, who was on the lower bunk, was spinning his pencil and looked up helplessly.

"Ten questions! My dear junior brother, do you know that there are only a few questions in the 3E exam? That's right! It's ten! You answered them all!" Fingel beamed with joy and patted the iron beside the bed vigorously. Guardrail.

"It's possible that you got the answer wrong, but you can't answer it 100% correctly." Lin Nian took a sip of Coke and looked uninterested. He seemed to be very concerned about the scene he saw earlier, and he was lying on the table talking about it. Write and draw with a piece of white paper.

"As long as you don't pretend to understand and scribble, the accuracy of answers written due to resonance is generally more than 90%! At least senior brother, I have never written wrong answers after listening to resonance. This in itself is It's a very difficult thing to establish!" Fingel, who was sitting cross-legged on the upper bunk, was enthusiastically explaining science to Lin Nian: "For example, if you resonate with Long Wen 'Fa Huang', then you will definitely not be able to write the answer as 'Silence', it's most likely that there was something wrong when you sketched the dragon's text. Some of the thicker and lighter parts of the picture are not clear, but Norma is a supercomputer. He will match yours according to the standard answers in the computer library. Comparing the answers, once the similarity rate exceeds 80%, it will be judged correct, and the error tolerance rate is extremely high!"

"So, your winning rate and error tolerance in this handicap are also extremely high." Lin Nian explained why Fingel was so excited.

"No, junior brother, you have to know that we live under the same roof, and a large part of senior brother is still happy for you." Fingel said with joy.

"Twist your crooked nose back first." Lin Nian glanced at the open laptop and saw that the Night Watch Forum was full of private messages asking him about the inside story of the 3E exam. It seemed that many gambling dogs were already a little anxious.

When he was about to fork the webpage, the background reminded him that he had received a new email, and the sender was Norma.

"Junior brother, your class schedule should be here." Finger, who was excited, opened a bottle of beer and glanced at his laptop screen to remind him.

"Does Cassel College have many freshman classes? How does it compare to high school?" Lin Nian breathed out and moved the mouse to the email.

"Then you have to look at which country you compare with. Your Chinese high schools still have late self-study, but Japanese high schools finish at three or four in the afternoon. College life is generally better at the beginning and then gradually gets better. This is normal." Fen Geer took a sip of wine: "Don't worry, you are in the preparatory class in school now. Norma will not arrange too heavy courses for you. She will probably only arrange dragon genealogy, language classes, and physical education classes. An introductory course for you.”

"Actually, I'm more confident in science than liberal arts." Lin Nian mumbled and opened the email.

As expected, Norma's email contained a course schedule. It opened with congratulations to Lin Nian for passing the 3E exam. After the results came out on the selected day, Norma would enter the results into the database and send a score sheet to his mailbox. After that, there would be some... Starting tomorrow, he will attend classes on time with the first-year students, and his usual grades and credits will not be included in the final grade points.

"Let me see what classes there are." Fingel leaned out from the upper bunk and squinted at the screen: "Old Norse, Hebrew and Runes. Well, junior brother, how was your high school English study?"

"The teaching conditions in my high school are quite good. The English teacher is a foreign teacher. I usually have no problem communicating with him normally."

"You have a good talent for language, so it seems that you won't be disappointed in language classes in the future. This thing is quite a headache, but fortunately, most language classes teach dead languages ​​and don't pay much attention to grammar." Fingel shrugged.

"Dead language?"

"It's a language that no longer has a race in the world as its mother tongue." Fingel said: "For example, Old Turkic, you don't need to use it for daily communication or practice its spoken language, you only need to understand it to learn it The meaning of the written words is enough, the most difficult part of the course is to recite the text symbols that look like tadpoles or abstract paintings."

"I have always had a good memory. In addition to language classes, there are also "Dragon Family Genealogy", "Survival Drills", "Bajiquan" and "Introduction to Cold Weapon Combat"." Lin Nian dragged the mouse to look down one by one. : "What kind of survival training courses are there? Will the school airdrop us into a harsh environment for personal survival?"

"Normally, the class is not that exaggerated. At most, it teaches you some survival knowledge and how to use astronomy to find the direction when you are lost. But during the graduation exam, you will do what you said. I remember that the students in the last graduation exam were killed by a Gulfstream. The passenger plane sent him to the jungles of Guatemala for a month of survival, and one of the requirements in the exam was to independently hunt a large beast." Fingel raised his eyebrows.

"Large beast?"

"Bears, pythons, crocodiles, etc. I also saw a student bring back a live jaguar. The reason he didn't kill it was because the student thought it was too cute and wanted to keep it, but the academy refused. The reason is that we are worried about personal safety, and the personal safety of Jaguar in the academy! Our academy can be considered a combat school, and the exams are quite hardcore. When you graduate from the sword practice class, you are required to fight with a real sword." Fingel explained.

"Is this Bajiquan the Bajiquan I know?" Lin Nian asked as he pulled the mouse and pointed at the screen.

"Bajiquan? I thought Norma would choose Tai Chi or Jiu-Jitsu for you. Yes, this is the ancient Chinese boxing technique you know. Many lost and limited close combat techniques in our academy are included If you are interested, you can go to the library and have a look. You might even find a detailed explanation of Qigong." Fingel held a beer can in his mouth and leaned down to look at the computer screen: "Ah, sure enough, dragon genealogy, I knew you couldn't get around it. After all, this course is now considered compulsory, and the teacher is the coquettish principal."

"Are you sure that calling the principal a 'slut' in private is really a manly thing?"

"You will know that the description is correct once you have met the principal. Besides, coquettishness is not a derogatory term. Anyone who has met the principal will feel from the bottom of their hearts that this is a rare old slut in the world!" Fingel said plausibly.

"I'll probably know tomorrow if the principal is as you said." Lin Nian looked at the course schedule carefully for a while: "Tomorrow morning I will have a class on dragon family genealogy, in the lecture theater with the first grade Along with the students, the appendix also reminds me that the textbooks I need to use will be packed together and placed at the door of my dormitory at eight o'clock tomorrow morning. How thoughtful!"

"Norma has always been so considerate. The premise is that you are her friend and not her enemy. The first class is the principal's class. Junior brother, it looks like you have to go to bed early today. As far as I know, no one dares to be in the principal's class. Fishing, not even the popular Caesar Gattuso, maybe the principal will chat with you for a cup of tea or something after class tomorrow." Fingel shrugged: "What about the afternoon? What's there in the afternoon? Class? If there is no class in the afternoon, senior brother can take you to a party. Party is one of the best ways to integrate into campus life."

"Oh, sorry, I have another class in the afternoon on Linguistics?" Lin Nian was stunned.

"Oh?" Fingel suddenly became interested: "It seems that the old guys who arranged the courses for you have high hopes for you."

"What does this course mainly teach? One hundred ways to use superpowers?" Lin Nian asked suspiciously.

"It's not that exaggerated. Let me ask you, have you ever seen anyone in school these days who could control the wind and rain or play with fire and burn themselves?"

"Senior brother, you should really practice your idioms and rhetoric."

"You missed the point!" Fingel waved his hand: "The point is that no one within the academy can release the word spirit at will!"


"The rules can be broken, but the old guy's 'commandments' cannot. As far as I know, no ruthless guy has been able to break the 'commandments' and forcefully release the spirit since the school was founded!" Fingel took a sip of beer and leaned against the wall. On: "I know that you have many questions, junior brother, but these things cannot be explained clearly in a few words. If you want to know more about the course of Yan Ling Xue specifically, this is the best way. I am not bragging that I took the Yan Ling Xue course. But an 'A' second to none."

"Senior brother, what is your speech spirit?"

"How can someone at the bottom of the box just say what I am really a good-for-nothing speech spirit is not important at all, right? Anyway, it can't be so awesome that it raises my class to 'A' again." Fingel snorted. After two careless glances, he changed the subject: "Junior brother, what is your speech spirit? Didn't you have the urge to sing something during the 3E exam today?"

"What?" Lin Nian thought for a moment that the 'Music Dragon Slaying' he had conceived in his mind during the exam had come into reality.

"Yan Ling is the ability to use dragon text to communicate rules and cause abnormal phenomena. If humans want to use dragon text, of course they have to chant dragon text. Most of the dragon text's tones are a little ups and downs, so when you recite the word spirit and listen carefully, it feels like you are in an opera house. Listen to the singer's high notes." Fingel explained: "Didn't you want to improvise a song during the exam?"

"No, at that time all I could think about was Bach." Lin Nian shook his head.

"Junior brother, you haven't awakened the word spirit?" Fingel's expression was a little strange.

"Is this weird?"

Fingel nodded: "It's quite strange. After all, a mixed race should have its own speech spirit. Even if it is not destructive and obviously interferes with reality, the kind of 'hypnosis' similar to Toyama Masashi can still be regarded as a speech spirit!" Your bloodline is expected to be promoted to 'S', how could you not have the spirit of speech?"

"But I really didn't." Lin Nian stopped moving his hands on the white paper and racked his brains to recall the scene during the exam. He really didn't feel that he had the urge to sing something loudly at that time.

"It's okay. It may be that the spiritual vision impact is not enough, or it may be that your bloodline awakening is a little slow now. Maybe in a few days you will be eating hot pot and singing, and you will sing an impromptu song while walking on the road. Don't worry, if you If there are other students or professors around you, they will not treat you as a lunatic. On the contrary, they will be happy for you and even applaud you. Well, the premise is that no one records it and posts it to the forum." Fingel comforted: "Speaking of which, junior brother What did you see during your vision?"

"Something that is not there."

"If it's not a good experience, just forget about it. Things like spiritual vision are as vague as dreams. They come and go quickly. Maybe you will forget it when you are eating pig knuckles in the morning during the exam in the afternoon." Fen Geer said.

"But senior brother, as I said, my memory has always been very good." Lin Nian put down his pencil and said softly.

Fingel poked his head out from the upper bunk and saw the white paper placed in front of the notebook on the table. He was stunned when he saw the content on the paper clearly.

Drawn on the white paper in front of Lin Nian was a pitch-black cage, with the curves of the snowy hills looming outside the window. A girl was kneeling in the cage, and on the girl's profile, the pencil lines were soft and clear.

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