Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 931: Surprise Attack

"System self-test completed, normal."

"The boiler is running fine."

"Engine fire."

"Roger, engine ignition."

The tugboat didn't know that time was tight, and slowly towed the Swan out of the berth, but time waited for no one. While the tugboat was working, it immediately prepared to start the ship. As soon as it left the port, the three V-shaped engines were immediately ignited.

"One third of the ship's speed."

"Roger, one third of the ship's speed."

You can't go at full speed when you just leave the port. On the one hand, suddenly starting at full speed will cause irreversible damage to the engine, and on the other hand, you don't want to attract attention.

The Swan follows the route sent by the control tower to avoid incoming cargo ships. This route will guide them out of the warning range of Zatan 13.

But before driving out, An Yun suddenly said:

"The target ship was found, and the ship shadow comparison was successful. It is our target, the One-Eyed Parrot, approaching at the same speed."

What the hell is this name...

Of course, the target ship cannot be seen from the bridge, and it is not as close as passing by, but the optical instruments on the Swan spotted it first.

Alyssa tapped her forehead when she heard this:

"Too early."

It has not yet escaped the volley of Zatan 13, so it will be more troublesome to do it here.

On the one hand, stray bullets may accidentally damage other ships; on the other hand, attacking near the space station is tantamount to provoking the space station.

"Half the ship's speed, speed up, and try to push the battle as far away as possible."

The Swan speeded up again, and it was too late to completely escape the scope of the space station, but at least it could try to avoid exchanges of fire in places where ships were densely packed.

Cliff, the leader of the Terrorclaw gang, was originally a pirate, and this battleship was also a pirate ship, but now it was whitewashed (or turned into a gangster from Zatan 13). They must have received Cliff's signal before they accelerated in a hurry. Came back, more than an hour earlier than expected.

The original plan was to use the cooperation of the wave-absorbing device and the optical stealth system to ambush and conduct sneak attacks on the enemy ships' only way, but now it seems that this is no longer possible, and there is not enough time.

But Alyssa had an advantage, that is, the other party didn't know that the Swan was targeting them, and the pirates on the whole ship rushed back in a hurry, intending to avenge Cliff.

As the Swan accelerated its speed, about three minutes later, the enemy ship came into visual distance. However, at this visual distance, it was just an inconspicuous luminous dot when viewed from the bridge.

"The optical sight is ready, do you want to launch a bombardment?"

"No, the main gun cannot be fired."

Alyssa thought for a moment and said to Long, who was in charge of weapons on the other side:

"Reload the anti-aircraft guns. Don't make any movement on the main guns and secondary guns. Keep approaching."

The Swan's light lance main gun may have a short period of energy storage before firing. This high-energy signal will be quickly captured by the opponent, and although it is within bombardment range, the two sides are still far away, and the hit rate cannot be guaranteed.

After all, the hit rate of the battle lines of big ships and cannons was surprisingly low.

At present, this area is not out of the range of Zatan 13. Once it evolves into a long-distance artillery battle, it will definitely not end in a short time, and the impact on the surrounding waterways will naturally be very serious.

No matter how illegal Zaitan 13 is, it is impossible to tolerate such an intrusion. It might even attract local troops, which would be more of a loss than a gain.

The advantage now is that the opponent does not know that the Swan is coming towards them, at least not before the Swan starts attacking. Use this advantage to close the distance to a distance that ensures a quick end to the battle.

So Alyssa signaled everyone to calm down and continue to maintain the ship's speed and fly towards the target.

But except for Alyssa and Long, most people on the bridge had actually experienced a gun battle for the first time, so they were definitely nervous.

Under the influence of this atmosphere, even Shanna, who was sitting in the last seat, had sweaty palms.

After another two or three minutes, Alyssa raised the telescope. Against the pure black background of the universe, she could see that the target had navigation lights on. There was no sign of the weapon system operating. She had not found any bad intentions from the Swan.

This battleship called the One-Eyed Parrot is a destroyer, and its tonnage is much larger than that of the Swan. But pirates should not think about using too good a ship. Alyssa recognized it at a glance as an antique from at least a hundred years ago. , and the condition is not very good. It is probably because the maintenance is not in place or it simply does not come in for overhaul regularly.

This is consistent with the intelligence provided by Eunice. With the ability of the Swan and the advantage of the surprise attack, it is basically impossible to lose.

If Eunice deceived Alyssa and gave her wrong information, Alyssa would simply not take action and let the pirates who learned that their boss had been killed go to Eunice for an explanation. Then we would see who would suffer more.

Since Eunice showed her sincerity, Alyssa was not a errand person. At this moment, she could see the general outline of the other party from the bridge without using a telescope.

The two sides maintained a safe distance for the ships to sail and followed the target's route. They would pass each other in about a minute or two.

The opportunity is now.

"Fire the anti-aircraft guns and charge the main guns!"

Following Alyssa's order, the lights in the bridge turned red, indicating that the Swan entered combat status.

Long, who temporarily acted as weapons officer, immediately gave the command to fire the Swan's anti-aircraft guns.

Various anti-aircraft guns, ranging from 40mm to 85mm, were driven by the hydraulic press to reveal their muzzles from the gun positions. In a few seconds, the elegant Swan turned into a hedgehog.

Usually, the anti-aircraft guns on a warship need 10 to 15 gunners to control them. The reason has been mentioned before. Machine souls controlling anti-aircraft guns are like artificial idiots. They can shoot accurately but cannot distinguish the primary from the secondary.

However, this time there is only one target, so naturally there is no need for a large number of gunners to assist. The whole process is left to the artificial idiots to shoot at will.

The anti-aircraft guns on the front of the Swan fired almost at the same time, and countless shells passed through the weightless void and headed straight for the target.

"Confirmed to hit! Enemy shield is activated!"

"Main gun charging completed."

"Main gun fire!"

"Received, main gun fire!"

It is almost impossible for anti-aircraft guns to destroy warships. This is like a destroyer in World War II firing at a heavy cruiser in a naval battle, and it can't even penetrate the armor plate of the enemy.

But this unexpected attack washed the opponent's face before the opponent's shield was activated. Most importantly, the smoke from the explosion affected the opponent's artillery preparation.

"Confirmed counterattack, enemy main gun begins charging!"

"Emergency evasion!"

The Swan, in the forward state, showed the high maneuverability of a light cruiser, and suddenly moved sideways at combat cruise speed.

The beam fired by the destroyer's main gun did not even touch the edge of the Swan, and it was completely empty.

"Enemy secondary guns fired, confirmed that there is engine light, the enemy has released a fleet of aircraft."

"Secondary guns fired freely, main guns aim below the enemy's main guns."

Alyssa was very calm, and this intensity of naval artillery battle was just a small scene for her.

Indeed, the artillery battle between destroyers and light cruisers was indeed a small scene compared to the artillery battle between eight-kilometer-long starships.

She then picked up the communicator on the armrest of the captain's seat:

"Villania, you can set off, be careful, there are a lot of enemies."

They released a fleet of aircraft, and we are not without them.

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