Gan Xiaoyan held her breath unconsciously as her heart suddenly jumped to her throat.

The passage of time had never been as slow as it was now.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, as if the time that could be easily counted at ordinary times was stretched out in an instant.

Although it was pitch black and she couldn't see anything, Gan Xiaoyan seemed to feel that a pair of terrifying hands were groping outside the cloak, as if looking for the breath of a living person.

A slight numbness came from the back of her head, and every muscle in her body was tense, and the pores on every inch of her skin were shrinking, and her hair stood up.

I don't know how long it took, maybe a few seconds, or maybe a few minutes, the footsteps and the rustling sounds finally faded away this time, but Gan Xiaoyan and the others still didn't dare to move until the lights came back on, as if everything that had just happened didn't exist.

Gan Xiaoyan lifted her cloak and panted awkwardly. The heat and tension made her and her colleagues look like they had just come out of a steamer, with red faces.

Glancing around, everyone was safe and sound, they had just escaped.

But it wasn't over yet.

Looking back along the aisle, the carriage was still empty, and the bottle of mineral water was lying in the aisle, but now it was motionless.

Looking up at the LCD screen, the screen showed that the train was running at 0, and the vehicle seemed to have stopped.


There was a roar of thunder in the distance, followed by the crackling of raindrops hitting the carriage, bringing a white noise that made people restless.

Gan Xiaoyan immediately took out her mobile phone. According to the rules and regulations of the Ninth Department, she would report the situation as soon as possible when something happened, and then she would talk about whether she could handle it herself.

According to the law of ghost movies, if the call can be connected, then the movie should be over. Gan Xiaoyan actually didn't have much hope.

But when she took out her mobile phone, she found that the mobile phone not only had a signal, but also had a new message from Qian Sen on WeChat.

Regardless of Qian Sen's matter, Gan Xiaoyan immediately found Li Chengxi's phone number and called him. With a beep, the call was picked up.

"Hello? What's wrong? You're calling me so close?"

Li Chengxi's voice had some echo, as if he was still in a narrow area like the toilet.

"Brother Li, come and save us!"

"What's the situation?"

"Everyone on the train has disappeared, we..."

As soon as he said this, there was a burst of sound from the phone, and then the call was cut off.

When he tried to call again, it was "The number you dialed is out of service."

"We can't stay here!"

Someone said:

"We are in a closed iron box, and there is nowhere to hide with just a cloak!"

You can hide for a while, but not for a lifetime. The cloak is only effective for undead creatures. If there is a monster behind the scenes, it will find the person under the cloak as soon as it comes up.

And the train stopped suddenly, which clearly shows that there is something wrong. It is very likely to facilitate the monster to get on the train.

"It's not just an iron box. We seem to be in a different space from others."

Someone else said:

"We were able to get through to Li Chengxi just now, which means that most people didn't notice the situation in the business class. It was us who disappeared, not them."

"The question is how to run and where to run?"

The windows of the high-speed train cannot be opened, which is different from the green train.

"Go down from the door. I just looked at the map. We are only a few kilometers away from the city."

"But we are probably not in the same space. How can the map be useful!"

Whether to continue squatting here or run away, this made everyone argue endlessly.

There is no way. The nine departments are all ordinary people. Especially when most of the instruments are not in hand, it is difficult to make accurate judgments.

Just as everyone was arguing, they suddenly heard a muffled sound of "Gudong". The sound of the argument disappeared instantly, and everyone looked to the other side of the aisle.

At the end of the carriage, a dark thing appeared there, like a dark figure.

Then, this thing moved step by step in their direction, at a moderate speed, which brought a strong sense of oppression.

This is equivalent to giving everyone a clear signal.

No need to argue, just run!

It’s useless to put on a cloak now. The ghost can’t see you, and can’t remember the approximate location where he saw you just now?

“Take Lei Lei, quickly! Let’s go through the door!”

Now I can’t care about what’s happening outside. Fortunately, there is a door next to the business class car, which can be opened by the emergency switch to run out, and the dark shadow is still at the other end of the car.

Someone came to carry Lei Lei immediately. It was a wasteland outside, and the wheelchair was definitely useless. It’s better to run with her on his back.

Everyone was in a hurry, watching the dark figure getting closer and closer, and they were about to rush out of the business class to open the door.

A blurry strong light hit everyone’s face, making them unable to see anything for a moment.

The dark figure seemed to speed up a little, and a moment later it was in front of everyone, and everyone took a breath.

It’s over, too late.

But as the blurred strong light faded, everyone blinked and realized that the black figure approaching was actually Li Chengxi.

"What are you doing?"

He looked at the others in confusion.

Not only him, the flight attendant looked over here from the other end of the carriage, and some passengers also looked at the group of people blocking the door of the business class with strange eyes, as if they were wondering what kind of performance art they were doing.

Gan Xiaoyan pinched her thigh in a daze, it hurt, it was not a dream.

Everyone stepped back two steps and returned to the business class. Li Chengxi said to the flight attendant who approached to ask about the situation:

"Can you give us some water? My friends may be a little dazed because they are too busy at work recently."

The flight attendant's expression was also confused, but he nodded and agreed.

Then Li Chengxi also entered the business class and sat in his seat.

"What happened to you just now?"


Gan Xiaoyan and her colleagues looked at each other and quickly told what happened just now.

"Oh, that should be an illusion. I just noticed that the picture in a place was a little distorted, so I picked something up when I came back. It should be this thing that did it."

Li Chengxi flipped his hand and poured out a palm-sized shell from his sleeve.

It looks like a giant clam, but for some reason, the shell seems to be trembling.

"What is this...?"

"Mirage, the mirage in mirage."

With the experience of vampires, Li Chengxi knew how to identify gods, and he could tell something was wrong with this thing at a glance.

"It was lying in the corner outside our carriage just now, probably because it couldn't get in."

Before leaving, Li Chengxi patted the door, which meant that it had been protected by gods, and even thermonuclear weapons couldn't penetrate it, let alone such a small thing.

Perhaps, it was precisely because it couldn't get in that someone put the mirage here.

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