It took

Yu Hang only five days to complete the script!

So, in the next two days, he took time to discuss the script with the head of the production department of Noon Sunshine.

In the end,"Little Fish and Flower" was sold for 4.5 million.

The news spread quickly and aroused heated discussions among netizens.

"Ah, have you agreed on the price so quickly?"

"4.5 million, Yu Hang has made a fortune again!"

"Brothers, I want to change my career and become a screenwriter to make a lot of money!"

"Dude, don't just look at Yu Hang, look at the other contestants, the scripts they wrote are total crap!"

"Now, besides Yu Hang, only Liu Xin can watch"Youth Entrepreneurship Competition"!"

"Even if it's Liu Xin, her script isn't good. Mr. Liu said last night that Liu Xin's script doesn't have any highlights and isn't worth adapting!"

"《Youth Entrepreneurship Competition" for three sessions, only Yu Hang has such strength!"

"Even Chen Sicheng back then was not even a little bit inferior to Yu Hang!"


Many netizens saw that Yu Hang sold copyrights for nearly 10 million with just two scripts.

They were so envious.

Some netizens even said that they also wanted to switch careers and become screenwriters.

Of course, this is just talk.

After all, in the entire screenwriting industry, there has only been one Yu Hang in all these years.

Look at the"National Youth Screenwriter Creative Competition", which has been held for three sessions, with at least hundreds of people.

The most famous one is only Chen Sicheng.

What about the others?

They are still struggling to write rubbish scripts, eating and waiting to die.

In the blink of an eye, seven days are up!

Today is the day when the"Youth Creation Competition" announced the results of the ratings and rankings.

There is no doubt that

Yu Hang won the first place again.

The netizen rating, the overall score is 93!

The four judges' rating, the overall score is 80 points!

In the words of Liu Heping

《He gave 65 points to the plot of"Little Fish and Flower", but 85 points to the character creation!

The same.

The other three judges were also about the same.

Don't look at Yu Hang who only got 80 points!

But in this round of competition, the proposition is Emperor 990!

Look at the judges' scores of other contestants.

Liu Xin, who ranked second, only got 64 points in total, barely passing!

The other contestants were even worse!

Including Liu Xin, only five passed the passing line!

The other contestants, none of them passed

《The second round of the Youth Entrepreneurship Competition is over!

Next, there is a half-month break!

Yu Hang flew back to see his parents.

He gave them some money.

Then he stayed at home for a few more days.

Then he returned to Yanjing.

At the same time.

On the other side

《"A Man's Martial Arts" is being filmed in full swing.

Huayi Brothers is looking for a Hong Kong director named Chen Desheng.

It is said that he was recommended by Zeng Zidan.

At the same time,

Zeng Zidan also served as the action director of this film.

In addition to Wang Baoqiang, this film also invited many kung fu stars.

For example, Shi Yanneng, the actor of the Northern Leg King, when it comes to leg skills, the audience's deepest impression of him is Kuli Qiang in"Kung Fu".

And Fan Shaohuang, there is no need to introduce him much.

There are many representative roles such as Li Wang and Xu Zhu!

In short, the cast of this movie is very strong, and more than a dozen action stars have been invited!

During this period,

Chen Desheng also added Yu Hang as a WeChat friend.

He also discussed with him about"A Man's Martial Arts"》?

He made some adaptations, so he consulted the author Yu Hang.

After all.

When Yu Hang was creating, some plots had to be slightly modified.

For example, the final ending.

Shan Ying did not die, and the decisive battle between Xiahou Wu and Feng Yuxiu was over. After

Xiahou Wu finished serving his sentence, he returned to Foshan and lived a shameless life with his junior sister Shan Ying.

Yu Hang naturally had no objection to this.

In addition.

That is,"Little Fish and Flower" jointly produced by Noon Sunshine, Penguin Video, and New Classics Media is casting!

Jiang Yuyan's popularity is still very high now.

They need to strike while the iron is hot.

And they are also preparing to adopt the method of shooting and broadcasting at the same time!

That is, shooting and broadcasting at the same time! The selection of Jiang Yuyan was announced to the entire network yesterday!

It also aroused heated discussions among netizens.

That's right.

In the end, it was played by Yang Mi.

Yang Mi, who has not filmed a play for two or three years.

Her appearance this time can be regarded as making the audience who likes her very happy.

Yang Mi + Yuyan!

The heat of these two combined together is simply explosive!

"Shit, he really chose Yang Mi?"

"I'm inexplicably looking forward to it!"

"It seems that Yang Mi is really suitable for the role, other actresses really can't support this role!"

"Actually, I have another candidate, but I dare not say her name!"

"Mr. F, actually he is quite suitable for Jiang Yuyan, what a pity!"

"Do you want to film and broadcast at the same time? I like it!"

"As long as Yang Mi doesn’t make movies, it’s still okay!"


Netizens have been discussing

Yang Mi.

She can be said to be the most popular actress in the country nowadays.

As we all know.

Da Mimi's TV series can be said to be a big hit!

But in terms of movies, it is much worse.

The main reason is that her acting skills can't support the movie.

This time.

If she can play the role of Jiang Yuyan well enough.

I guess there will be an endless stream of movies looking for her to cooperate!

After all.

In today's market, TV series are almost all praising women.

Especially this kind of script with a big heroine.

That is very popular.


There is another big thing.

The science fiction blockbuster"Magic City Fortress" starring Lu Han was released a few days ago.


Before the release of this movie, the promotion was so popular.

It was even claimed that"Magic City Fortress" would open the door to Chinese science fiction.


After the release, it was sprayed by the audience like a dog, and was once scolded on the hot search.

It has only been released for a few days.

From the director to the leading actor, they came out to apologize one by one.

It's amazing!


This has nothing to do with Yu Hang......(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

《The third episode of the Youth Entrepreneurship Competition is about to start!

And this time, the rules of the competition are different.

The national quarterfinals! [] will adopt a point ranking system!

It's very simple.

In each episode, the contestant with the lowest points will be eliminated.

At 3 pm

《The official live broadcast room of the Youth Entrepreneurship Competition has been opened!

Countless viewers flocked to it!

The barrage of comments was so exaggerated!


《The Youth Entrepreneurship Competition has become a phenomenal variety show.


Yu Hang has become popular!

The main reason is that his two scripts sold for nearly 10 million yuan, which shocked the circle.

Although everyone knows that the status of screenwriters is very high, they really didn't expect that screenwriters can make so much money (cfbc)

"Melon seeds, benches and mineral water are sold in the front row!"

"I'm coming!!!"

"It’s finally airing!"

"I've been waiting for half a month!"

"Brothers, have you watched"The Fortress of Devil City"?"

"Cao, can you please stop mentioning this stupid movie!"

"Just today, the movie score of"Fortress of Devil May Cry" dropped to 2.1 points, which can be said to be the worst movie in history!"

"They claim to open the door to Chinese science fiction, but I think they are more like closing the door...."


The live broadcast room was flooded with comments.

Many netizens mentioned the recently popular"Fortress of Devil City".

Of course, this"hot" is a derogatory term.

The whole network is scolding!

How can it not be popular?

CCTV, studio scene.

Now, there are only eight contestants standing here!

A large space is left!

The host Sa Beining and the four judges are already in place!

Xiao Sa is still reading the rules of the game to everyone.

This is an indispensable procedure.

The next step is to draw the topic of this issue.

Netizens are very curious.

The contestants on the scene are very nervous.

But Yu Hang.

His expression seems very relaxed.

Not panicked at all

"I think the contestants will be completely dumbfounded when they find out about this episode's topic!"

Lan Xiaolong whispered to Hai Yan, Wang Shuo, and Liu Heping beside him.

"Isn't this to test their abilities?" Hai Yan smiled.

"I am more looking forward to Yu Hang. Who knows what he can come up with. The last time we wrote about the emperor, he took advantage of a loophole!" Wang Shuo said.


Yu Hang's"Little Fish and Flower" has nothing to do with the emperor.

It's just that this guy misled everyone.

It was not until the end that everyone suddenly realized that this guy was not writing about the emperor at all, he was writing about martial arts!

Look at the scene again.

Sa Beining took out the scroll.

When he opened the scroll, two big words appeared on it.

Science fiction!

Seeing the proposition of this issue, it was amazing. Netizens exclaimed"wow".



"Science fiction, damn!"

"Hahahaha, this is interesting!"

"This production crew is trying to copy the Magic City Fortress, right?"

"Hahahaha, the Magic City Fortress just flopped and you came up with a science fiction theme. The program crew is really good at this!"

"Six six six six six!"

"Look at the expressions of these contestants, they make me laugh to death!"

"Hey, Yu Hang is so calm!"

"This guy is probably just forcing himself. If he can write science fiction, I'll stand on my head and eat shit!"

"Screenshot, screenshot!"

When the audience in the live broadcast room saw that the theme of this episode was science fiction, the comments on the public screen instantly exploded!

《"The Fortress of the Magic City" is now being scolded by the whole network.

As a result,"Youth Entrepreneurship Competition" came up with a science fiction proposition.

This program group is so fun!

At the scene, when the contestants saw that the proposition of this round was science fiction.

Their expressions froze instantly, and there was a trace of confusion and confusion in their eyes.

Some contestants frowned, and some contestants widened their eyes, as if they were startled by the sudden proposition.

Others opened their mouths slightly, as if trying to say something, but found that they could not form a complete thought.

The whole scene was filled with a weird silence, as if time had stopped at this moment, science fiction.

How many domestic screenwriters dare to touch this subject.

Good guy.

How to write this?

Including Yu Hang was stunned.

It was mainly a bit unexpected.

He knew that"The Fortress of the Magic City" has been scolded on the Internet recently.

I didn't expect that this program would actually throw out the proposition of science fiction.

This difficulty.

It is several levels higher than the emperor in the previous round.

Emperors, they are still referenceable.

But science fiction...

This is pure imagination.

Under the arrangement, the contestants entered their respective rooms and prepared to start the seven-day creation time.

Yu Hang was assigned to Room 01 because he ranked first.

Everything in the room was in order and the staff cleaned it up.

After entering the room, each contestant immediately turned on the computer and started to look up information.

For science fiction themes that they have never been involved in, they need a lot of information support to start their creation.

Sa Beining brought several judges to switch back and forth in the contestant's live broadcast room, and everyone was nervously looking for information.

Yu Hang seemed to be busy looking up information, but in fact, he was selecting science fiction movie scripts in the system mall.

Speaking of science fiction, Yu Hang's mind flashed the movie"The Wandering Earth".

You know.

In this parallel world, there is no big guy like Liu Cixin, nor a masterpiece like"The Three-Body Problem".

Strictly speaking.

The imagination of science fiction movies in this world seems to be a bit lacking, so Yu Hang decided to teach them a lesson!

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