Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 951 Successful Connection

The red color is the most eye-catching, and An Yun and Sophia noticed it as soon as they entered the factory.

But this door is never opened, and the two don't know why Perla said to pay attention to this door.

Until now.

The door is a heavy metal door, different from the sliding door to enter the factory, more like the heavy gate used on ships.

At this time, the gate was pulled up, and first two prison guards came out from inside, and they happened to meet the eyes of the leader who came to inspect.

The prison guards immediately stood at attention and saluted, and the leader also encouraged them a few words, probably that your work keeps the prison in good order, keep working hard and so on.

Anyway, it was all polite words.

As the two prison guards came out from inside, a neatly arranged team of prisoners came out from inside.

Compared with the clear distinction between male and female prisoners on An Yun and Sophia's side, the prisoners who came out of the red door were much more mixed, and it seemed that there were both male and female prisoners, and they were not distinguished.

This group of people should be used to it. After coming out of the door, the male prisoners in the team went to the other side and the female prisoners came to An Yun and Sofia's side. There was no need for the prison guards to maintain order.

Among this group of people, An Yun and Sofia soon saw a tiger man with an obvious scar on his chest.

That was Carlos.

However, Carlos did not notice An Yun and Sofia. He tried to lower his head and not look at any place except the floor under his feet.

At this time, An Yun quietly activated her psychic power. Since she was not sure whether the leaders who came to inspect had any defense measures against psychic power, she did not dare to directly explore their thoughts, but explored their emotions.

Most people made An Yun feel a kind of joyful emotion. This emotion was a bit complicated. If you explore it more carefully, you will find that it is a kind of joy that you can look down on your former superiors from a high position when you see them in trouble.

In addition, a small number of people expressed sadness and anger. Of course, these emotions were well covered up. They should be royalists lurking in the crowd.

Now An Yun understood that those who came out of the red gate must be political prisoners, and they must be in different areas from the ordinary prisoners like them.

This is a bit troublesome.

It is a standard program for leaders to appreciate the former officials and now prisoners walking out of the gate. They deliberately waited for these people to come out, sit at their workstations and start working, and then the group of inspectors left the factory.

As this group of people left, the atmosphere in the factory obviously relaxed. After all, the prison guards did not like the leaders to come to inspect every day.

An Yun gently touched Sophia's arm, indicating that she should help watch it, and she had to concentrate on controlling her psychic power.

She looked at where Carlos was sitting, her fingers gently rested on her temples, and the other hand supported her forehead. At first glance, it seemed that she was simply wiping away the sweat on her forehead. In fact, this action was to cover the spiritual light that would light up her eyes slightly when using psychic power.

Soon, An Yun locked onto Carlos's brain wave signal.

[You are Carlos, right?]

It can be clearly seen that Carlos paused while working on the assembly line and looked around, as if looking for someone to talk to.

[No need to look, I am talking to you through psychic power, I can't hear what you say, listen carefully to me, and nod if you agree]

Carlos immediately refocused his attention on the assembly line and nodded imperceptibly.

[Okay, first of all, we are sent by Captain Alyssa, we will find a way to get you out, can we contact each other during the evening breeze? ]

Carlos shook his head slightly, but then nodded gently.

[Yes, but it's difficult? ]

Carlos nodded this time.

[We will find a way]

Just when she said this, Sophia touched An Yun's arm, and the latter immediately interrupted the communication.

At this time, a prison guard passed by the two of them. When he walked behind An Yun, he bent down and whispered:

"The group of inspecting leaders may come back at any time. Don't be lazy at this time, otherwise we can't help you."

This is a warning. It is estimated that An Yun's small action is regarded as laziness.

An Yun quickly said that he was just a little dizzy and would be fine soon. He would definitely not cause trouble for you.

This is the benefit of having money outside. If it were an ordinary prisoner, he would have been whipped.


An Yun successfully connected with Carlos, but the bad news is that if he wants to get more information, he may have to wait until the time of release. Now he can only be a prisoner in a disciplined manner.

On the other side, Fang Lanyin was not very relaxed.

"Newcomer, go check the valve. The pressure here is abnormal."

"Okay, I'll go now."

Fang Lanyin didn't even have time to eat lunch. He has been tossed by his colleagues since he came in.

If it were Li Chengxi, he would have quit long ago. You are bullying me, right? Then let's have a fight.

But Fang Lanyin came here with a mission after all, not just to work, and she worked hard without complaint.

Opening the maintenance port and entering the narrow maintenance pipeline, Fang Lanyin found the valve and put the instrument on it for inspection.

"Hurry up, there are still a lot of things to do."

The colleague urged again, and Fang Lanyin did not say anything back. She readjusted the valve according to the degree of the instrument.

However, she did not rush to leave, but whispered to the personal terminal on her arm:

"Something is wrong, these pipes are not energy pipes for transporting liquefied magic."

"What is that?"

"It's hard to say. The instrument shows that it is magic, but it is too thin, and it doesn't look like it comes from a reactor."

At this point, the colleague shouted again:

"Come out quickly after you finish the work, there is a new task."

Fang Lanyin wanted to know what the pipeline was used for, but her colleague urged her, so she had to give up temporarily and come out from the maintenance passage.

"Hurry up, why are you so slow? Follow me."

Fang Lanyin followed the colleague who urged her and asked curiously:

"What is that pipeline used for? The readings don't look like ordinary liquefied magic."

"Don't ask."

The colleague said casually:

"We are just maintenance workers. If there is a problem, we will fix it. Don't have any extra curiosity."

Fang Lanyin looked back at the maintenance passage. According to the pipeline layout, the pipeline should lead to the depths of the prison. Generally speaking, it should be the reactor that provides artificial gravity and energy for the prison, but the liquefied magic channel coming out of the reactor is another one next door.

It is very strange that there are two pipelines with the same function.

However, this colleague kept his mouth shut and didn't say a word. Maybe he didn't know, or maybe he didn't dare to say it because it was too important.

Continuing to ask would be a bit too curious and would inevitably make people suspicious, so Fang Lanyin changed the subject.

"Where are we going now?"

The colleague looked down at his personal terminal, which had a work order on it.

"Let's go to the third floor first. Someone reported a problem with the lighting yesterday..."

As he was talking, the man's personal terminal beeped twice again, as if someone had sent a message.

He looked down, turned around and said to Fang Lanyin:

"Go back to the first floor. There is a terminal in the office that is broken. I just sent a task to repair it."

Fang Lanyin was ecstatic when she heard it.

Finally, there is a chance!

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