According to Villania's original plan, she would try to make use of the mobility of the Silver Cyclone and the armor-piercing ability of the sniper rifle to quickly maneuver between the commanding heights of the abandoned city, that is, to fight guerrilla warfare, and lay mines around herself to prevent someone from sneaking around from behind.

With Li Chengxi's help, she doesn't need to worry about laying mines, and can focus more on sniping.

I thought his idea was the same as mine, but it turned out that there was a little deviation.

"Oh, I was discovered after all."

Hearing Li Chengxi's voice, Villania almost jumped up and down:

"What route did you give me! I was discovered as soon as I came down!"

"It's normal, I want to be discovered."


Do you want to listen to what you are saying?

The sniper was discovered and covered by firepower. It turned out that you planned it from the beginning?

Are you the other party's agent?

Li Chengxi quickly switched between several secret eyes, observing the entire battlefield terrain, and casually said:

"Have you ever played a hardcore real-time strategy game?"

"What is that?"

"To put it simply, it is to arrange troops as close to reality as possible. This kind of game looks very complicated and the operation is also very cumbersome. Many people are not used to it."

Although Alyssa can already travel in space, their understanding of electronic games is still limited to the level of Snake, and they have no idea what Li Chengxi is talking about.

"But this kind of game has a very simple winning method. Before you start, you must not only consider how you play, but also how the opponent plays, and lead the opponent into the chain trap you have prepared, and then you will find..."

Li Chengxi reached out and pressed the red button on the flight joystick.

"No matter how complicated the game is, it is actually just a simple connect the dots."


A violent explosion sounded in another street. The flames that rose up in an instant were like a large piece of twisted dark clouds. The explosions were almost connected, and they wished that the whole street would be blown up to the sky.

The rockets and mortar shells that were chasing Villania also stopped at the same time as the explosion. Silver Whirlwind braked suddenly and looked back in the direction of the explosion.

"Is that a mine? Did you predict which road he would take?"

"The roads in the city are fixed, and there are only a few roads to choose from. As long as you appear as bait, the other party will definitely be fooled. It is relatively easy to predict. But in order to ensure the power, I used up all the explosives and mines."

Laying mines is quite particular. Laying mines on the must-pass roads is just a basic operation. As long as you play with it, defensive weapons such as mines can also be used as offensive weapons.

So you will find that Li Chengxi likes to use machine mines when driving the Manta Ray. Putting it in the Villania game is just Li Chengxi's standard operation.

"The opponent has not lost his combat effectiveness yet, and the location information has been marked. Give him the last blow."

Alyssa never thought that mines could be used in this way, and she has never seen someone as cunning as Li Chengxi.

The main reason is that many of the contestants, including Villania, are technical personnel, and their understanding of tactics is relatively simple.

Another thing is that not all games can be won by just clicking the mouse and keyboard. Even in competitive games, tactical choices are very important. Players have many ideas to win.

Using a low building as a support, Villania placed a 90mm sniper rifle on it and aimed at the location information sent by Li Chengxi.

Although the location information showed that she was aiming at only a crooked building, Villania had no objection now.

With one shot or one cannon, the armor-piercing bullet accurately hit the building, piercing the load-bearing column that was holding the building up. Accompanied by a huge roar and a sky full of smoke, an orange smoke bomb rose into the sky.

This is a smoke bomb fired by the organizing committee, which means that the orange player has been eliminated.

He was shot under the ruins, but he would definitely not die with the protection of the magic mecha. It was just that the engineering machinery would be arranged to rescue him after the game was over.

The finals adopted a point system, and the judges scored according to hits, assists, and destruction, but it was obvious that the highest score was for destruction.

Now Villania's score was one for destruction and one for injury, and it could almost be said that she had touched the base of the championship trophy.

But before she could be happy, she heard Li Chengxi say again:

"Back off, something is coming."

Villania did a backflip without thinking, and almost at the same time, the low building that Silver Cyclone used as a support was blown up, and a dark green magic mecha jumped out of the smoke.

If Villania hadn't backflipped to avoid it just now, the shield of the dark green mecha would have hit Silver Cyclone's face.

The surprise attack was in vain, and Mas, who was driving the dark green magic mecha, was not discouraged, and raised his left hand to the silver player who had just landed.

The 40mm cannons hidden in the arms fired at the same time. The Silver Cyclone, which had just landed, seemed to have been hit by several punches from the invisible man. Villania staggered and almost fell to the ground. Several pieces of the not-so-strong armor also broke off.

Fortunately, he used a 40mm rapid-fire cannon. If it was a weapon with a larger caliber and stronger armor-piercing ability, the Silver Cyclone would not be able to withstand it.

Villania immediately stabilized the body, and while protecting the head viewfinder with one hand, he hurriedly rolled to the side and hid in the shelter of the building.

The orange alarm signal that had already lit up in the cockpit indicated that the body was damaged and the performance was reduced.

The dark green one should have been half-crippled, but now it seems that it can move quickly and attack, which is a bit beyond Li Chengxi's expectations.

A closer look will reveal that the wound of the dark green mecha is filled with some kind of gelatinous substance, and some parts such as cables also have traces of repair.

This is definitely not repaired by people, not so fast.

"He may have brought a repair drone."

You can use unmanned vehicles to lay mines, and they also have repair drones as nurses. Except for the reconnaissance drones that are not allowed to be used, there are no restrictions on other remote control devices.

They have battlefield nurses, but Villania doesn't have that thing, so they must try to get as many points as possible while the silver whirlwind can still fight.

Silver whirlwind immediately set up a sniper rifle and planned to shoot at the opponent, but as soon as he pulled the trigger, Villania immediately threw away the sniper rifle and controlled the silver whirlwind to jump back.

The dark green mecha crashed through the building that blocked the road again, and the huge shield had an armor-piercing bullet embedded on it. The shot that Villania counterattacked just now was blocked by the shield again.

Due to the restrictions of the rules, it is not allowed to use weapons with too much power, which makes the opponent's shield the best in the game, and it directly withstands two 90mm armor-piercing bullets.

Now the silver whirlwind, which has the advantage of flexibility, is blocked by the opponent's magic mecha with no obvious advantages and disadvantages. Not only can it not play to its advantages, but it can also not use the distance to launch a sniper attack.

Li Chengxi was right, something really happened.

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