Guangming City is very close to the prison. The two maintain the same orbital speed and almost the same orbit, so it can exist diagonally below Guangming City for a long time without being fixed.

This distance is so close that even if you use a shuttle to drive slowly, you can arrive in ten minutes at most.

After receiving the rescue message from the prison, the special police who are ready to go at any time immediately boarded the shuttle, turned on the police lights to signal the large and small ships near the port to give way, and they only need to yell all the way.

There are a total of ten shuttles, each of which can carry ten special police with a full set of weapons and equipment. These people are enough to suppress the riot in the prison.

"Listen carefully, the targets that need to be suppressed this time are highly sensitive political prisoners."

In the shuttle, the captain grabbed the handrail and said loudly to the other team members:

"The order from above is to make them lose their ability to move as much as possible, and lethal force can only be used when necessary. Don't let me find anyone who violates the rules, which will cause serious problems."

The Red Maple Empire has become a republic in the past twenty years. Many people were citizens of the empire when they were young, and they all know what the so-called highly sensitive political prisoners mean.

"Except for self-defense weapons, all personnel should switch to non-lethal ammunition. According to intelligence, the prisoners have now entered the first floor of the prison, and the prison guards are trying to stop them from advancing. We must first suppress the shuttle landing pad, and then follow the prison guards into the prison to eliminate the threat. Is everything clear?"

The team members were about to answer when the shuttle suddenly shook violently.

Thanks to the captain for holding the handrail when he was talking just now, otherwise he would have hit the wall directly with his face.

Conscious that he had lost face in front of his subordinates, the captain turned back and asked the pilot a little annoyed:

"What happened? Did you hit a meteorite fragment?"

"It's a proximity fuse! Someone attacked us!"

Through the glass of the cockpit, you can see that the police shuttle flying in front suddenly flashed, and the shield only lit up for a moment, and then exploded into an orange-red flash.

"Impossible, there is no ship or aircraft radar signal in the airspace nearby!"

"But you saw it too! Go back and fasten your seat belt!"

Indeed, it is not a question of possibility now.

The captain sat down immediately, and the shuttle began to maneuver almost at the same time.

The ten shuttles that were originally flying in formation immediately scattered after one of them crashed. If most of the members were not fastened to their seats by seat belts, the cabin would have turned into a drum washing machine in an instant.

The shells seemed to be fired from behind the asteroid near the prison, but it was not clear, and only the hazy flash of the muzzle could be seen.

Thanks to the pilots of the police shuttles, who were all retired military experts, they had very strong skills and reacted quickly, otherwise it would not be just one shuttle that was shot down, but half of them would have been lost in one encounter.

When the shuttle was maneuvering, the captain of the special police force had not had time to secure himself in his seat, and he started the drum maneuver with his hand holding the seat belt but unable to insert it into the buckle. As a result, he was thrown around in the cabin while holding the seat belt.

But it was precisely because he was thrown up that he immediately saw through the glass of the cockpit that a warship was coming out from behind the asteroid as if a layer of light-transmitting film had been torn off, and countless anti-aircraft artillery fire intertwined firepower networks were coming towards them like a rainstorm, the ram of the sword head was opened, and the bright main gun charging light appeared in the field of vision.

"Emergency evasion!"

The driver had no time to care about the situation in the cabin. He shouted to the friendly communication channel and pressed the joystick hard.

The beam, like a huge spear, flew past the shuttle the next moment. Even if it didn't hit, it would give people the illusion that their skin was burning. If the shuttle was hit by the main gun, it would definitely be vaporized without a sound.

At the same time, the turrets above and below the main gun began to rotate, and the triple 200mm ion cannon and the triple 210mm cannon also opened fire the next moment.

The rocket launch nests hanging under the wings of the warship automatically opened the baffles, and the rockets with a caliber of more than 500 mm were oxidized and whizzed past with eye-catching white tail smoke in the void.

Of course, the shuttle had no time to take care of these details. Just trying to get out of the coverage of anti-aircraft artillery fire was already trying its best, so how could it have the opportunity to care about other things.

Usually, small aircraft such as space fighters or shuttles will not approach the anti-aircraft fire coverage area of ​​warships. The harassment of warships is just to launch void torpedoes at a long distance, without any aim of hitting or killing, just interference.

The current situation is simply a warship riding on the face. Even if it is just a light cruise ship in terms of size, the firepower it carries is definitely not something that a shuttle can resist, especially this is a police shuttle.

So the first reaction of the pilots was "Fuck it", and then the only thought in their minds was "Run quickly".

The shuttle group that originally flew in formation close to the prison now scattered like flies. At this time, if they continue to fly in formation, they will be shot to death.

It must be said that they are lucky. The anti-aircraft artillery fire was blocked by asteroids. In addition, most of the anti-aircraft artillery was not aimed at the shuttles of these special police.

All kinds of weapons, including the main gun, were mainly aimed at the defense system outside the prison, from automatic anti-aircraft machine guns to omnidirectional rotating turrets, sentry towers, anti-aircraft rocket launchers, etc. All weapons that could counterattack were hit at the first time and blown up instantly.

After all, these weapons equipped by the prison are used to prevent someone from driving a shuttle to break into the prison, and I never thought that someone would actually drive a warship to break into the prison.

To be honest, if someone really does this, they will definitely be beaten by the Ninth Fleet.

They think it is impossible, so of course they will not be prepared. The Swan's attack took down all the defense systems outside the prison.

The police shuttle that escaped the disaster dared not drive towards the prison again, as it would be a death wish.

"Call headquarters, call headquarters, we are under attack from an unknown warship, and Special 07 has been visually confirmed to be destroyed!"

Hurry up and contact the Special Police Headquarters in Guangming City. This is beyond the limit that the police unit can handle, and the Ninth Fleet stationed here must be contacted.

"Special 01, what did you say? Repeat it."

"We are under attack from an unknown warship! Request support!"

The headquarters must have been confused after receiving the call. What warship? Did you drink too much fake wine? There is nothing on the radar.

The pilot just repeated it and immediately saw that the Special 03 flying on his right was hit by dense tracer bullets. The shield blocked most of the impact force, but it also caused the shuttle to deviate and crash into the meteorite that was originally used as a cover.

The veteran pilot knew at a glance that it was destroyed by continuous hits from small-caliber rapid-fire machine guns, not the anti-aircraft guns on the battleship.

Through the reflector, the driver saw an engine light shape that he had never seen before appeared behind him, and he immediately pulled up the joystick.

The next moment, the machine gun shells flew under the shuttle, and under the strong overload, the driver continued to maneuver.

However, the engine light that he had never seen before seemed to be much faster than the police shuttle, and the other party entered the visual range before the maneuver was halfway done.

"Magic mecha!?"

A macho pink magic mecha chased up from the rear and raised the 40mm machine gun in his hand towards him.

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