If I asked you to simulate a crime, would you imitate a top thief?

Chapter 48 TV networks around the world scramble for copyrights! Aiming at Norton Groove!

"Glenn, quick, look at this guy!" Mike rushed in and shouted at Glenn, the general manager, who was leisurely drinking coffee.

Glenn was frightened by the sudden situation. His hand shook and he sprayed all the coffee on the desk!

He stared at Mike with anger and scolded:

"Oh my God, what are you doing? Don't you know to knock on the door first?"

Mike panted and apologized:

"Sorry, I really didn't mean it. I was just too excited! Look at this!" After that, he calmed down his breathing a little, and then carefully handed the iPhone in his hand to Glenn.

"What is this?"

Glenn took the phone with a suspicious look on his face, looked at the content on the screen, and asked doubtfully.

"A crazy guy!"

Mike couldn't hide his excitement and answered with a trembling voice.

Originally, Glenn didn't care much about this matter, but when he saw Chu Chen jumping off the money transporter with 400 million Chinese yuan, he was shocked!

Seeing his shocked expression, Mike explained:

"His name is Chu Chen, and he is a Chinese! He is now participating in a variety show called "Simulated Crime". This show is a large-scale reality show created by Huaxia TV. They randomly selected 100 contestants from all the applicants and asked them to carry out related criminal activities according to the criminal propositions given by the program team. The first criminal proposition of the show is robbery!"

"When other contestants were playing around, this young man directly chose to rob a money transporter and jumped into the Swallow Cave at an altitude of 10,000 meters! He proposed a challenge called the Extreme Eight Items in the show, and the Swallow Cave is the first item. At present, he is challenging the second item, and the location is Mount Everest, the world's highest peak!"

After Mike's explanation, combined with the video editing, Glenn was deeply attracted by what Chu Chen did!

"You mean to introduce this program to North America?" Glenn asked.

"Yes!" Mike said.

"Yes, yes, it is indeed a good program, especially this young man, it is very exciting!"

"Well, but now, it should be more than one TV station that is interested in this program. We must hurry up to get in touch with China!"

Glenn nodded meaningfully.

After a long while, he said: "I will report this to the board of directors immediately!"

Mike is right!

During this period, more than one TV broadcasting company, CBS, has become interested in this program!

ABC, NBC, FOX and CW TV, all of them are gearing up, can't wait to establish contact with China and offer their unique copyright quotes!

The first one to contact Chen Zhiguo was NBC.

The other party did not hesitate and opened his mouth to offer a jaw-dropping high price of $100 million!

When Chen Zhiguo heard this astronomical offer, he was stunned!

However, before he could recover from the shock, FOX's offer of 200 million was like a bombshell, which almost made his jaw drop again!

Then, CW and ABC were not to be outdone, and offered 150 million and 180 million respectively!

In this fierce competition, the most amazing offer was from the wealthy CBS.

They generously threw out 300 million US dollars in chips during the first negotiation, and then it soared to 500 million!

Later, because of several other companies, the price kept rising.

CBS first offered 600 million, and then gradually increased to 1 billion and 1.5 billion!

The other companies did not show weakness either!

No matter how much CBS offered, they would follow it, and no one would give in to anyone!

When Chen Zhiguo reported the matter to the station, CBS's offer had exceeded 3 billion US dollars...

This offer was twice as high as the NBA's exclusive broadcast fee in China!

It was so terrifying!

If they were allowed to compete like this, the final result would definitely be an astronomical figure!

In addition, in addition to the five major TV networks in North America!

The fourth broadcasting company in Eagle Country, which is far away in the European continent!

The neighboring Kimchi Country SBS TV and the island country NTV TV!

The three major TV networks in South America, Kangaroo TV in Australia, and MABA-TV in the vast African land, South Africa TV and many other well-known foreign media organizations have also come out!

Actively communicate and contact with Huaxia TV!

Their goal is very clear and consistent, that is, they hope to buy out the exclusive broadcast rights of the popular program "Simulated Crime" in their respective regions!

At the same time!

China, Mount Everest!

The golden sunset.

Like silk flowing with the wind.

Dotted on the top of the mountain.

At this moment, after two hours of difficult and long trekking, Chu Chen finally succeeded in conquering the 6,800-meter altitude.

At this moment, he was only less than 200 meters away from the Norton Trench below!

Chu Chen stopped, took a breath, and slowly raised his head to look upward.

In the sight, the winding ridge grooves are like a gate across the north wall, blocking the way for all challengers who attempt to reach the summit!

Due to the influence of the current season.

The ice condition there is quite bad.

In one section, you can even see the exposed ridge directly.

If you really climb up.

It will be very difficult.

But there is no way, because the route he chose to go straight up the north wall must pass through there to continue to move towards 8000 meters!

Of course, he can also choose to turn to the traditional route halfway in the forward camp ahead.

But if that happens, it will increase a lot of unnecessary physical energy consumption and climbing risks for no reason.

Such an operation is really not worthwhile for climbing to the top of an 8000-meter snow mountain!

At present, according to Chu Chen’s current speed and rhythm, if nothing unexpected happens, it should not be a problem to successfully climb to 7010 meters before the sun sets completely!

If you are lucky, it is not impossible to break through 7700.

Even 8000!

But if we switch to the traditional method, it will take a long time.

During this period, if we encounter extremely bad weather, it will be even harder to say.

In addition, since he doesn't know what the pursuit team will do next, in order to avoid being chased, he must fight quickly and reach the top as soon as possible, and can't stay here for too long!

Based on these considerations, Chu Chen finally decided to break through the Norton Trench and aim at 7010!

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