Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 805: Shot to death by volley

Under the blue-white light of the star, the shadow of a huge fleet appeared on the edge of the Broken Sky Star. It was obvious that it had just bypassed the Broken Sky Star through gravity navigation and headed straight for Black Hand Port.

Without responding to any communication requests from Black Hand Port, the fleet appeared, and the main guns and secondary guns fired at the same time, and countless beige beams rushed towards them.

A light blue spherical shield immediately lit up on the periphery of the colony satellite. It was obviously just a collision between energies, but it gave the people in the colony satellite the illusion of an earthquake.

The colony satellite looks like a target, but it is actually an extremely solid target.

The colony satellite is rotating all the time to form artificial gravity, and Black Hand Port has 20 million residents, plus factories and farmland for producing food, so it is not a small size.

Such a large mass is still rotating, the structural strength is ridiculously high, and with the protection of the shield, even the main gun of the starship cannot easily defeat the colony satellite.

Cannons of different calibers were pushed up from under the outer deck. Some of the cannons were as powerful as the main guns of the battleships, and they were considered the self-defense firepower of the colony satellite.

At the same time, the membrane airlock of Black Hand Port was opened. The ships that were willing to help at Black Hand Port ignited their engines and sailed out of the port to prepare for a passionate battle with the fleet on the opposite side.

Black Hand Port is a maintenance and supply base, but there are really no large ships. To deal with the fleet, you can only rely on the help of friends and a group of small aircraft of your own.

The fleet did not reveal its identity or make any calls. It maintained the alternating firing of the main guns and secondary guns, covering the fire while approaching.

"Capture the engine light, they released the space fighter!"

Although the shield of the colony satellite is spherical, it actually has a defensive focus.

After all, if you come to the enemy head-on, the shield behind is completely useless, so in the command room, you can adjust the shield strength of different areas.

Now the frontal shield is at its strongest. If the enemy fleet circles to the side, even the firepower of space fighters may pose a threat to the colony satellite.

"The interceptor fleet is ready to go!"

The red indicator light in front of the airlock turned green, and the four-row aircraft formation started from the front and started the engines one by one and were ejected.

Verania sat in the cockpit, watching people floating around eagerly on both sides, and suddenly felt a little nervous.

She wanted to drive the Silver Cyclone to participate in the battle, just to test the space combat capability of the magic mecha. This part of the data was only available in the military of the Storm Kingdom before, and it was confidential. Only a general outline would be announced, and the detailed data would not be shown to others at all.

But this tense atmosphere made Verania a little frightened.


Someone knocked on the window of the Manta shuttle, and when he turned around, he saw that it was a ground crew.

He pointed down, indicating that the void torpedo had been installed, and then floated to the back to make way for the shuttle to take off.


"A little..."

Li Chengxi was as relaxed as ever. He said:

"Don't worry. I won't challenge the warship alone this time."

"Ah? Wait a minute. What did you say? Have you ever challenged a warship alone?"

Before Villania asked, the deck was cleared and the signal for departure appeared. The engine of the Manta Ray instantly went from idle to full speed, passing through the membrane airlock with a low roar.

The sudden acceleration made Villania hold back the question in her throat. The stars in the sky in the void were a little distorted in Villania's eyes.

As the sudden acceleration turned into a uniform acceleration, Villania felt better. At this time, she heard Li Chengxi say:

"Tell others that I don't need a formation."

Villania rubbed her forehead, which was a little swollen and painful, and quickly opened the communication channel to relay Li Chengxi's words to her teammates. The two shuttles that were approaching hesitated for a moment, but still left on their own.

Space combat is similar to air combat in the atmosphere. Everyone is used to flying in formation, at least they can take care of each other.

Li Chengxi's operation was completely different from the tactics that Villania was familiar with. He was a little too confident in his single-player operation.

"Hold on tight."

As soon as the words fell, the Manta suddenly turned left at a large angle. A beam of light that might be from a secondary gun on a warship flew from under the Manta and hit the shield of the colony satellite.

At the same time, dense engine lights appeared diagonally above. For a moment, Villania thought it was one of his own people who had left first, but immediately saw dense tracer bullets flying over like a rainstorm.

Actual combat is not like many games where there is a layer of red circles on the enemies to mark who is the enemy and who is the teammate. Only the engine light can be vaguely seen in the dark void background. Even if there is a radar with the function of enemy identification, it is almost useless in this environment of a large-scale melee, and there is no time to see it.

The enemy came too fast. When the teammates were still in formation, they had already entered the combat distance. Several shuttles that had just set off were destroyed on the spot and turned into orange flashes.

The Manta didn't care about the formation of its teammates at all. With the variable wings folded, the thrust from the four engines pushed the Manta to the front.

Vilania quickly let go of the joystick that she was turning and grabbed the armrests of the seat with both hands. In the cockpit in front of her, she could only see the dense engine lights, flashing tracer bullets and fleeting ion beams. She had no time to judge where the attack came from, and she had no time to distinguish it.

At this moment, Vilania understood that actual combat and competition are two completely different things.

Even in a 1V4 melee, there would not be such dense rain of bullets, so dense that you can't even see what the enemy's aircraft looks like.

Her throat tightened, a cold sweat slowly seeped out from her back, and Vilania's toes unconsciously buckled, and tension and a strong sense of crisis enveloped her whole body.

But the Manta was not affected by Vilania. Like a swift flying freely in a storm, it not only easily dodged the oncoming machine guns, but Vilania didn't even see the "shield energy reduction" prompt on the main control panel.

"It looks a bit capable, but that's it."

Li Chengxi's voice still had no fluctuations or changes. The enemy plane's intention of "sprinkling water" from a long distance might also be to use a covering barrage to catch the mouse.

But this is completely to scare novices. The speed of the aircraft in high-speed flight can even catch up with the shells. As long as you calm down and observe the flash carefully, it is not difficult to avoid it.

The main control panel showed that the built-in ion cannon was ejected. Villania saw the red fire button on the joystick being suddenly pressed. With the slight tremor of the body, several ion beams flew into the deep void, and the next moment an orange flash exploded.

This is it, hit?

Where is the enemy?

How to aim?

"These guys chose a dense formation for firepower coverage, volley guns, right? It's really funny."

Then the Manta turned around, and under the subtle light of the 20mm cannon, Villania noticed that the Manta not only approached the enemy plane, but even passed through the enemy plane group!

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