The truth is, the truth is that the truth is not true.

At this moment, if Zhou Yun knew that Chu Chen walked out of the hotel under his nose, he would definitely doubt his life!

Who would have thought that he hid in the airport hotel to kidnap an airline captain and then use his identity to escape?

Even Mr. Liu, who has so much experience in criminal investigation, didn't expect this!

At this moment, Zhou Yun suddenly asked: "Mr. Liu, have you ever thought about why he went to so much trouble to escape from the Hilton Hotel to here?"

"Well, I didn't have any ideas about this question before. But now, I have a bold guess. I think he should be looking for an opportunity to escape back to China. If this is true, everything can be explained. This hotel is near the airport and is very suitable for hiding. He may have chosen this place because of this."

"Well, it makes sense..."

Liu Xuemin's guess does make sense.

But this is just a guess.

There is no evidence.

In addition, China is in dire straits now, and there is a dragnet everywhere!

Going back at this time, wouldn't it be a trap for oneself?

Thinking of this, Zhou Yun asked again:

"But if that's the case, what's his purpose in going back? China is not like before. All eyes are on him. Once he shows up, he will be exposed immediately. Isn't this too risky?"

"The risk is indeed high, but don't forget that he is not an ordinary criminal. This kid can do anything. In addition, he still has seven challenges to complete. If China is his next challenge location, doesn't it make sense?"

Zhou Yun nodded: "What should we do now?"

"We can only stay put and wait for him to show up..."

Liu Xuemin had no choice but to do this.

Because according to their existing reconnaissance methods, the possibility of catching Chu Chen is almost zero.

But Liu Xuemin knows that Chu Chen will definitely show up!

He is 100% sure of this!

High-IQ criminals like Chu Chen are generally arrogant because of their talents. Since he proposed the eight extreme items, he will definitely find a way to complete them!

The flight from Mexico to China is not long.

At twelve o'clock at night.

The Mexican Airlines broadcasting plane driven by Chu Chen finally landed on Runway 1 of Yanjing International Airport.

During this period, the expert group and the pursuit team did not stop their pursuit of him!

But due to the lack of clues, there has been no progress.

However, just when both sides were at a loss, the Mexican police took the lead in finding a breakthrough.

They received a call and found Carlos tied up in the bathroom of the pre-flight preparation room at St. Louis Airport!

He claimed that he was kidnapped, and his clothes, documents and other personal belongings were all taken away by a Chinese!

According to Carlos's confession, this Chinese man has a very high overlap with the Chinese man who performed extreme parachuting over St. Louis before.

That is why they informed China of this news.

After receiving the news, Liu Xuemin immediately realized the seriousness of the matter. He never dreamed that this guy would return to China in this way!

Thinking of this, he immediately picked up the phone and communicated with the airport!

At this moment, Chen Zijin murmured: "This guy is really too exaggerated... I dare not write such a plot in the novel..."

Zhu Guowei: "I really didn't expect that he could fly a plane?"

Wang Ruomei: "It's incredible."

Lin Xu: "This guy is simply a genius!"

Soon, after everyone sighed, Liu Xuemin also ended the communication with the airport, and his face looked very heavy.

Seeing this, Zhu Guowei asked: "How is it?"

Liu Xuemin shook his head: "We are still a step late. He has left the airport. Xiaolin, use the Sky Eye to check where he is now?"


At the same time.

This side.

After getting off the plane, Chu Chen left the airport directly from the employee channel and boarded a taxi, ready to sneak into the urban area of ​​​​Yanjing.

On the way, he received a prompt in time that the mission to return home had been completed!

And received the mission reward.

Since it was just a small mission, the mission reward was not generous.

Only 5 attribute points and a god-level disguise skill, as well as a

Plateau bloodline" passive state!

The so-called god-level camouflage is a technique that can use the existing environment, props, and even one's own state to camouflage, thereby avoiding detection!

For example, hiding micro-expressions, disguising mentality, emotions, etc.!

The application of this skill in related crimes is very extensive, and it is definitely a magical skill that is impossible to get more!

In addition, that plateau bloodline is also very useful!

The purpose of this skill is that when entering the plateau area, it can allow the body to quickly adapt to the oxygen content in the plateau area!

Chu Chen roughly read the introduction of this state.

Its upper limit is very high!

The higher the altitude, the more obvious the effect!

It is definitely a weapon to challenge the limit of high altitude!

However, because Yanjing is a plain area, this state It won't have any substantial effect for now, so I can only wait for a chance to verify it later!

After learning about these two rewards, Chu Chen allocated 5 attribute points to physique, strength, speed and burst as needed.

Soon, after this allocation, the system panel was upgraded again:

[System Name]: God-level Crime Master System

[Name]: Chu Chen

[Age]: 19

[Height]: 177cm

[Weight]: 74kg

[IQ]: 260

[Physique]: 15 (10)

[Strength]: 14 (10)

[Endurance]: 14 (10)

[Speed]: 14 (10)

[Reaction]: 14 (10)

[Burst]: 14 (10)

(Note: All attributes are normal for adult males The average is 10)

[Status]: Rage (ready), Gaoxue bloodline!

[Talent]: God-level criminal talent, God-level extreme sports talent!

[Skills]: God-level counter-reconnaissance, God-level Black Dragon Eighteen Hands, God-level forgery, God-level camouflage, God-level driving, God-level cross-dressing, God-level parachuting!

[Available attribute points]: 0

[Available skill points]: 10

[Shock value]: 5 million!

(Note: For the specific calculation rules of the shock value, please refer to the system description! The shock value can be used to purchase items in the system mall!)

Looking at the updated system panel, Chu Chen accidentally discovered that his shock value has reached 5 million!

During this period, the shock value has risen a bit fast. In just a few days, another 3 million has been earned.

At this rate, it will probably not take long to break through 10 million, and then you can spend some money!

Thinking of this, Chu Chen nodded with satisfaction, then closed the system and decided to take a short break.

But at this moment, the familiar system prompt sound rang again.

[Ding! ]

[New system tasks have been issued, please check them in time! ]

Upon hearing the sound, Chu Chen immediately came to his senses, awakened the system with his mind again, and checked the task bar:

[Task name]: Birth of the God!

[Task time limit]: 20 days!

[Task type]: Main task!

[Task content]:

1. Within the task time limit, carry out a robbery at the Himalayan Art Exhibition, and the cumulative amount must not be less than 1 billion Chinese yuan!

2. Within the task time limit, climb Mount Everest with the most difficult route on the north wall and complete the challenge of Birth of the God!

3. Within the task time limit, gain 10 million shock value!

[Task Reward]: Unknown!

[Failure Penalty]: Unknown!

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