On a bustling night in Tokyo, a black Mercedes-Benz fleet passed under the elevated road under the protection of the night. Several black motorcycles were lined up on the left and right of the fleet like big wings. Passers-by on the street saw such a momentum. Hold up your phone and take a photo.

The Mercedes-Benz fleet cuts across the road like a knife, and any rushing cars must be avoided. The black helmets of the motorcyclists reflect flash lights and human faces. Every ten seconds, they will pay attention to the crowds of onlookers on the street. Building in case of any eventuality.

In the Mercedes-Benz sedan in the second row of the motorcade, Okubo Ryoichi silently looked out the privacy-protected window at the envious eyes of passers-by, not knowing what he was thinking. He put his hand on his waist and touched the protruding gun under his suit with his fingers. Handle, it seems that only this can make him feel some peace of mind.

"Ryoichi, you look very nervous tonight." The old man wearing a black haori next to Okubo Ryoichi said with a smile.

"Sorry, it's just my first time sitting in a convoy of this level. I was not qualified to attend a gathering of this level before." Okubo Ryoichi withdrew his sight, and the flashing lights, noises, and discussions outside the window soon disappeared. was left behind in the din of noise and honking horns.

"The people at this gathering are all senior and powerful seniors from the Inuyama family. The seniors value the 'scene' that shows their status most. Young people like you don't just have the extravagant hope that one day you can sit at the top of the convoy, across the street. Do you use the car window glass to pick out the good and bad of this city with a scrutinizing gaze?" The old man smiled lightly.

Okubo Ryoichi was silent for a while and then said: "Team leader, you are also one of the old people. Did you also have such a glorious dream when you were young?"

Hasegawa Yoshitaka calmly looked out the window at the city with soft red fragrant soil and said: "Of course I have done it, and we are doing it now. We old people are just older young people. We spend a lot of our lives chasing our ideals. Now that I have finally achieved the dream I had when I stood on the roadside and stared at it, shouldn't I go to the 'scene' for a few times, otherwise what would I have been working for all my life?"

"But this is not what I want." Okubo Ryoichi said.

"Life has dreams, and each one is wonderful. You are the younger generation, and the dreams you should dream are of course bigger than those of us old timers." Hasegawa Yoshitaka smiled and patted the shoulder of the young man he was most optimistic about in the group.

"I heard that the party was held at the Tamamo-mae Club?" Okubo Ryoichi started the topic.

"Yes, whenever the Inuyama family has important matters to discuss, they will choose this place. The head of the family will clear out all the guests, reject all the reservations of celebrities and dignitaries, and free up the club for the whole day just for a family gathering in the evening." Hasegawa Yilong nodded.

"Is it to prevent someone from setting an ambush?"

"Japan is not peaceful now." Hasegawa Yoshitaka said softly: "There are many enemies hidden overtly and covertly. Our family stands on the table, and among them the eight family heads are the most eye-catching. In the eyes of the enemy, they are thorns in the eyes and flesh. You have not noticed that they are close to us. In the past few years, have the parents of our family gathered together less and less often? Even if they do get together occasionally, they must be in the Xingshen Temple in the Genji Building, and the security and defense are seamless."

"Is this incident really worth gathering together for the elderly in the Inuyama family?" Okubo Ryo paused for a moment with a strange look on his face: "Just for a 16-year-old kid who visited Japan?"

"This is not an ordinary child." Hasegawa Yoshitaka said: "This involves some old things that matter a long time ago. You are too young in the family to have access to them for the time being. Only a very few people can learn from the arrival of this 16-year-old child. Smelling more intriguing meanings, the head of the Inuyama family was the first to notice, so we held a party tonight."

"Because of a 16-year-old child, the Inuyama family gathered together to discuss countermeasures, and when I was 16 years old, I was still stealing things on the commercial streets of Shinjuku." Okubo Ryoichi laughed at himself.

"We cannot generalize between people." Hasegawa Yoshitaka said: "Some people are born as children of destiny, carrying missions that are unimaginable to ordinary people, such as the great Amaterasu."

Hearing the word Amaterasu, Okubo Ryoichi was in awe, with expectations in his eyes: "Will that adult appear at this gathering?"

"I don't think so. This matter of receiving foreign guests this time has been assigned to our Inuyama family by the head of the family. The other seven families will not interfere. This is considered an 'internal matter' of the Inuyama family." Hasegawa Yoshitaka said: " At the same time, this is also an opportunity for you to stand out.”

"By raising children." Okubo Ryoichi said: "When you told me this on the phone, team leader, I thought you were joking. I imagined that success should be obtained on the streets with knives and scars. .”

"Old-school gangster style." Hasegawa Yoshitaka shook his head: "These days are not like before. If you take out a knife on the street, people from the Metropolitan Police Department will come to you within five minutes. Now is a society governed by the rule of law. Young people People no longer even think that the hard-working mafia has a future. Now everyone is familiar with the law, has gone to college, and can earn 250,000 yen a month by opening a small Oden shop. The market has changed. Young people are no longer willing to join the underworld, and the lack of new blood has caused many groups to face the situation of no one to recruit and no one to use."

"Is it so serious?" Okubo Ryoichi was a little surprised.

"Even you were picked up by me on the streets of Shinjuku. If you hadn't stolen the Inuyama family cadre by mistake, would you have embarked on this road of no return?" Hasegawa Yoshitaka asked.

"I don't regret embarking on this path. If I hadn't been the team leader, I would still be stealing or pimping now." Okubo Ryoichi said.

"But others don't think so. Nowadays, the underworld industry is in a slump. I heard that many old people in underworld clubs are struggling to recruit young members. They have no choice but to teach themselves how to use computers. They wear reading glasses and point one finger at a time. He poked his fingers at the keyboard and posted on the recruitment website that the club was recruiting new members." Hasegawa Yoshitaka smiled bitterly.

"This is really..." Okubo Ryoichi was speechless.

"But this is only limited to the small clubs under my control. The lack of people is not something we can do for the time being. With the leadership of the elders, our family has been prospering over the years." Hasegawa Yoshitaka shook his head. After taking a look at the scene: "It's better to say less of these depressing words. The elders in the family don't like to hear them."

"Let's get back to the original topic, that 16-year-old kid from headquarters." Okubo Ryo nodded.

"That 16-year-old child, even though he is much younger than you, it is not surprising that he can cause such a big commotion in the family. He has the capital and strength." Hasegawa Yoshitaka said.

"What strength and capital does a 16-year-old have?" Okubo Ryoichi didn't understand: "Weren't the people who came before the headquarters still abused by the people from the executive bureau? I heard that the last commissioner of the headquarters who came to Japan was photographed by them. I took nude photos as a souvenir.”

"Is there such a thing?" Hasegawa Yoshitaka raised his eyebrows: "Male or female?"


"Oh." Hasegawa Yoshitaka's eyebrows relaxed.

"But the person who took the nude photo of him was a woman."

Hasegawa Yoshitaka frowned again and sighed helplessly: "It seems that there have been some problems with the family's attitude towards the headquarters in recent years. This may have led to this foreign guest visit."

"Team leader, what do you mean?" Okubo Ryoichi seemed to understand something.

"I've thought of it, don't ask. I've guessed it, don't tell me." Hasegawa Yoshitaka shook his head and became serious: "Someone will take the initiative to bring these things up at a party later. Now we can't help discussing it in private. What are your specific details? The head of the Inuyama family will personally issue the mission."

"Hi!" Okubo Ryoichi lowered his head.

It was at this time that the Mercedes-Benz fleet slowly stopped on the street and arrived at its destination. On the roadside, a black crystal-like building stood tall, unique among all building groups, with a huge neon sign shining brightly. Illuminating the night, the large characters 'Tamazo Mae Club' shine brightly.

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