Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 891 Running too late

Humans and demons are very similar, the only difference is that their hair color is not colorful enough and they don't have a pair of horns.

In fact, it's not that demons are similar to humans, but that all intelligent races are similar to humans.

It is said that the creator god of the entire multiverse designed humans in his own image, so later races more or less referred to the appearance of humans, and this is not nonsense.

In the heyday of the ancient elves, humans were just primitive people in the Stone Age. At that time, in the elves' cognition, they would protect humans as sacred beasts, and other races did not have such treatment.

Before, when Alyssa accompanied Shanafia back to the ruins of the ancient elves, she also said that when the puppet saw Shanna and Alyssa, three humans together, they would identify Alyssa and the others as pets of the ancient elves. This is because it was very common to raise humans in that period.

In the demon realm, traces of humans still remain, but it seems that they all disappeared suddenly, without a single one left.

According to legend, the demon king sealed the cunning humans at the other end of the final rift. But the problem is that this legend is too legendary.

Because there is no place called the Final Great Rift Valley, and no huge divine power reaction that can be called a seal has ever been found on the entire continent.

This is very speechless. Your legend is not familiar at all.

In short, what can be confirmed at present is that humans definitely played an important role in the fall of the Demon King God, and the other five Demon King Rings are likely in the hands of humans.

The more Aoerdai thought about it, the more annoyed she became. She was not an expert in history, but the letter she sent to the Academic City had not been replied yet, and she had no good solution.

Stretching hard, Aoerdai got up and walked out of the room, intending to go out and take a short walk.

While walking, she was thinking about all kinds of things. As she walked, she looked up and found herself in front of Viola's office.

Since she was here, she might as well go in and say hello.

So Aoerdai knocked on the door and walked in after getting a response.

As expected, Viola and Wendy sat behind the documents that were about to bury them, writing furiously. They felt that if they continued like this, their hands that were originally used to hold the sword would soon get tendonitis.

So it is not easy to work in a government position. Zora, the former leader of the Guard Knights and the current Archbishop of the Demon King Cult, not only prays and preaches with believers every day, but also has time to carefully wax and maintain his horns.

Zora should be thankful that she was not asked to work in a civil service position...

"My dear cousin, are you just here to watch or to help?"

"I'm here to play."


Viola touched the horns that had just grown a little on her head and resisted the urge to scold her cousin.

Orde really came here to play, or to annoy Viola, and said hello and planned to go back.

But at this time, the door was knocked again, and then a guard knight rushed in hurriedly.

"Your Majesty, there is an urgent report from the border."

When Viola heard this, she immediately put down the feather pen in her hand, took the sealed scroll, opened it, and quickly glanced at it.

"The Far Sea Overlord can't sit still."

She handed the scroll to Wendy casually, and the latter looked at it and said:

"Are they sending troops to the Subia Demon Kingdom now?"

"Before they sent an envoy here, I thought they were testing my opinion, but I didn't expect them to actually do it."

"It's normal. The return of the king and the restoration of my Avarus both represent that the powerful will have the final say in the future. The Guatni Demon Kingdom probably wants to get a piece of the pie."

The content of the report is very simple. Guatni, the demon kingdom with the smallest land area, has been staying out of the matter and has never fought for hundreds of years. It is completely invisible. It sent troops to attack the Subia Demon Kingdom.

The Subia Demon Kingdom may have become autistic because it was beaten in the fortress city. It has been in a state of isolation during this period, completely acting like an ostrich.

If Guatni wants territory, he can attack the Tandron Demon Kingdom, which is currently being attacked from both sides. Attacking the completely autistic Subia seems a bit inexplicable.

But both Alde and Wendy noticed Guatni's intention. They planned to muddy the water and let the whole continent enter a chaotic world.

In a chaotic world, it is all about ability. The shadows that try to control the seven demon kingdoms behind the scenes will be powerless at this moment.

Now the only ones who have not expressed their opinions are Avarus and Enwei Demon Kingdom.

Avarus was invaded by four countries before. Now that it has restored its country, it does not mean that the hatred has disappeared. The end is a matter of sooner or later. Guatni knows this very well.

As for the Enwei Demon Kingdom, it doesn't matter whether it ends or not. If it doesn't want to end, it will be forced to end.

So Guatni attacked the Subia Demon Kingdom, which was pretending to be an ostrich, and dragged it into the water.

Viola is indeed considering the issue of sending troops, but when to send troops is crucial.

"Call all my staff and the cabinet ministers. We need to discuss this."

The guard knight took the order and left. Oldie also wanted to say goodbye, but Viola stopped her immediately.

"My dear cousin, you seem to be very idle recently."

"Not really..."

"I need a magic consultant. After all, the abilities of the court wizards are not very trustworthy now."


Oh no, I ran too late.


Da Yongli

1155, late July.

Early morning.

The hustle and bustle of the day had dissipated, and Yang Yiyi lay in the guest room provided by Taohuawu, snoring until she was unconscious.

Due to Li Chengxi's suggestion and the need to treat Wu Shaoyi's leg, Yang Yiyi did not rush to leave after delivering the letter, but planned to stay in Taohuawu for a few days.

The parts of the rejuvenation method that Yang Yiyi did not understand or felt awkward were indeed connected to the principles of medical skills. When Xing Muqing was free, Yang Yiyi discussed it with him and benefited a lot.

At this rate, it would be just around the corner to get started with the rejuvenation method.

And there seemed to be some hope for Wu Shaoyi's leg.

Xing Muqing specially found someone to hold a meeting to study it. At the meeting, several doctors looked at Wu Shaoyi's legs, making Wu Shaoyi feel like a precious human specimen...

Then several doctors, including Xing Muqing, started a fierce quarrel. Wow, the few people who usually looked gentle and elegant almost picked up stools to fight each other.

Although the style of the painting was a bit scary, the result was at least good.

Xing Muqing and the others worked out a treatment plan, but they also said that they were not very sure. They could only say that there was a chance of recovery, and it would take a long time to slowly recuperate.

Just the chance was a life-saving straw for Wu Shaoyi.

So Wu Shaoyi was sometimes pierced by silver needles like a hedgehog, sometimes stuffed into a medicinal bath tub, and sometimes had to drink bitter medicinal soup that made people vomit while applying thick plasters on his legs. Sometimes people wondered if this was a treatment or some kind of top-level torture.

But don't tell me, don't tell me, just one day after treatment, Wu Shaoyi's legs already had a weak knee jerk reflex, but he still had no feeling at all.

It must be said that Taohuawu is indeed a place where miracle doctors come from.

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