Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 75: Settling for the next best thing

Early the next morning, Li Chengqi woke up groggily.

He fumbled and grabbed the cell phone on the bedside table and looked at the time. It showed that it was only half past five in the morning.

The opening hours of Li Chengqi's convenience store are not fixed, and it mainly follows customers.

If it is a time when students are all in school, Li Chengqi will open the door before seven in the morning so that students can buy bread, milk, etc.

But it's summer vacation now, and Li Chengqi usually doesn't open the door until after eight o'clock.

My groggy mind was a little confused about the situation, all because I slept too late last night.

There was suddenly an addition to the family, and she was a beautiful girl from time travel. Li Chengqi was tossing and turning in bed last night.

It's not very obvious during the day, but in the dead of night, all kinds of thoughts come to mind.

I vaguely remember that he was still awake at one or two o'clock in the middle of the night, and later I didn't know when he fell asleep.

As a result, when I open my eyes in the morning, my mind is a mess.

He even had some doubts as to whether he was dreaming. What happened yesterday was all in a dream. After all, it was indeed unusual for game characters to suddenly jump out of the screen.

What about the nine subjects? Lei Lei, who has always been kind-hearted, is actually a monk cultivating immortality or something, and he really transcends the three views.

Opening his eyes at 5:30 in the morning was due to Li Chengqi's biological clock, but his mind was groggy from not getting enough sleep. It was still early anyway, so Li Chengqi decided to turn over and continue sleeping.

He turned from facing the door to facing the wall.

Then I felt as if a stream of warm air fell on my arm, a bit like breathing...

She opened her eyes in confusion and saw that Aldai was lying on the other side of the bed in the position of a noble concubine. When she saw Li Chengqi opening his eyes, he waved his hand:

"Good morning, Lord Demon King. Oh no, it's eldest brother."


Li Chengqi hit a carp and caught an own goal. He felt that his skills had never been so flexible in his life, and he jumped up from the bed.

This time, he was completely awake.


Li Chengqi's house does business on the first floor and lives on the second floor. There are some empty rooms upstairs.

Last night, Li Chengqi specially packed a room for Aldai and clearly watched her enter the room, but for some reason she appeared on his bed when he opened his eyes.

Fortunately, Aldai's clothes were still neat, otherwise Li Chengqi might have thought that he had done something while sleeping last night.


The sound of Aldai gargling came from the bathroom. Li Chengqi opened the store early today. He sat behind the cashier and pressed his bulging temples.

After all, it was a convenience store with a full range of daily necessities, and Li Chengqi didn't need to teach him.

It is said that Aldai also knows how to brush her teeth. The toothbrush is made of pig hair and is usually dipped in tooth powder extracted from a certain plant. So the only thing that surprised her in this aspect was that Too much the same toothpaste.

Breakfast is still instant noodles, and Aldai seems to be very addicted to the taste of instant noodles.

When she came out of the bathroom, Li Chengqi held her forehead and said:

"Next time, don't sneak into my room next time."

"Why? Are you unhappy?"

"I just feel scared..."

Aldai showed confusion in her eyes:

"I heard from the maid at home that men will be very happy when they see a beautiful girl in the morning."

She is indeed very confident.

"And shouldn't the Demon King be even more despicable? I waited for you in the room all night, but you didn't come to me. So I thought you would definitely have a child with me when you got up in the morning. Sons of gods are very rare, I I’d like to study one.”


Li Chengqi originally thought that Aldai was just a little weird, but he didn't expect that this weirdness went beyond common sense.

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

"Of course, since I dare to grab the dinner plate and be dragged to the God Realm by you, I am mentally prepared to be a mother."

When she said this, she saw a shocked expression on Li Chengqi's face, and now Aldai finally seemed to realize that something was wrong.

"Isn't it?"

"Wait a minute, what is my reputation with you?"

"Due to the age, we don't know much about it. We only know that the Demon King God is cruel, lustful and greedy. He has a huge harem composed of tens of thousands of women. Every time he sacrifices, a beautiful and pure girl must be sacrificed. Even if he occasionally descends to earth, he still comes to find beauties. ”


Li Chengqi never knew that the devil god played by the player was actually the reincarnation of such a pervert.

"I am not a scholar who specializes in history, and my statement may not be accurate. The most mainstream view now is that the Demon King is an extremely greedy god who wants everything and is unwilling to let go of anything. This naturally includes beautiful women, but This aspect is quite topical, so it seems to be widely circulated.”

If you think about it carefully, what the players known as the Fourth Natural Disaster do in the game is not necessarily any worse than Aldai said.

A gamer can develop many cult gameplays. The higher the degree of freedom, the more abnormal the gameplay.

For example, if you can install MOD. So, it is not the game company that has the final say on what NPCs wear...

Seeing that Aldai wanted to talk at length about the 'great achievements' of the Demon King God, Li Chengqi quickly said:

"No, I'm not what you said. I haven't done it."

“Indeed, it doesn’t look like you have a harem here.”

O’erdai thought that after being brought into the God Realm, she would first see a magnificent palace and countless beautiful women with graceful figures.

But what she actually saw was not at all the same as she imagined.

O’erdai thought for a moment and clapped her hands:

“Oh, I understand. You are not the original Demon King God, but the new Demon King God who has taken over the Demon King God’s priesthood and divine power.”

Let her think so. Li Chengxi felt that as long as she was not given the nickname of a sex demon, it would be okay for Ordai to understand it anyway…..

The second best option is yes.


Demon King Calendar 648.

May 3, early morning.

Outside Viola’s room, Zora, who was on guard today, heard the sound of scratching the wall and hammering the floor again, and knew that Viola had woken up, and was still entangled in the fact that the Demon King God took Ordai away.

The point is not who was taken away, but whether Viola, the number one believer, was taken away.

At this time, Zhuoya suddenly came over alone.

"Captain Zora."

After greeting, Zhuoya said:

"Is your highness awake?"

"I just got up and haven't washed yet. What's the matter so early?"

Zoya took out a piece of bark from her waist bag and handed it to Zora:

"The woodland druids on the other side of the Spine of the World sent back information. I think your highness may be interested, so I sent it here as soon as possible."

"Thank you very much, we just need it."

The Leon territory is isolated from the outside world. It is not easy for the enemy to come in. It is also not easy for Viola and others to get information from the outside world.

Fortunately, the druids have some ways.

The Spring Forest is also isolated from the outside world, but this outside world does not include the forests located in other forests. The druids will use animals or plants to transmit messages to far away places.

Zhuoya just came to deliver the message. After delivering it, she returned to the forest through the mushroom circle.

Zora looked at the words on the bark, turned around and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

After opening the door, you will find that Viola has returned to normal. The sound of hammering the floor just now is no longer there, as if she is schizophrenic.

Viola is the type who vents all her troubles by herself, and always maintains the dignity of a princess in front of her subordinates.

Although Zora knew it, she did not expose it, and said directly:

"Your Highness, Zhuoya got the outside intelligence from the druids, which said that Tandelon's navy is retreating."


Viola took the bark and looked at it, thought about it and said:

"We need to verify it as soon as possible, call Wendy over, if the information is true, we can get in touch with Qihang City by sea."

Although retreating to the isolated land is safe, the day of counterattack is far away, but Viola has never given up the dream of restoring the country.

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