Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 983 Secret Room

The nature of a dead person is different, especially if it is not suicide like presiding over it, but suicide.

Among the monks of the Xuan generation, there are only four who are most likely to compete for the position of abbot. Now it is suddenly discovered that one of them has been killed. If this news spreads, what do you think the world will think.

The murderer must be among the remaining three, is there any need to think about it?

After all, there must be a motive for killing, and whoever benefits is the murderer.

Xuanci was also afraid that such rumors would spread and damage the reputation of Jingci Temple. Although he didn't believe that any of his junior brothers were the murderers, letting Yang Yiyi, who was already quite famous in the world, see him as proof of his innocence.

Yang Yiyi and Wu Shaoyi apologized and walked into the Zen room accompanied by three eminent monks of the Xuan generation.

The room is not big, just past the foyer is the inner room.

Apart from a bed, a desk on the bed and a bookshelf not far away, there was not much furniture in the room. There was not even a cabinet for clothes. The monk's robes were just neatly folded and placed beside the bed.

The deceased Master Xuanku was sitting on the bed with his head lowered, facing everyone when he came in from the door.

At first glance, the corpse showed no resistance and did not even look like a dead person. It just lowered its head and faced the scriptures on the table.

If the murderer did not play with the body after the murder, he should have been attacked while reading scriptures in the middle of the night, and it was a fatal blow.

When you get closer to some corpses, you can see that there is a purple scar under the neck of the corpse, like a bruise.

"The murderer was very vicious. He broke Junior Brother Xuanku's spine with one palm."

Xuan Bei chanted the Buddha's name, gently grabbed the collar and lifted it down. Only then did Yang Yiyi see clearly that the scar was actually a purple palm print.

There was no external injury after this palm strike, but it shattered the vertebrae and severed the spinal canal and nerves.

Human breathing and heartbeat are not automatic, but are controlled by the cerebellum. This is why damage to the back of the head is very dangerous, and the person may die on the spot.

This palm is equivalent to destroying the connection between the cerebellum and the body, and the heartbeat and breathing disappear on the spot. The blow is fatal, steady and cruel, and the person who strikes it is definitely not a good person.

It would be difficult for Yang Yiyi to achieve similar results by using oneself to save others. The murderer's skill must be quite high.

"How is Master Xuanku's kung fu?"

"Junior Brother Xuanku is obsessed with arithmetic, so his kung fu has naturally fallen behind, but he is not someone who can be attacked and killed randomly."

In other words, his kung fu is weaker than that of other eminent monks of the Xuan generation, but he is not a bastard.

Walking around to the front of the body, Xuanku was reading a scripture when he died. One hand was still on the page to turn the page, and the other hand was holding a rosary. Death should have happened in an instant. Xuanku did not react at all, and There was no time to leave any clues that could indicate the identity of the murderer.

Seeing that there was not much information about the body, Yang Yiyi raised her head and scanned the Zen room again.

The room was very small, and the windows were not opened and there were no signs of damage. There was a ventilation window in the upper left corner of the Zen room.

"The room was locked before?"

"Well, my junior brother Xuanku was seriously injured when he was young. As he got older, his health got worse and worse. Two years ago, he suddenly fainted at a Dharma gathering. Thanks to the doctor's timely arrival, otherwise it would have been unthinkable. From now on, the disciples were afraid that something might happen to him. I come every morning to check on Junior Brother Xuanku.”

Xuanbei said, calling a young novice monk from outside:

"Tell me about the situation at that time."

"At that time, the young monk came to ask Uncle Xuanku to get up, but he knocked on the door for a long time but there was no response. The uncle had a headache. I was afraid that he was sick, so I quickly called someone to open the door together, and then..."

The little novice monk kept saying Amitabha, he must have been frightened.

Wu Shaoyi pushed the wheelchair over at this time, holding a door bolt in his hand:

"The door bolt was broken from the outside, and there are no signs of being cut."

To put it simply, this Zen room is a secret room.

This is actually a secret room murder case.

But it's not accurate to say it's a secret room. It also has a ventilation window.

Yang Yiyi walked under the ventilation window and took a look. Although the ventilation window could be exited, it was very small. Only children could crawl in. Adults would not be able to get in unless they knew how to shrink their bones.

The child's palm print obviously did not match the mark on Xuan Ku's neck. Besides, how could a child defeat a monk with martial arts skills? Even a sneak attack was impossible.

So Yang Yiyi just stood there and looked at it, then turned back and asked:

"I am a relatively inexperienced person. Can the three eminent monks recognize the technique that caused Master Xuanku's death?"

There is almost no external trauma, but it can shatter a person's spine. This is not something that any other fish can do, nor can it be done by just any martial arts.

At least if Yang Yiyi is allowed to do it, the scene will probably be very brutal.

Xuanbei and Xuanku both turned their attention to Xuanci. Among the three, Xuanci often went out and walked in the rivers and lakes, while the other two spent most of their time in the temple.

Xuanci hesitated for a moment:

"The poor monk doesn't dare to say for sure, but it seems to be a Kung Fu called Bone Shattering Palm."

What is that? It sounds awesome.

Xuanci immediately explained:

"This kung fu has been lost for many years. The last descendant should have died in the war thirty or forty years ago. There is no trace in the world. The poor monk has never seen it. He only heard the master mention it when he was young. The palm technique is extremely strong but not obvious. With one palm strike, the bluestone will not be damaged on the outside, but it will be shattered on the inside. "

If there is any famous Kung Fu, I can still find it. Where can I find the murderer of the lost martial arts?

Yang Yiyi frowned immediately, feeling that her mind was in a mess and she couldn't figure out anything.

She wasn't good at using her brain.

"What happened? Someone come and explain it to me."

At this time, Princess Mingzhu also came.

Of course, she was there to watch the fun.

Zheng Yinping and Li Yingluo also appeared at the door of the Zen room. The three monks of the Xuan generation hurriedly turned back to explain and didn't let Princess Mingzhu in, so as not to offend her.

Of course, they were also afraid that this princess who was watching the fun would come in and make trouble.

After hearing what happened, Princess Mingzhu clearly showed an expression of "please accept my condolences", but her eyes were rolling around, obviously she wanted to watch the fun more.

——She is really a fun person.

"Do you have any clues about the murderer?"

"For the time being..."

"It must be the ruffian who came to make trouble yesterday!"

Xuan Bei was about to speak when he was interrupted by Xuan Ku.

"I have sent out martial monks to investigate and must bring him back to be punished!"

"Brother, the matter is unclear, why are you...ah."

Xuan Ku is from the Discipline Academy, and he can't tolerate any sand in his eyes. Over time, his temper has become more irritable.

Just when he said this, several monks reported that they found the person.

It was unexpected that they found him so quickly.

But in fact, there was nothing special. Xuan Ku ordered the martial monks to go down the mountain to inquire about Zhang Hanlai, and the martial monks went with sticks.

Before they walked down the mountain, they saw a person lying on the mountain road, who seemed to be drunk and unconscious.

The martial monks thought it was a drunkard from the town below the mountain who ran to the mountain to have fun. They were a little afraid that he would hurt himself, so they went to help him up and wanted to ask where his home was so that they could send him back.

As a result, when they helped him up, they saw that it was Zhang Hanlai.

So they tied him up and sent him up the mountain.

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