Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 874 The doctor has arrived

Monks can live forever, are immune to all poisons, and can fall from a height of 30 or 40 meters and land hard, and they can also brush off the dirt on their bodies and pretend nothing happened.

To be honest, although these guys look like humans, they feel like they have become another species.

Moreover, compared with magicians or warriors, monks can fight in close combat, ranged combat, and cast spells. They are all-rounders, and cheating is not so excessive.

If there is a disadvantage, it is that only one in ten thousand people can cultivate immortals, and the progress is very slow.

It is precisely because monks cannot judge according to ordinary people that Lei Lei’s current situation cannot be sent to the hospital casually. The doctor may go crazy when looking at the X-ray film, so he can only wait for the doctor who understands monks to rush over.

"I still have some healing potions here, which should be useful."

Gan Xiaoyan shook her head:

"Cultivators practice many strange skills, and sometimes giving them healing potions will have the opposite effect. Keep her in her current condition and try not to do anything before the doctor arrives."

Compared to Li Chengxi, Jiuke obviously often deals with cultivators. Since Gan Xiaoyan said not to move, Li Chengxi simply sat down on the sofa opposite.

Although Gan Xiaoyan looks very calm now, she is also very anxious. She looks at her phone every few seconds, as if confirming the information.

Seeing this, Li Chengxi planned to divert Gan Xiaoyan's attention, so he said:

"Has Lei Lei not been with you recently?"

"We went home together yesterday and she was fine. Today, the school is on holiday, and I don't know where she went."

This must be an emergency. Jiuke did not receive any news, otherwise Gan Xiaoyan would not be so uneasy.

At this time, Gan Xiaoyan's phone rang, and she quickly picked it up to see it, and then it was obvious that her frown was relieved a little.

"Good news, we found a doctor, he will be here in one or two hours at most."

The Ninth Department monitors supernatural powers across the country, so it's pretty quick to find a doctor who can treat monks.

But Gan Xiaoyan is still a little worried that it will take an hour or two to arrive.

Li Chengxi is not worried. He doesn't know how to save Lei Lei, but it's okay to keep her alive.

"There's no point in being anxious. Come and have some fruit. I bought some grapes yesterday."

"Thank you."

The two of them sat around the coffee table and started eating fruit. Lei Lei was lying on the sofa on the left. This composition made Li Chengxi feel like he was stealing a sacrifice.

——Not very authentic.

"By the way, you came so quickly. Did Lei Lei call you?"

"Yes, she sent me a WeChat message."

Gan Xiaoyan showed Li Chengxi her phone. There were only the short words 'Come quickly' on it, plus a location information, and this location information was exactly the door of Li Chengxi's home.

It is estimated that Lei Lei encountered an enemy that she could not defeat and fled all the way. She remembered that she could take refuge here with Li Chengxi, and sent a message to Gan Xiaoyan to ask her to bring people over.

But the key point is that Lei Lei is now unconscious, and no one knows what happened.

"Those little demons are just lackeys. Lei Lei wants to deal with them with just a wave of her hand. There must be some difficult guys behind them."

Indeed, although Lei Lei is not as high as Ao Dai, she is definitely not weak. Li Chengxi still remembers the scene of fighting the Cyclops zombie on Jinniu Mountain.

At present, the people of the Ninth Section are working overtime to interrogate. In order to find out what happened as soon as possible, they simply borrowed a room in Li Chengxi's house as an interrogation room.

If the Ninth Section had not arrived quickly, Li Chengxi would have asked what he wanted to know, but it is better not to tell the Ninth Section about the unreasonable ability of the King's Voice.

"Come to think of it, I've never seen a monster before. Do they also live disguised as ordinary people like time travelers?"

"In the past, only a very small part of them did. Now it's more common. However, there are more in the south, and there are basically none in our north."


"Because the Hidden Mist Village has recently opened."


This is a nonsense statement. Anyway, Li Chengxi is also an insider, and these words can be said to him. Gan Xiaoyan immediately explained:

"In our country, whether it is a natural spirit or a monster that travels through the multiverse world, they will all be sent to the Hidden Mist Village to live together. It is located in the deep mountains in the southwest and is shrouded in thick fog all year round. There is a natural barrier that can prevent monsters from coming outside and prevent outsiders from entering."

"Why is it so troublesome?"

"Because there are too many types of monsters and it is difficult to manage."

As long as a group of time travelers from another world learn the local culture and integrate into the society of normal people, the Nine Departments will basically not care about them.

But monsters can't be integrated.

For example, a sheep demon walking on the street sees a signboard of "lamb scorpion" hanging on the storefront not far ahead, what do you think it will feel...

This is the biggest difference between demons and humans.

Even if you call on everyone to eat vegetarian food, it won't work. People still have cabbage spirits, rice spirits, and rape spirits. People can't just drink the northwest wind, right? There is also the Yellow Wind Monster in the northwest wind.

Even if the demons can understand that people only eat animals, not demons, it is really hard to bear to see this scene for many years.

If a demon suddenly loses his mind because of this, and shows his true form on the street to attack indiscriminately, the Nine Departments will probably have to scalp him.

It is to avoid this kind of thing from happening that the demons all live in the mountains instead of integrating into society. No wonder Li Chengxi has never seen it.

"What's the matter with the opening of the Mist Village?"

"The formation of the Hidden Mist Village could no longer hold, so our comrades in the south transferred the monsters to different settlements in batches. I don't know what happened later, but judging from the fact that these monsters could drive around, I'm afraid something went wrong with the transfer work."

This is like a branch of the same department failing to do its job well, causing another local branch to take the blame.

After all, the Nine Departments are a system of regional responsibility. As long as the headquarters does not issue an order, each local branch only knows about the affairs of its own area. It is not their responsibility to manage places farther away, and they basically don't know about them.

"Oh, right, what about Qian Sen?"

"Director Qian went to the headquarters for a meeting, and said that he had to go abroad to exchange and learn with colleagues recently. I have just sent the matter to him, and he may not have seen it yet."

So it happened that things happened to be rushed at an unfortunate time. The top leader was away, and a group of younger brothers were anxious.

At this time, Gan Xiaoyan's phone rang again, and she quickly picked up the phone.

The person on the other end said a few words, and Gan Xiaoyan only replied "I know" and hung up the phone.

"The snake demon that was sent to the emergency department has just escaped danger, but has not yet regained consciousness. Brother Li, you are really ruthless."

"I didn't really use much force..."

"It doesn't matter. The surveillance shows that you were just defending yourself. The snake demon is still alive, which means it is lucky. I'm afraid it will have to spend the rest of its life in prison."

Theft with supernatural powers can be sentenced to ten or eight years, not to mention attempted murder. The punishment for these supernatural creatures is much more severe than ordinary laws.

Gan Xiaoyan, who had just put down the phone, had her phone dingdong again. This girl is so busy.

But this time she took a look and was suddenly surprised:

"So fast?"

"What do you mean so fast?"

"The doctor is here, right at the door."

Didn't they say that it would take at least one or two hours to arrive?

So the fastest would be one or two minutes, right?

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