Li Chengxi thought that the Jiuke organization was like the agents in the movies, who were doing some unknown secret missions all day long.

But the real agents were obviously not as cool and awesome as in the movies, and working hard was the norm.

Li Chengxi finally expressed his sympathy and hung up the phone.

"Who were you communicating with just now?"

"Well, Qian Sen, the one you saw yesterday."

Li Chengxi put the phone on the table and said a little strangely:

"You don't seem to be interested in the phone."

"It's just a magic communicator, what's so new about it?"

Since coming to the convenience store, Orde has been very curious about everything. Li Chengxi thought she would also sigh about the phone.

But in fact, she was not interested.

Li Chengxi understood the style of this girl a little bit. She would be very enthusiastic about things she had never seen, but if it was something that could be solved by magic, or something similar, she would seem to be uninterested.

For example, a hair dryer, such as a phone.

"Can magic communicate with people far away?"

"No, long-distance magic communication has always been a difficult technical problem to solve... Can this thing called a mobile phone do it? How does it solve it?"

"Uh... I only know that the signal will first pass through the nearby base station and go to a farther place through the network formed by the base station."

"Oh, that's similar to our solution, it's not interesting."

"You also have satellites?"

"What is a satellite?"

"It's an electronic device flying in space that can transfer the signal sent by the ground base station to another farther base station."

"Oh, we haven't thought about it."

This seemed to inspire Aoerdai again, and she hurriedly took out her notebook to write down what she thought of.

Many inventions and technologies are not impossible to make, but simply no one has thought of them.

Speaking of which, she wouldn't really want to use magic to launch a satellite into space...

Let's not talk about this for now, Li Chengxi asked:

"Do you want to buy a few clothes? I see that you only have this one, so you have to change it."

"The clothes are not dirty, so there's no need, right?"

It seems that Aoerdai is not very interested in clothes.

"It's mainly because your clothes are special here. Think about it, do people wear different clothes from you?"

Auerdai recalled Lei Lei's clothes and the clothes worn by people who came to the store to buy things during this period. There are indeed big differences.

"No wonder I always feel that someone is staring at me. Is it because I'm too weird? Well, I may really need a few clothes."

"Before that, you should dye your hair first. I have hair dye here."

In addition to her silver-blue eyes, her aqua blue hair is too eye-catching.

"I see. I was a little surprised why people in the God Realm have black hair."

Auerdai pointed her head with her fingers, and the aqua blue short hair turned black at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"That's it."

"Magic is really convenient..."

"It's just a simple illusion. Dyeing hair with drugs will hurt your scalp."

She actually knew that dyeing hair hurts your scalp!

How exactly is the technology tree in their place?


The convenience store business is very long-lasting. Li Chengxi won’t make a fortune in this business, but he will definitely not starve to death.

The only advantage is that he can do things at any time without having to ask for leave like going to work.

Li Chengxi originally planned to take Aoerdai to a nearby clothing store in the afternoon, but Aoerdai pushed the door open and walked out for less than three seconds before reversing back.

Not only is there a four-hour time difference between the game and reality, but the seasons are also different.

It is mid-August in the middle of summer in Li Chengxi’s place, while it is early May in Leon Territory.

Aoerdai didn’t notice this difference at first. After all, the air conditioner in Li Chengxi’s store is always on, and the temperature may be similar to that in Leon Territory in early May.

But once he walked out and felt the afternoon sun poking at his body, it felt really bad, not to mention that Aoerdai was wearing a heavy robe.

So the reservation to the clothing store had to be postponed until the next morning, when the two of them went out while it was cool.

On the third day after arriving on Earth, Aoerdai finally walked out of the convenience store. Perhaps because of the open and unfamiliar environment, Aoerdai tightly grasped the corner of Li Chengxi's clothes.

But her curiosity did not diminish at all, and she looked around along the way.

Especially when she got on the bus, she leaned on the glass and looked at the tall buildings on both sides of the road, and occasionally made soft exclamations such as "oh oh oh" and "wow wow wow".

Of course, in order not to attract extra attention, Li Chengxi changed her into the cropped pants and shirt that he wore when he was in junior high school. It can only be said that whether the clothes are good-looking or not has a lot to do with people.

When Li Chengxi wore this dress, he felt particularly ugly, but when Aoerdai wore it, she felt close like a girl next door.

All the way to the famous local clothing street, which is not far from Li Chengxi's store, and the bus only stops three stops.

If you come here to find high-end brand clothes, you have come to the wrong place. This place belongs to the kind of brand you want to stick on you.

But for daily wear, it is completely enough.

"Do you have a favorite style?"

Li Chengxi has no knowledge of women's clothing. He buys clothes just because he sees something that looks good.

"No skirts, anything is fine as long as it's not a skirt. It's simply the invention of the devil."

I always feel that Orday has some psychological trauma about skirts.

It's easy not to wear skirts. Li Chengxi took Orday to the store to choose a neutral summer outfit, a light sportswear, and a set of hot pants and off-shoulder vest home clothes to wear as pajamas.

The whole shopping process is simple, fast and cheap.

Li Chengxi doesn't understand, but Orday doesn't care. She tried on the size and bought it. The three sets of clothes cost less than 300 yuan in total and took 20 minutes.

At this time, the sun was getting higher and higher, and it felt a little hot before 8 o'clock.

Li Chengxi saw that the ice cream shop not far away was open, and planned to take Orday to buy one.

Although his store also has ice cream, it is indeed a little different from other people's special ice cream.

The one for Li Chengxi was very simple, and he handed it to him directly. When it was Aoerdai's turn, the clerk played the trick of Turkish ice cream.

Maybe it was because Aoerdai looked cute.

She just wanted to take it, but the ice cream turned and she grabbed nothing. After finally grabbing it, she looked down and saw that there was only a corn bucket in her hand, and the ice cream was still with the clerk.

If he had nothing to do, Li Chengxi might have been free to compete with the clerk in hand speed, but Aoerdai didn't seem to know that this was a joke.

Li Chengxi saw Aoerdai trying again and again and failed, and he lowered his head and muttered something.

He was so scared that he quickly grabbed the ice cream and pulled Aoerdai away.

Oh my god, it's too dangerous.

I'm really afraid that Aoerdai will turn that nagging clerk into a goat toad or something.

Let's save some trouble for Qian Sen.

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