Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 919 Yellow Bee Bar

Signaling Sophia to let him go, Alyssa also acted as if nothing had happened, looked at the fork in the road in front of her, and then continued to lead the way forward.

"Don't show your weak side in Zatan 13. Guys like flies like this have to be beaten."

"Will you really not get into trouble?"

Fang Lanyin said a little worriedly:

"My eldest brother said that you can't mess with local snakes when you go out."

Long was on the left of Alyssa, and he also explained after hearing this:

"Of course you can't mess with local snakes, but that guy is not one of them. Zatan 13 is managed by more than a dozen gangs. That guy doesn't have a gang badge on his chest, so he is not a gang member. It is probably not a pimp, but a person who sells people or organs. It is not impossible to ask him to lead you to the processing plant."

The processing plant that Long mentioned is probably not an ordinary processing plant.

In Zatan 13, either you have force or someone, otherwise you have to admit it if you are beaten.

Shanna was still lying on Benben's back, and she kept looking back at the man who was beaten down:

"Is he a bad guy?"


"Then can Shanna beat him next time? Shanna also wants to beat bad guys."

"Uh... next time if there is a chance."

With Shanna's strength that can easily tear open a metal door one finger thick, her attack is not just a simple lesson, but a complete way to beat people into pulp.

From the fork in the road, we found the sign of Fifth Avenue and walked all the way.

Zatan 13 does not have the complete public transportation like other space stations. Even the guest star city has rail trams, but there is nothing here, and you have to rely on your two legs.

Entering the so-called Fifth Avenue, the view is a little wider.

At least it is no longer a simple passage, and there are some buildings that look normal.

There are no stalls on both sides of the street to sell things, and there is almost no garbage on the street except for people. It seems to be very clean.

But in fact, it was because the gangs that controlled Fifth Avenue didn't like people doing business without saying hello on their territory. If you dare to set up a stall here, I will put your heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys out.

As for cleanliness, the same principle applies.

In Singapore, littering will result in a fine, but here it will cost you your life. Once someone dies, they are all mine. What's the point of a fine? How low-class.

But don't think this is a place of law and order. The buildings on both sides of the street are either health stores with ambiguous neon lights flashing, or special product stores with pungent smells. Some of the glass windows have revealing dancers posing, and there are all kinds of races and tastes.

Alyssa, Sophia and Long are already used to this scene. An Yun was born in a guest star city that is more explosive than Zatan 13. This scene is almost like seeing flowers and plants when going out. They are completely immune.

Vilania and Fang Lanyin, one is a student from an earth-like planet, and the other is a big-footed village girl from an agricultural colony. They have never seen such an exciting scene. They immediately looked at it with their eyes and noses, and dared not look at anything.

Li Chengxi, who was following Fang Lanyin from the perspective, didn't care. He was very interested in clicking on the portraits one by one.

Until he saw a blue dragon dancing on a pole...

Indians are ecstatic, right?

Fifth Avenue mainly deals in eroticism, contraband and alcohol. Except for no gambling, it has all the five poisons.

There is no gambling because this business is controlled by other gangs. If you want to do it, you have to talk face to face (physics).

Following this street that made Fang Lanyin and Verania's body temperature rise, it took about half an hour to find a place with a neon sign of "Yellow Bee Bar".

The bar didn't seem to have much business, and no one came in and out. Alyssa took the lead and pushed the door in.

"Don't talk nonsense to me! Be careful that I will cut off your stupid lips!"

As soon as she entered, she heard a drunken roar, which scared Fang Lanyin.

The bar is a very retro wooden structure. Natural materials are very expensive in a space station. Even if the decoration style is quite bold or rough, the materials alone can prove that the owner is financially strong.

There are only a dozen people in the bar, four or five of them are on the left. Judging from the bottles on the table, they probably drank a lot. The guy who just issued the threat is also among them.

The other four or five are opposite them. They are big and strong. They look not easy to mess with. When faced with threats, they just smile maliciously and don't take the threats seriously at all.

Alyssa wanted to come in and ask where Eunice is. Seeing this situation, she gestured to the others behind her.

Then several people walked to the right side of the bar together, as if they wanted to stay away from the drunkards.

After finding a few empty seats and sitting down, Alyssa said to the others:

"Those drunkards are in trouble. Don't make a sound later. After their problems are solved, we will find Eunice's whereabouts."

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard a bang and someone smashed the bottle.

"I'm talking to you, a piece of shit. Can't you hear me?"

"Come over here if you don't agree!"

"You're looking for death!"

After a few words, the two sides started fighting. For a while, bottles flew everywhere and fists hit flesh.

Seeing that the fight had really started, Sophia and Long quickly stood up and hid in the corner to protect everyone, fearing that they would be affected, and probably also afraid of blood splashing on themselves.

Both sides only used fists, and no one drew a gun. Even though the drunkard obviously had a weapon on his waist, it was useless. It seemed that he still had some rationality and didn't want to make a big deal.

After a meal of table tennis, many tables and chairs were knocked over. The drunkards were all knocked down, and some were beaten so hard that they vomited all over the floor. The smell of alcohol and overnight meals filled the air.

——That’s really hard to bear.

The provoked party just rubbed some blood from the corner of his mouth, and then skillfully took out the rope and tied up the drunkards, hanging them on the beam of the bar like bacon.

Soon, a group of silkworm babies appeared on the thick beams.

"Four chairs, eighteen bottles of spirits, and I'll send the bill to your boss."

At this time, a woman's voice came from the backstage of the bar, and along with the sound of footsteps, a woman in rather revealing clothing, no better than a young lady in the club, appeared with a slender pipe in her mouth.

She picked out her beautiful red phoenix eyes, and the tear mole under her eyes was very eye-catching.

"But I'm afraid your boss won't give you money to redeem me, so you guys can be my mascots for two days. It just so happens that a group of gays are coming here for a party tonight. I believe they will like you."


The anus of the listener tightened!

Immediately, the woman turned her gaze to the people huddled in the corner, as if she was surprised that there was a group of young girls in her bar.

"Why, you also want to meet GAY, right? What a pity, they don't like women."

Alyssa gently pushed Long in front of her away and said:

"No, we are here to find someone."

"Who are you looking for?"

"Eunice, is that you?"

The woman's pupils shrank slightly. This tiny detail basically represented acquiescence.

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