When Mandy walked out of the dormitory building in District 1, her face was haggard, her eyes were as thick as a giant panda, and she was shaking when she walked.

The brothers in the boys' dormitory building in District 1 looked down at this poor girl from the window, sighing and lamenting how awesome the 'S' class was. For a week in a row, this girl had to go to dormitory 303 every night as if she was clocking in at work. I staggered away at seven in the morning and came back on time at seven-thirty, carrying breakfast for two in my hands.

This fearless dedication moved several brothers who had been single for several years with tears in their eyes. At the same time, the beast in dormitory 303 was put on the Kassel version of this list.

In the 303 dormitory, Lin Nian was lying on the computer table with a piece of whole-wheat bread in his mouth. He stretched heavily and covered him with a large pile of draft paper filled with translations. These were all things Mandy worked on all night long. After being driven out, it took them more than seven days to finally decipher the entire parchment.

"It's harder than I thought." Lin Nian chewed tasteless slices of bread with his eyes closed.

High risk, high reward, bloodline refining technology can be regarded as the most important cornerstone of the rise of the Lionheart Society. The more you decipher it, the more you will find that this technology was not entirely created by the Lionheart Society. In the third picture The parchment clearly records that this information appeared much earlier than the founding of Kassel Academy.

In other words, not only the Lion Heart Society, but also hybrids on land had begun to study how to break through the critical blood limit, the chasm between humans and dragons, hundreds of thousands of years ago. The later Lion Heart Society only perfected it. Partially—and only partially—Bloody Blood is still an imperfect technology with many hidden dangers.

"Done?" While Lin Nian was deep in thought, Fingel stuck out from the upper bunk and pulled the quilt to reveal only his head: "I seem to smell the aroma of breakfast."

"Senior sister has left, don't hide it." Lin Nian casually threw the plastic bag containing breakfast hanging on the back of the chair.

"Oh, your senior sister brought us breakfast again. How embarrassing." Fingel squeezed out - he had a habit of sleeping naked.

"Today is the last day. The information on the parchment has basically been deciphered. After that, it is about understanding and digesting some obscure parts and a lot of practice."

"Practice? Junior brother, you can't do this mess in the academy." Fingel put his head into the plastic bag and took out a piece of bread: "You also know how dangerous this thing is."

"It turns out that you can hear our discussions every day when you are snoring on the upper bunk." Lin Nian looked surprised.

"Anything related to the words 'bloodline' or 'refined' is very dangerous, not to mention the two words combined." Fingel opened the yogurt straw film: "But this is really good Is this martial arts secret book of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms level known to me and Junior Sister Mandy casually? Maybe I was secretly taking notes on it while you two were studying it."

"So you have also read Jin Yong, then you should know that violent blood is not the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. At most, it is a sword manual to ward off evil, a double-edged sword. If you want to get something, you have to pay something." Lin Nian. explain.

"But that's not the reason why you don't treat this thing as a treasure, right? After all, it was taken from the Lion Heart Club's archives, and every thing in it is confidential." Fingel sucked the yogurt. He gnawed on the bread and patted some pieces of parchment hanging on the bed.

"The principal just suggested that I read something, and he didn't tell me any other prohibited items." Lin Nian sat up from the computer desk and began to tidy up the messy books in the dormitory.

"It's crane's repayment." Fingel sighed: "Junior brother, you did it on purpose."

Lin Nian didn't say anything, and just kept packing away the remains and books.

"This kind of thing is as precious to anyone who holds it as lifeblood. I wish I could hide it and light a candle to peek at it secretly. Anyone who takes a peek will become anxious. But as soon as Mandy came in, you just rolled out all the secrets. The other person couldn’t even cover her ears—you dragged her into the water on purpose, and once she was in the pit, she couldn’t escape,” Fingal said.

"Is it so obvious?" Lin Nian asked casually.

"Even a blind man can see it." Fingel shrugged: "When you brought the parchment back to the dormitory, you were like a child who got a new toy and couldn't wait to share it with his friends. But junior brother, as a senior brother, I have to warn you, bloodline Refining technology is not a toy that can be bought casually. After studying it for so many days, you should know that this technology is risky, and if something goes wrong, it will lead to very bad situations."

"I heard that Senior Sister Mandy is not outstanding in the academy." Lin Nian said.

Fingel was stunned for a moment, then nodded slowly, but then Lin Nian said nothing more.

The dormitory was quiet for a while, and Fingel, who was eating a piece of bread on the upper bunk, smiled for no reason: "Junior brother, I guess you must have very few friends."

Lin Nian paused for a moment, and then continued to clean up the dormitory without bringing up this topic. Only after finishing packing the pile of miscellaneous books, he took a breath, glanced at Fingel and said, "She treats me as her junior brother." , I will regard him as my senior sister."

"So you still remember what I told you: Cassel College is a meritocracy, where blood comes first. So even if Mandy didn't come to the door, you would find a reason to trick her into coming." Fingel finished his breakfast. He rubbed his belly comfortably and burped: "You are so pure and kind, just like a child - oh, I forgot, you are a child to begin with."

"Then I say senior brother, would you be a little touched if I treat you as a senior brother?" Lin Nian asked.

"A little bit." Fingel pinched two fingers and winked: "After all, your senior brother and I have too many suitors. If there are a few more new junior brothers and sisters, we will have to go to the lottery on odd and even days."

"Of course, all the students in Kassel College are your junior brothers and sisters. Aren't you ready to graduate this year?" Lin Nian rolled his eyes.

"Oh, so this is why you chose to study the parchment in the dormitory! While you want to save the junior sister who failed the exam, you also want to save your good-for-nothing senior brother. One tiger kills two sheep!" Fingel covered his heart: " To be honest, I was moved. The last time I was so moved was when my junior sister made me a one-to-one chocolate mannequin."

"Then have you learned anything? Don't tell me that you haven't understood anything for so many days."

"To be honest, I just memorized a few sections of the Jade Record. I feel that if I write the original text for the alchemy and chemistry make-up exam, I will definitely not make mistakes." Fingel said shyly.

"It's okay, I'll take notes." Lin Nian casually threw a notebook up, packed up some pieces of parchment hanging in front of the bed, carefully rolled them up and put them into a paper tube to seal: "I'm going to Go to the Lion Heart Club to return the documents. Someone from the school administration department will come to move these books in a while. Remember to open the door for them."

"Come on, junior brother." Fingel sat up and waved while pulling the quilt, looking like a seductive handsome man holding a pipa, half-hiding his face.

Lin Nian couldn't help but rolled his eyes again, slammed the door, and left.

In the dormitory, Fingel listened to the footsteps and walked away. He let go of the hand holding the quilt and got naked. He glanced at the notebook in his hand and scratched his head. He threw it on the table without opening it and lay down. I took a full nap on the bed, wiped my mouth, and went back to sleep comfortably.

"It's really interesting, but I hope nothing goes wrong." He rested his hands on the back of his head, talking like he was dreaming.

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