Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 800 Shanna and Benben

Alyssa has known Father Pro since she could remember, and what has impressed Alyssa the most about Father Pro is his calmness.

That happened when Alyssa was a child. Once, an apprentice in the repair shop made a mistake in operation. When repairing the battleship engine, he accidentally angered the machine spirit, and the machine spirit was very unhappy.

Even more unfortunate was that the engine magic leaked and was accidentally started. As long as the engine was ignited, most of the people in the repair shop might be burned to ashes in a few seconds.

Even so dangerous, Father Pro didn't even raise his eyelids, and he quickly eliminated the hidden danger very calmly.

However, the calm Father Pro was shaking now...

Everyone heard a loud noise, and then there was the sound of running in, and a little girl of seven or eight years old came into view.

She was wearing a beautiful light green bubble skirt, a wreath on her head, dark red long hair was tied up, and her face had a smile as bright as the sun.

It can be said that this picture makes people feel that this little girl is so cute at first glance.

But if this little girl is not carrying a metal door panel that is almost two meters high and one finger wide and is still relaxed, then it is indeed...

Everyone realized that the loud noise just now was because she took down the door panel.

"Oh, Grandpa, are there guests at home?"

Father Pro habitually touched his forehead, probably because he felt a headache, but still showed a kind smile.

"Yes, come here quickly, I will introduce you to him."

The little girl was very happy when she heard it, put down the door panel, and came over hopping.

Because the door panel was so attractive, everyone noticed that the little girl was carrying a big basket in her hand. When she jumped, her pair of pointed ears swayed up and down like a seesaw.

She is actually an elf!

It cannot be said that there is a grudge between dwarves and elves. It can only be said that they look down on each other. This is mainly a problem of aesthetics and living habits.

Dwarves think elves like to show off and like flashy petty bourgeoisie, while elves think dwarves are rude and reckless.

If there are elves and dwarves in an adventurer team, then don't expect to live in peace. Watching them fight every day is more interesting than watching crosstalk.

The little girl jumped in the living room, with her hands on her waist, and said proudly:

"My name is Shanna, Shanafia, which is the name my grandfather gave me."

As she introduced herself, a huge figure came in from the doorway.

At a glance, it felt more than three meters tall, wide and fat, but when I looked closely, I found that it was actually a ball...

Or more accurately, a spherical golem.

The torso of this golem is a ball, and the limbs and head are also metal balls, and it feels like it can shrink back and become a ball completely. I have never seen a golem with this design.

Shanna turned around and pointed at the golem:

"It's called Benben, because it's clumsy, so it's called Benben."


The golem raised its hands and made a bodybuilding pose, maybe it was a greeting?

Puro dad quickly introduced everyone else, and it seemed that the little girl was very happy, and the smile on her face never faded.

Especially when she heard that Alyssa came in a battleship, the expression on her face fully explained what it meant to be bright in front of her eyes.

"Can you tell me about the voyage? Where are you from? Are you going to fight pirates along the way? I picked grapes today, and we can talk while making pies."

Perhaps because of their similar heights and body shapes, Shanna pestered Vilania.

At this time, Pro dad took the basket that Shanna had placed on the table, secretly opened it and showed it to Alyssa, whose pupils trembled on the spot.

In the basket was a dark blue fruit, which looked very much like grapes, with green leaves underneath, but was almost as big as a fist.

If you ignore its size, this thing looks and tastes like a grape, but it is not a grape, but the fruit of a plant called killer vine.

This vine will produce sweet fruits, attracting wild animals. Once they get close, they will immediately entangle them and smash them with the sweet-smelling fruits.

The fruits of this thing are densely hung on the vines, and when they fall down, they are like meteor hammers. It will smash the prey into meat paste and use it as nutrients for its own growth.

This thing is planted in the colony satellite because it has a high yield and tastes good, but usually when harvesting, you have to wait for the leaves of the killer vine to wither and light a fire far away to burn it. The fruit is not afraid of fire, and then you can pick it up.

The fruit will soften quickly when it is separated from the vine. At this time, it tastes almost like real grapes, becoming fresh and juicy.

Some of the grapes picked by Sana are still attached to the vines. If you look closely, you will find that some of the vines are still twitching slightly, as if they were torn off by force.

Let's put it this way, even if you use a forklift to pull the vines, it may overturn the forklift. How can a little girl who looks seven or eight years old have such natural strength?

Father Pro did not explain immediately, but gently covered the basket and winked at Alyssa.

"I'll get the toolbox to fix the door. Shana, take out the cakes to entertain the guests."

"Okay, Grandpa."

"I'll help too, just give me a hand."

Fang Lanyin did not see Father Pro wink, she just wanted to help.

Father Pro did not object, leading Alyssa and Fang Lanyin out of the house and walked towards the barn next door.

"Dad, when did you have a granddaughter?"

Feeling the distance that people in the room couldn't hear, Alyssa couldn't help asking.

Father Pro has been dealing with machines all his life, not to mention that he suddenly has an elf granddaughter, who was not here when he came three years ago.

"Sanna was picked up."

The old man sucked on his pipe and opened the door of the barn.

"It was about the time when you came to overhaul the starship last time. When I and some guys drove a tugboat to tow the cargo ship that couldn't move nearby back for repair, we saw something like an escape pod halfway. We studied it for more than half a month before opening it, and Shanna was in it."

Although he said he came to get the toolbox, Father Pro ignored the toolbox next to the barn door, walked in, and reached out to tear off a piece of dusty canvas.

Under the canvas, there was a five-meter-high, five-meter-wide, diamond-shaped all-metal creation, like a small container.

"This is the escape pod where Shanna was found."

Alyssa observed carefully. The cover of the escape pod was opened. There was a spherical gap at the lower back. Thinking of the golem following Shanna, the thing should have been placed in this spherical gap.

But Alyssa looked at it and said:

"I have never seen this model."

Fang Lanyin also shook her head. Alan Starlink did not have this type of escape pod.

"Yeah, I haven't seen it either. I have always doubted whether this thing can be considered an escape pod."

"What did Shanna say?"

"She doesn't remember anything. It's all blank. The little girl is like a blank sheet of paper."


It shouldn't be.

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