Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 759 Why don’t you play by the rules?

Villania is very smart, so smart that it's a little scary.

Alyssa is a little scared every time she faces Villania, mainly because of her thinking mode, which makes Alyssa feel like she is facing a machine.

But Villania is a person after all, and she still has a human side.

For example, halfway through the conversation, there is a sudden turn of events that makes Alyssa's heart flustered.

"Can you get a ship?"

"Well, it's a sure thing."

"But didn't you say..."

"It's my fault that I didn't explain it clearly. Take a look at this first."

Villania clapped her hands, and the curtains closed automatically, and the living room suddenly became much darker.

Two things like projectors on the ceiling slowly descended, and with the light of the startup, the light emitted by the two projectors formed a large holographic screen floating above the dining table.

The screen showed a dense forest. At first glance, there was nothing strange. Looking again, hey, it was just a forest.

Staring at the screen for almost thirty seconds without any movement, everyone wondered why Lavinia was doing this.

"Don't worry, this is a video. I cut the commentary track because it's too noisy, so there's no useful information in the first part. Watch it carefully."

Everyone looked up at the holographic screen again, and then everyone noticed that something seemed to be moving in the forest, and a large group of bird-like creatures quickly fled the woods.

Then, a tree on the left side of the camera suddenly fell down, rolling up a lot of smoke and dust.

The photographer who filmed this video also immediately aimed the camera at the location where the tree fell and zoomed in. Then, in the chaotic smoke, a thing emitting a hazy green light, like a one-eyed thing, first appeared, but only for a moment, until something exploded and the smoke was completely blown away.

A human-shaped metal creature flew out of the smoke. It was deliberately sprayed in a conspicuous red, and the green glowing one-eyed eye on its head was also particularly eye-catching.

This thing seemed to be blown away, but it turned over very flexibly before landing, turning from a hard landing to landing on both feet.

In the smoke, another blue humanoid mechanical creature raised his hands, and the palms seemed to be the barrels of machine guns. A row of dense shells raised the smoke again.

This made the picture appear to be intermittent, but it was still possible to vaguely see the two humanoid creatures firing at each other while taking cover in the forest.

The first reaction of the crowd when they saw this picture was that it must be a golem.

Although golems were generally only affordable by wizards in the past, the significant increase in productivity now has made golems commonplace. Basically, heavy and repetitive labor is solved by golems.

But as they watched, everyone felt something was wrong. On the one hand, golems could not be so flexible. The flexibility of these two humanoid mechanical creatures was no different from that of ordinary people. They could even hover in the air and glide along the treetops, which golems could not do.

But if it was a puppet of the same kind as a golem and more flexible, the structural strength was a little too high.

Just when everyone was confused, the red one found a flaw. First, the machine gun covered the blue one and made it difficult for it to move. Then the thruster behind it was turned on. The red one quickly approached while the blue one's vision was limited. When the blue one found out, it was too late. The red one pulled out a sword from the leg compartment and cut off the blue one's leg with one sword.

The opponent did not make up the knife, but just slowly retreated, as if he was very martial.

Then the camera moved, and everyone saw some guys in white coats quickly running towards the two humanoid mechanical creations. At this time, they saw how exaggerated the proportions of the two mechanical creations were compared to humans.

Because the trees in this forest were very tall, everyone assumed at first glance that the two machines were human-sized, but when they got closer, they found that humans might only be as high as the ankles of these things.

Then the red one appeared on the screen in a kneeling position, and the multiple hatches on its chest opened, and a person wearing a pressure suit came out from it.

This made everyone even more confused.

What, this is actually manned?

Li Chengxi was very excited in front of the screen.

Damn! They actually have a Gundam!

This thing looks bigger and taller than the previous "Gundam" of the Glowing Ion Yinxiu Society. The most important thing is its mobility, which is ridiculously flexible.

It doesn't matter whether other people can understand it or not, Villania knows that Alyssa will definitely understand it.

"Magic mecha? Have you achieved mass production?"

"Well, it was just put into mass production two years ago. The construction is not difficult, but the control system design is difficult."

"What you showed us, is it not a confidential test video?"

"Of course not, this is a program broadcast to the entire Storm Kingdom. My beloved King believes that magic mecha will change the future war environment, and in order to vigorously select talents, a competition is held."

"You mean, it can fly in the void?"

"More than flying, according to test data, the combat efficiency of magic mecha is more than twice that of the most advanced space fighter, with unparalleled maneuverability and controllability, and it is also compatible with a variety of existing weapons. It has begun to equip the troops in small batches."

Villania continued to play the next video, but her attention was not on the screen, but Alyssa said:

"The prize for the champion of this competition includes a civilian spacecraft converted from a light cruise ship. As long as I get it, I can use the official shipyard to convert it back to military use."

There must be brave men under a big reward, and this is the same everywhere.

Since you want to develop vigorously, setting up a competition to get a good start will immediately attract a large number of people, which can effectively select talents.

"In order to promote the popularization of magic mecha, there are simulated cockpits in almost any large shopping mall, and even simulated warehouses have been sold commercially."

"You are still so extreme in order to protect yourself."

Among the forces that value military development the most, the Storm Kingdom is definitely the first echelon. As I said before, people here have serious persecution delusions.

"However, it is not easy to win the championship."

"Of course, the driver needs a long time of training."

Seeing this, Li Chengxi almost blurted out the words "Let me do it! Let me try".

This is like that classic joke, between a girlfriend and driving a Gundam, what do you choose?

Of course I'll drive a Gundam. There are women everywhere, and this is the only chance to drive a Gundam.

Li Chengxi was very excited, but who knew that Villania pointed at herself:

"The School of Ship Design that I represent has reached the quarter-finals, and I am the ace of the team. I am confident that I can win the championship."


Why don't you play by the rules?

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