Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 911 Come, shake hands

The wizard is a smart person, whether it is a wizard or a warlock.

The characteristic of a smart person is that before doing something, if the probability of failure is very high, he will simply not do it.

When Wuzhiqi was thrown around by Li Chengxi like a yo-yo, Rachel knew it was over and she would definitely not be able to beat him. ,

So after putting Zhao Ziheng down, she immediately activated the teleportation spell. Anyway, I have to run first.

Rachel is different from others. Wuzhiqi and other monsters and Zhao Ziheng are all local to the Celestial Empire, while she is an outsider and did not enter the country through legitimate channels. She is not only an illegal immigrant, but also a highly threatening illegal immigrant.

She doesn't think that Li Chengxi will show mercy just because the target is a girl, and the small body of the warlock is definitely not as strong as Wuzhiqi.

However, although teleportation is good, there is a problem.

The Lei family is in a small world opened up by the ancestors, which is equivalent to a half-plane. Unless you have a way to use cross-plane teleportation, ordinary teleportation cannot leave this half-plane.

In a hurry, Rachel didn't have time to use the extremely difficult inter-dimensional teleportation. She could only use short-distance teleportation, first run to the exit of the Lei family, and then use long-distance teleportation to run as far as she could.

A light gate opened above the gatehouse of the Lei family, and Rachel flew out from it sitting sideways on a broom. As long as she passed through the gatehouse, she could leave this half plane.

At this time, the sky suddenly brightened.

The sky, which was originally as dark as night, instantly returned to the brightness it should have in the morning.

Seeing this scene, Rachel knew that it was over, and the Tengu had been chopped off.

For monsters, the Tengu eclipse is not just a simple celestial phenomenon. No matter what kind of monster, the monster is yin, and the Tengu eclipse is the time when the yin energy is at its peak.

In other words, the Tengu eclipse is equivalent to giving all monsters a powerful buff to fight against the magic power sealed by the Lingbao Tiangong.

This is also why the Tengu has never shown up. It is a bit unnecessary for the buff to run to the front line.

As for where the Tengu was hiding, even Rachel didn't know. Anyway, as long as the Tengu could maintain the state of the Tengu eclipse, it didn't matter where it hid.

However, the Tengu, which should have been well hidden, was pouting in an instant. Rachel felt cold sweat on her forehead and hurriedly speeded up a little and passed through the gatehouse of the Lei family.

"Don't rush to leave, stay and talk."

When she was about to rush out, less than one meter away from the gatehouse of the Lei family, Rachel's broom suddenly stopped, and even the broom itself was trembling.

Rachel turned her head stiffly, first saw a hand grabbing her broom, and then saw Li Chengxi's very standard business smile.

The reason why it is called a business smile is that his expression is indeed smiling, but there is no smile in his eyes, which makes people's scalps numb.

Little guy, do you think you want to run away after doing things here?

How can it be so easy?

Rachel was frightened by Li Chengxi's gaze. She couldn't help but avoid him and glanced down, and saw that Li Chengxi was holding a big black dog in his other hand.

The dog's tongue had been tilted to the other side, and its nose had collapsed as if it had been hit hard. It was unknown whether it was dead or alive.

That was the Tengu.

This guy was actually hiding in the sky, relying on illusion to make himself invisible, but invisibility was like holding a loudspeaker and shouting "I'm an idiot" to Li Chengxi. He saw it at a glance while chasing Rachel.

In Rachel's horrified eyes, Li Chengxi suddenly let go of her broom and then stretched out his right hand:

"Come on, shake hands."

Rachel didn't know what Li Chengxi wanted to do, but she didn't dare not listen, and shook Li Chengxi's hand with a little trembling.

The next moment, severe pain rushed into the brain along the nerves, accompanied by the sound of cracking bones, and each of Rachel's fingers was easily crushed by Li Chengxi.

It is said that the ten fingers are connected to the heart, and the feeling of five fingers being broken together is simply refreshing.

Rachel's vision was blurred by the pain, but she tried hard not to scream.

Li Chengxi gently let her go, then shook his palm again:

"Come, the other hand, shake hands."

Seeing that Rachel was almost lying on the broom in pain, Li Chengxi said:

"Don't make me repeat it again, come, shake hands."

Li Chengxi didn't really know much about the things in the circle, even the many races, professional characteristics, power characteristics, and other information in the multiverse world.

He knew the most about mages, because Alde was a mage, and they often talked about it during chats.

And because of chatting with Alde, Li Chengxi knew that no matter whether it was a mage or any other spellcaster, hands were always the most important.

Even if a spellcaster appeared in a wheelchair, with a paralyzed lower body, and wanted to study the black hole of a little loli like Hawking, it didn't matter, as long as his fingers could move.

This was because all spellcasters needed gestures to coordinate the use of spells and guide the magic power to construct spells. At best, different spellcasters rely on gestures to a slightly different degree.

Take the arcane spellcasters such as mages and warlocks for example. No matter how strong they are, as long as their hands are controlled, 90% of their spellcasting ability can be abolished.

Rachel could only tremble and stretch out her other hand under the huge threat.

Li Chengxi slowly closed his fingers and whispered in the sound of bones breaking:

"You should feel lucky. I won't do anything to you until you tell me your affiliation and purpose."

Rachel obviously belongs to an external force. The monsters also said that there was instigation from external forces when they were making trouble this time.

Although Li Chengxi usually doesn't care about his own affairs, he has never failed to make a decision on major issues.

Of course, who this external force is, let the Nine Departments slowly study it. It has nothing to do with Li Chengxi.

Both hands were crushed into comminuted fractures. Rachel couldn't use the teleportation spell to escape again.

Li Chengxi still said in a gentle tone of negotiation:

"Get down. Don't you feel stuck when sitting on the broom?"

Rachel could only get down from the broom obediently. The trance caused by the severe pain made her legs weak and almost fell to the ground.

Li Chengxi looked up and down at the broom floating in the air, and seemed very interested.

And the broom began to tremble, as if it had self-awareness.

"Is this a Nimbus 2000 or a rocket crossbow?"


Rachel really wanted to complain that you had read too many novels, but she didn't dare.

Li Chengxi didn't get a response, but he didn't get angry. He stretched out his hand towards the broom.

The latter fell into his hand very obediently, even more like a grandson than a grandson.

"It's fun. I just happened to need a broom to sweep the floor. It's mine."

Rachel definitely didn't dare to say no...

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