The two of them were in a mess, but the two of them were in a mess.

Just when Cao Yuzhe was feeling a little depressed, a WeChat notification message appeared on the top of his phone screen.

The person who sent the WeChat message was none other than Liu Fuyan.

[Liu Fuyan]: [Honey, have you seen the latest video of the owner of [No Worries Restaurant]? In this way, we can buy crayfish and pickled fish in his store at noon and in the evening. (grin expression)]

"It's true."

A bitter expression appeared at the corner of Cao Yuzhe's mouth, and he didn't know how to reply to Cao Yuzhe's message.

After a minute, Liu Fuyan saw that Cao Yuzhe had not replied to the message, so she sent another message.

[Liu Fuyan]: [Are you busy now? ]

Cao Yuzhe knew that he couldn't not reply to the message, so he had to bite the bullet and reply.

[Cao Yuzhe]: [I just watched the video you mentioned. I'm afraid that the boss's request is not possible. I just gave a bad review. ]

A few seconds later, Liu Fuyan saw the message from Cao Yuzhe questioning him.

[Liu Fuyan]: [Why did you give a bad review? ]

Fortunately, at this time, Cao Yuzhe thought of a very good excuse.

[Cao Yuzhe]: [I saw that the boss was double-standard and stood up for you? As a die-hard fan, you called him and he said he would not sell offline. Now he sold it to another girl. I'm so angry for you. ]

[Liu Fuyan]: [This is a misunderstanding. ]

[Cao Yuzhe]: [I only knew it was a misunderstanding after he posted the video. How could I know before he posted the video. I had already given a bad review at that time. ]

[Cao Yuzhe]: [Anyway, there is a screenshot of your good review, which is enough. To be honest, crayfish and pickled fish cannot be eaten every day. I just tried it recently. I will get tired of it if I eat too much. ]

[Liu Fuyan]: [I know that sometimes I get tired of it if I eat too much. But we don’t eat it. If my parents want to eat it, we can also let them try it. ]

[Cao Yuzhe]: [At worst, when my parents want to eat it, we can grab it online. The probability of grabbing it by two people is always higher. ]

[Liu Fuyan]: [It will be fine if you don’t give this bad review. When you said that the boss was double-standard, I didn’t say anything, but you are still meddling. ]

[Cao Yuzhe]: [Okay, I know I was wrong, and I won’t do this again next time. ]

[Liu Fuyan]: [Forget it. (Sighing expression)]

Then, the two ended the chat.

Cao Yuzhe was relieved after successfully avoiding a quarrel between the couple, but he was a little unhappy.

Thinking that he, as a black fan, would have to go against his conscience and give good reviews from now on, Cao Yuzhe was so angry that he was shaking.

Cao Yuzhe clicked on the comment area and found that the comments were already arguing.

The black fans naturally disagreed.

But the black fans would not be so stupid as to speak directly from the black fans' standpoint.

On the contrary, the black fans became rational one by one and began to speak from the perspective of passers-by fans.

[Isn't it that you treat me differently by doing this? Although I have screenshots of good reviews, my work location is too far away from your store location, so I can't buy it. You are now supplying part of it offline, and the online supply must be reduced. Wouldn't it be more difficult for me to grab it? ]

[It's already difficult to grab it, and now you have to reduce the supply. What's the matter, fans who are busy with work are not human beings? ]

[You can't be afraid to use force just because there are black fans online, and treat us normal, busy fans unfairly, right? ]

These comments seem to be very rational and fair.

Unfortunately, Qin Shuyang's die-hard fans do not agree with this statement at all.

[Stop pretending, you rational people are black fans. You are the most active when grabbing takeout, and you are also the most active when giving bad reviews. Now the boss wants to check the screenshots of good reviews when buying offline, and you can't produce them, so you pretend to be there, which is simply shameless. (Contempt expression)]

[You don't give any good reviews, and now the boss has some benefits for die-hard fans, and you come out to complain. It seems that you have to catch up with all the good things, right? (Rolling eyes expression)]

[If you are really a die-hard fan, with screenshots of good reviews, I believe you will only applaud for this benefit. You can't work overtime on weekends, right? Going out shopping and buying pickled fish and crayfish with screenshots, isn't it good? So, little black, you are exposed, right? (Covering mouth and laughing expression)]

Cao Yuzhe wanted to say something, but thought about it and gave up.

Because no matter what you say against it, your true colors will be exposed, so you should avoid being

Netizens despise it.

The number of black fans is definitely greater than that of loyal fans.

People like Chen Xinbei, Zhou Leihang, and Li Mengrou, who have clearly bought many times, were listed as black fans because they gave bad reviews and were not allowed to buy offline, which really made them dissatisfied.

Did they spend less money than loyal fans?

So the number of comments expressing opposition increased much faster than that of loyal fans.

Soon, the comments of loyal fans in the comment area were squeezed down and could not be seen.

At 10 o'clock, Qin Shuyang was already lying on the bed to rest.

Looking at the crazy surge of opposing comments under the comment area, Qin Shuyang didn't care at all.

"Now you are cursing and opposing, you should give good reviews. Don't you still have to register a small account to give good reviews?"

"Looking forward to your good reviews."

Afterwards, Qin Shuyang chose to go to bed and get up early.


The next morning, the good reviews increased slightly again.

[Name: Qin Shuyang]

[Good review points: 62516 points. 】

The points will definitely increase sharply in the future. In order to increase the amount of crayfish served, Qin Shuyang spent another 50,000 points to exchange for a crayfish cooking machine.

[Name: Qin Shuyang]

[Good reviews: 12,516 points. ]

After the machine was placed, Qin Shuyang went for a run as usual.

When the door opened at 8 o'clock, the supplier delivered 2,000 kilograms of pickled fish and 5,000 kilograms of crayfish.

Now there are three crayfish machines, which can serve 900 kilograms of food in an hour, so the serving speed can be guaranteed.

Many people need to work at noon, so they definitely can't come to buy in person, so only a few iron fans come to buy.

So the amount of food served at noon is basically still on the mini program.

When the mini program started business at 11:20, 1,000 kilograms of pickled fish and 2,000 kilograms of crayfish were still sold out in seconds, and a total of 730 takeaways were served.

At 1 p.m., when Qin Shuyang was resting, the number of good reviews increased gratifyingly.

[Name: Qin Shuyang]

[Good review points: 13604 points. ]

A total of 1088 good reviews increased.

The takeaway mini program added 730 good reviews, and the rest were good reviews for short videos.

The mini program can be said to have received all the good reviews!

[Delicious. ]

[It tastes good. ]

[It tastes good. ]

Most of the good reviews for the mini program are short and simple, and you can tell at a glance that they are given by black fans unwillingly.

Even Qin Shuyang's die-hard fans couldn't help but tease these black fans when they gave good reviews for the orders they bought at noon.

[Oh, there are so many good reviews on the mini program today that I doubt my life. ]

[This full screen of good reviews is definitely the most harmonious moment in the boss's comment area. ]

[This time, the boss has completely subdued the black fans, awesome plus! 】

Looking at these good reviews, Qin Shuyang was in a very good mood, and the corners of his mouth could not help but be a little proud: "Don't you know how to give good reviews?"

The black fans did fail in the mini program.

But after giving good reviews against their conscience, they were so angry that they despised Qin Shuyang in the video comment area.

[Are you at ease with this kind of good reviews against your conscience? (Contemptuous expression)]

[What's the difference between this and the profiteers who give good reviews? You can only listen to compliments now, but not to those who oppose you, right? This is the beginning of a downhill road, do you know? 】

[Isn't this equivalent to giving good reviews? Douyin official, can you come out and manage it? 】

Qin Shuyang noticed that the negative reviews on the short video side skyrocketed.

As long as the good review points increase, Qin Shuyang doesn't bother to care whether these black fans are convinced or not!

Let Douyin official manage it?

Qin Shuyang didn't put a knife on these people's necks, asking them to give good reviews, how to manage it!

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