Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 822: Braided Flower Rope

When people face things beyond common sense, they generally choose to wait and see. This is the underlying logic of seeking good fortune and avoiding danger, and the same is true for vampires.

After becoming a vampire, they only treat their original kind as food, and their intelligence and thinking ability are still the same as before.

This is why Li Chengxi came in with a swagger, and these vampires dared not act rashly. It was like an antelope running into a group of lions to show off its power. The lions were a little unsure whether it was the African black death buffalo pretending to be.

However, someone will always take action. No matter whether it is really awesome or not, sneak attacks are always the most advantageous.

The shadow that rushed out of the darkness approached Li Chengxi in an instant, and it was obvious that he did not make any movements, and even his eyes did not turn in the direction of the shadow, and he did not react at all.

Then there was a clang, accompanied by the cold light coming out of the sheath, and the high-speed flying shadow jumped up and down around Li Chengxi, and the harsh noise of the blade cutting made people's ears slightly numb.

Finally, a subtle tremor sounded in the air, accompanied by the sound of the wind, and a female vampire fell to the ground, her feet touching the ground and sliding to slow down, indicating that the previous set of attacks was over.

At the most unprepared moment, coupled with the extremely fast speed of action, even a powerful wizard would be stabbed into a bloody mess if not chopped into pieces under this wave of attacks.

But almost at the same time it stopped, it noticed that the dagger in its hand had become as blunt as a stick, with both sides of the blade rolled, and it just chopped for a long time without breaking the defense.

The female vampire's haggard face flashed with surprise, and then it was terrified.

Her body was lifted up out of thin air, as if an invisible hand had grabbed it, and then turned 180 degrees, with the big head facing down.


The ground trembled slightly, making everyone's toes numb. The female vampire was planted directly into the floor by the invisible hand, leaving only the lower body shaking outside, twitching from time to time.

"Next question."

In the horrified eyes of all the vampires, Li Chengxi seemed to ignore what happened just now.

He raised his chin slightly to another vampire and asked:

"Where did these people you eat come from? You tell me."

The vampire who was called felt his whole body stiffen, and every hair on his body seemed to be pinched by someone. It was not that he could not move at all, but that the control of his body seemed to have been taken away.

He said without the consent of his consciousness, as if he was forced to say:

"Three days ago, we hunted a group of people who camped at the foot of the mountain."

In terms of time, it matches what Kailin said.

"What's the matter with the woman in the storage room? Why is she the only one who has not been sucked blood?"

"She is a high-ranking demon, with noble blood. The best blood must be dedicated to the Duke."

These vampires didn't know that they had captured a princess, but it was precisely because she was a high-ranking demon that she survived until now.

Li Chengxi asked these questions to confirm whether Kailin had any problems, otherwise it would be embarrassing to find out that he was the big boss in the end.

"Since you don't know where the Duke is, you should know what's on the second floor."

"The second floor is the residence of higher-level vampires."



In the hierarchy of vampires, the highest and undisputed TOP1 is the source of all vampires, the True Ancestor of Blood.

It is worth noting that although the True Ancestor is in this system, the True Ancestor is not a vampire. Strictly speaking, the True Ancestor is just a special kind of human.

The True Ancestor is not afraid of sunlight, silver and positive energy, and does not need to rely on sucking blood for a living. The minimum level is 70, and everyone is a strategic nuclear weapon at the level of destroying a country.

Vampires are actually more like a degraded version of the True Ancestor, with an essential gap, and the closer the vampire is to the True Ancestor, the stronger its ability will be.

The reason for the hierarchy of vampires is that they feel that they have evolved when they became vampires, transcending the existence of mortals, and those who are more noble than ordinary people are of course nobles, so their ranks are called nobles.

Below the True Ancestors are the Princes, who are the first generation of vampires transformed by the True Ancestors themselves. They have the purest bloodline and are resistant to sunlight. Their levels are basically above level 60 and below level 70.

Below them are the Dukes and Marquises, whose levels are not certain. Some Dukes and Marquises are higher than Princes and are more capable of fighting. However, since vampires are creatures bound by strict levels, no matter how strong their abilities are, as long as they can be traced back to the same True Ancestor, the lower level can never resist the upper level.

The only way to break this bondage is to get the blood of another True Ancestor. This is why the information found by Ordai said that the Seven Apostles once traded with the Vampire Duke with a True Ancestor's blood, which is extremely tempting for vampires and can free them from bondage.

Vampires at the level of princes and dukes are high-level, while vampires at the level of earls, viscounts and barons are mid-level, with levels generally below 40 and above 30. Below them are the scum in front of you and the blood slaves who don't even have much brains.

Because looking for the Demon King's Ring will definitely cause a conflict with vampires, Aoerdai gave Li Chengxi a brief introduction before coming, so when he heard that vampires of higher levels than the vampires in front of him were on the second floor, he immediately understood that they were mid-level.

"Apart from vampires, are there other creatures in this castle?"


Then he asked a few more questions, such as how many intermediate levels there were, but the answers he got were all "I don't know".

These low-level guys knew limited things, so Li Chengxi had better ask the higher-level vampires above.

Seeing that he had asked almost all the questions, Li Chengxi turned around and left.

All the vampires breathed a sigh of relief, and at that moment they felt their hearts, which had stopped beating, were pulled hard.

But what made the vampires even more worried was that Li Chengxi, who had just turned around, turned back and said:

"Oh, yes, I have to deal with you, I almost forgot."

All the vampires suddenly felt like they were wearing a headband on their foreheads, bringing a bad premonition of scalp numbness.

"You have two choices, one is to tie yourself up, and the other is that I will tie you up, choose."

As soon as the voice fell, the vampires started at the same time, and in an instant they turned into countless black shadows, and some turned into chirping bats.

However, they did not dare to rush to Li Chengxi's side, but rushed to the door of the restaurant, trying to rush out.

But the door suddenly seemed to be much stronger. The vampires who tried to break the door open felt stars in their eyes and were bounced back.

This was also the skill that Aidas and the others had taught Li Chengxi. It was to make a wall of divine power, which could be used for both defense and blocking the door.

The dizzy vampires saw Li Chengxi smile slightly, showing his sharp white teeth:

"It seems that you chose the latter. Okay, I'll take some time. I just want to review the braiding of flower ropes."

As for what is a rope, it depends on which part of these vampires is the longest...

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