Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 845 Praise My Lord

The high-speed destroyer and the frigate were clearly in a confrontation, especially the Beso Empire frigate noticed that the high-speed destroyer had turned its turret to the attack position. The frigate was not at all afraid and also prepared its weapons. You could even see the strong light emitted by the main gun starting to charge.

In the public channel, the Beso Empire frigate shouted three times in a row, but the high-speed destroyer did not respond at all.

There must be no response.

If it is a merchant ship or a recycling ship, as long as you identify yourself and tell people that we are just passing by here, the frigate will not care after confirmation.

But since the high-speed destroyer has taken off the signs, it is clear that it is guilty. No matter how you explain it, it will be a problem.

"Ultimatum, if the unknown ship refuses to cooperate, we will expel it according to law and..."

Before the words in the public channel were finished, the main gun of the high-speed destroyer was seen to have opened fire, and three beige beams shot into the void.

The frigate initiated an emergency evasion, but was still hit on the left side. Fortunately, the frigate's shield was strong and this shot failed to penetrate.

"Fight back! Send a signal to friendly forces!"

This sentence was cut off in the public channel, and then the frigate also activated the main gun that was ready to fire, and two warships of similar size started a gun battle in the void.

The main gun and the secondary gun fired alternately, and a large number of void torpedoes were fired. At the same time, the two ships launched space fighters, and the originally dark void was suddenly illuminated.

The high-speed destroyer cannot reveal its identity. If it reveals its identity and says that it is a ship of the Star Cluster Union, it may not start a fight, but it will be troublesome in diplomacy. Given the sensitivity of the Beso Empire to border issues, it may use this as an excuse to send a large army to the border.

But if there is no explanation, the other party is ready to take action, and there is not much time for the high-speed destroyer to hesitate.

So they chose to take action directly. As long as they kill the frigate and run away before the subsequent reinforcements arrive, then this matter cannot be blamed on the Star Cluster Union.

The violent explosion of the void torpedo being detonated by the anti-aircraft gun was reflected on the porthole of the bridge. The space fighters of both sides were already exchanging fire, and with the main guns and secondary guns firing, it looked very lively.

Li Chengxi, who watched the whole process, exclaimed:

"Damn, it's wonderful!"

I thought it was making things worse, but I didn't expect it to be a tiger fighting from a mountain. It's wonderful, this is wonderful.

"What's wonderful? When the follow-up troops of the Beso Kingdom come, we can't escape!"

If there is only one high-speed destroyer, the Swan can take advantage of the fact that it has not been discovered now, and it can still run away after a few surprise shots. When the fleet of others comes, it will be difficult to fly.

"The current situation is better than being stared at by a high-speed destroyer. As for the fleet of the Beso Kingdom, it depends on how fast Alyssa and her team are."


On the other side, Alyssa and her team heard footsteps chasing in front of the gate, and then heard the sound of explosions. It may be that the enemy soldiers broke the door with explosives.

But the strength of this gate is not comparable to the door panel. The vault is not as thick as this thing, and the explosives that the soldiers can bring can't blow it open.

It sounds like the other party tried twice, but probably because they returned without success, the subsequent footsteps seemed to be far away, and they should have walked to the other side.

Everyone was relieved.

At this time, Sofia said:

"Boss, what are we doing here? The army also rushed in at a great cost. Is there any special secret?"

Sophia and An Yun didn't know the reason for coming here. Father Pro just talked to Alyssa alone, and they drove the Swan the next day.

Originally, it is a rule of the industry that you don't need to ask for reasons, but such a weird situation made Sofia ignore these.

Alyssa quietly pointed at Shanna, shook her head, and did not elaborate, but explained:

"This relic will only appear under special circumstances, otherwise ordinary people will not be able to find it. Maybe the military wants this technology."

Alyssa put emphasis on the word special, and she also quietly pointed at Shanna, Sophia nodded and did not continue to ask.

This matter is related to Shanna, and there may be some hidden secrets, so Alyssa did not mention it to others.

"Let's go, let's see what treasures are hidden here."

"Treasure hunt!"

Shanna still looked very happy, she didn't seem to realize how dangerous the situation was just now.

There was still a corridor behind the gate. Everyone walked along the corridor. After walking about fifty or sixty meters, they saw another door in front.

But this door is not as exaggerated as the gate, but a very ordinary metal door.

There is a metal plate on one side of the gate, with a string of ancient elves on it.

But compared to the language that can communicate without obstacles, the ancient elves' words are completely incomprehensible.

The ancient elves believed that only sophisticated and complex things could show the huge gap between themselves and other mortal races, so the characters they designed were extremely complicated. Even the best scholars today still have a headache when facing the ancient elven language.

After asking Shanna, she said she couldn't understand what was written on the metal plate, so everyone gave up studying it.

Alyssa and Sophia stood on the left and right of the door, while An Yun and Shanna hid behind. When everyone was ready, the two reached out from the side to push the door.

The door was not locked and opened with a push. As the door was opened, a green smoke floated out from inside. Apart from the smoke, nothing else jumped out.

Alyssa took out a pen-like detector and shook it at the smoke:

"No harmful components were detected. This should be some kind of specialized magic."

Strictly speaking, it was not green smoke, but the magic residue left by some spell.

Usually, the magic residue is silver or silver-blue, but the color of the magic residue left by some special spells will be slightly different. A skilled wizard can tell what spell was used just by looking at the residue.

However, this operation is a magical skill for everyone present, and none of them understand it.

Alyssa and Sophia took the lead in following the smoke into the room with guns.

This is a very large and empty room. The ceiling is about four meters above the ground. For the ancient elves with an average height of more than two meters per person, this is a relatively short place. Usually, the ceiling of the ancient elves' buildings starts at five meters.

The light on the mask turned as Alyssa turned her head left and right. Under the floating green smoke, everyone saw a row of things that looked like laboratory tables.

It was estimated that there were about four columns and six rows, neatly arranged in the room, and many tables were also placed with experimental equipment such as beakers and test tubes.

The green smoke should have come from deeper in the cave, like a layer of light clouds, floating around the top of everyone's head, and no source was seen.

"Don't touch anything, let's go deeper and take a look."

Nothing of the ancient elves can be touched casually, just as Olde warned Zora and Nimia, you don't know if a seemingly ordinary thing will be enchanted with some strange spells.

Everyone carefully walked through these experimental tables, and in the last row, Alyssa saw a document on the last table.

To be precise, it was not paper in the ordinary sense. This is not the void, and organic matter will decay quickly.

It was a kind of paper made of special wax, which is inorganic.

The document was a universal language, obviously not left by the ancient elves.

But perhaps it was too long ago, most of the handwriting could not be seen clearly, and only a limited number of short sentences could be recognized.

‘The false god must be destroyed’

‘The plan was successful, waiting for follow-up orders’

‘We were attacked and cannot evacuate. May the sacred spark accept our souls. I will merge into His sacred code, praise our God, and create a different machine. God Crystal’

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