Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 854: Purification of the Priesthood

Pulse flight and jump are both powerful tools for escaping, and they are also necessary abilities for interstellar navigation.

But the problem is that there are too many people who can do these two things.

And whether it is pulse flight or jump, it will leave "traces".

These traces are unique like fingerprints. Even different engines of the same model will leave slightly different traces.

The Swan is flexible and fast, but it has no advantage in pulse flight and jump, so it can't escape by simply relying on a pulse flight to open up the distance and then jump to escape.

This is also the reason why Villania first sneaked a shot to injure the high-speed destroyer. I don't need to run faster than the frigate, as long as I run faster than you.

The injured high-speed destroyer can't run fast, and the frigates of the Beso Empire will definitely chase it, and the Swan can take the opportunity to run away.

It's a good idea, but it's just a thought.

I don't know why the high-speed destroyer that is easy to catch was not caught, and the frigates of the Beso Empire came to chase the Swan.

Maybe they were afraid of catching something and really provoking a war, or maybe they left the high-speed destroyer for the reinforcements. Anyway, they were chasing after them.

Fortunately, it was just a frigate, which was slightly slower than a light cruiser. Otherwise, once it was entangled, it would have no chance to escape.

That guy chased the Swan to four or five star systems, forcing Li Chengxi to stop the ship and fight that grandson to the death several times. It was not until the Swan entered the range of the star group alliance that the frigate of the Beso Kingdom reluctantly turned around and returned to the sea, and then chased it across the border to enforce the law.

Then the Swan circled around several nearby star systems, completely using the huge gravity of the stars to "wipe its ass", and finally returned to Black Hand Port.

Father Pro was also very worried about Alyssa and the others. When he heard that the Swan was approaching, he waited at the port early.

However, the port was not a place to talk, so everyone immediately took a car home, and only when they got home did they tell Father Pro everything that happened along the way.

The latter was scared after hearing this. Father Pro just wanted to find out where Shanna came from and what was so special about the Star Child, but he almost lost Shanna.

After listening to the whole process, Li Chengxi finally understood what was going on.

Originally, Shanna wanted to use herself as a sacrifice to activate the purification device, but Li Chengxi reached in and clicked it, so Shanna was not sacrificed.

——This logic doesn't make sense...

Think about it from another perspective. Since Shanna is needed as a sacrifice, first of all, it is because the purification device needs energy, but the energy source of the ancient elves is said to be able to output so-called endless energy. Is it really necessary to sacrifice?

The ruins are still running well after more than 10,000 years, which itself shows that there is enough energy. No matter how special a living person is, his energy cannot be comparable to the energy of a ruin.

In this way, the so-called purification device may have some other tricks besides energy.

In addition, Li Chengxi reached in and clicked it, and Shanna didn't have to be sacrificed.

Why is this?

Is it not necessary because of God's intervention?

According to this line of thought, could the so-called purification device be something related to God?

It is easy to verify. Li Chengxi only needs to take a look at the faith value displayed by Viola to see if it has been consumed.

This time, he found that the faith value really dropped by about 50,000, indicating that part of the divine power was consumed as a substitute for Shanna.

But what puzzled Li Chengxi was that not only was the faith value consumed, but the upper limit of the faith value also dropped from 2.4 million to 2 million.

What the hell is going on? Can the upper limit be burned?

I have never heard of it.

So Li Chengxi took out the notes that Adas had given him before. There were all common sense that God should know on them. He looked through them to see if there was any explanation.

There are only two situations in which the divine power decreases as recorded in the notes.

One is that the divine position is lost, and the divine power will decrease before the divine position is retrieved. The other is that the divine position is increased, and the divine power will also decrease.

The loss of the divine position is easy to understand. The divine position is the power of God. If it is lost, the divine power will definitely decrease, but if there is more divine position, shouldn’t the divine power increase?

This is the specific situation that needs to be analyzed specifically.

For example, if you originally had the priesthood of light, but you got a priesthood of conspiracy or murder, your power would decrease instead of increase.

The reason is that the new priesthood conflicts with your original priesthood, and both sides interfere with each other, which is not easy.

Of course, this is just an example. Some priesthoods that do not seem to conflict with each other will also lead to a decrease in power, and there is no particularly easy-to-understand rule.

This is also why many powerful gods have a bunch of subordinate gods behind them, and they can just split the priesthoods they don’t need and give them to the people below.

Regardless of the reason for the decrease in power, Li Chengxi needs to see whether the number of his priesthoods is more or less.

So he found a place where no one was on Viola’s side and reached in, then right-clicked his hand.

Sure enough, at the end of the priesthood column, there was an additional "purification".

With this, everything makes sense.

The reason why Shanna needs to be sacrificed is not because of lack of energy, but lack of control.

The so-called purification device of the ancient elves was built with a purification priesthood as the core. In their prosperous times, it was not difficult to find a priesthood. If there was no suitable one, they would drag a god down and kill him before taking him. They had done this before.

But the priesthood will only obey the orders of God. If a mortal forcibly controls the priesthood, it will definitely be destroyed. And if no one controls it, the priesthood will not move on its own.

So the mission of the Star Child is to become a sacrifice, because after controlling the priesthood to activate the purification power, the Star Child will directly turn into a puff of smoke.

Li Chengxi reached in and clicked, which was equivalent to taking the control of the priesthood from Shana. Li Chengxi was a god, and the masterless priesthood would naturally obey his orders. That was why the purification priesthood came to Li Chengxi.

And this purification priesthood was not in sync with the original priesthood of the Demon King God, resulting in a decrease of 400,000 in the upper limit of the faith value.

This is almost the process.

The matter of the Star Child has been sorted out, but there is still one thing that has not been sorted out.

Shana said that the last time it was her turn to hatch, a group of people rushed into the ruins and changed the system settings, causing Shana to fail to hatch successfully. As a result, the Broken Sky Star was swallowed by the darkness and split into two halves.

Judging from various signs, this group of people is likely to be the Cult of Genesis. The shuttles they left on the tarmac are all Manta Rays, which is irrefutable evidence.

What are they doing here?

Many people say that the purpose of the Cult of Genesis is to create a true god, and the purification priesthood is placed in the ruins, so why didn't they take it away?

In addition, what exactly is that huge dark entity, and why does it seem to have a periodicity?

There are no answers to these questions now. Li Chengxi only feels that there are some connections that have no clues and cannot be proven for the time being...

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