Idle game leads to another world

Chapter 714: Continue to increase the stakes

At the same time, on the bridge of the starship——

"My people have already set off, you can rest assured that Alyssa will not have a chance to escape."

"Of course I'm relieved. As soon as Alyssa dies, our agreement will take effect immediately."

Carlos, the tiger man who captured the bridge, was sitting in the captain's seat and communicating with a human man.

This man looked very much like a 'pirate', not only with his fleshy face, but also with the terrifying scar running through his brow bone and the black eyepatch.

"It's a shame we didn't kill her inside the starship."

"No, that would be more troublesome."

Alyssa ran out in the shuttle, but Carlos didn't send anyone to continue chasing her.

This starship does not only have one airlock door, nor does it only have one hangar. If he wants to, he can certainly catch up with it if he sends people to chase it.

But he can't do that.

There are three main categories of crew members on a starship.

One category is technical work, responsible for maintaining ship operations, repairs, and even medical treatment and a lot of other chores.

The other category is the security forces that maintain law and order.

The last category, and the smallest in number, is the true fighting force.

As for this category, Carlos couldn't fully grasp it. The person in charge of the combat force was Long, and Long was Alyssa's biggest fan.

But there is a loophole: when the combat troops return to the starship, they will disarm as soon as possible. This is a rule to prevent the combat troops from rebelling.

So now most of the real combatants are controlled by Carlos' security forces.

As for letting security personnel board a shuttle to fight, forget it. Most of them don't know how to fly a shuttle, let alone any combat skills.

The most important thing is that once Alyssa is killed in the starship, the news will spread and cause turmoil among the personnel inside the starship, and it is impossible for Carlos to control everyone.

And Alyssa was killed by outsiders when she escaped. At least he didn't have to bear this life. No matter how unhappy the crew was, at least they would cooperate honestly before the starship entered the port.

That is to say, it will not intensify conflicts.

"Once Alyssa is settled, we will rush to the Gemini Star Territory immediately. There is a big deal waiting for her."

"Of course, your kindness is indispensable..."

The man on the other side of the communication was suddenly interrupted mid-sentence. He seemed to look at the panel on one side, and his face suddenly became ugly.

"Didn't you say that Alyssa has no fighting ability?"

"Um...what's the problem?"

"She destroyed two of my space fighter planes in one confrontation. They were military goods!"


Carlos jumped up and retorted:

"I admit that the little girl can drive a shuttle, but she only knows how to drive it."

"Then why do you think my people are gone?"


The correspondent's panicked voice sounded on the other side of the communication:

"Boss, Falcon 5 and 6 also lost their remote sensing signal!"

"No. 8 and No. 11 were seriously damaged and requested to retreat."

"Boss, there's a communication from Falcon 12."

"Take it immediately!"

Following a piercing noise, the human man wearing an eye patch growled into the communicator on the side of the screen:

"What happened to you? She's just a little girl, kill her quickly!"

"That's a lunatic!"

Falcon 12's voice was hoarse and vague, as if he was in an extremely nervous state.

"It's too fast! No! It's too cunning! Let's follow...ah!"

Along with the sound of snowflakes, communication was interrupted.

"Falcon 12 lost remote sensing signal!"

"Falcon 15 has lost contact!"

The pirate-shaped human man stared at the communicator and was silent for two seconds before saying:

"This loss is yours to bear, Carlos."

"No, wait, this is different from what was promised!"

"You are also different from what you promised. Now my people are being slaughtered!"

Two squadrons, sixteen space fighters, surrounding a shuttle?

Wrong, it's a shuttle, surrounding both of your squadrons.

Just as the two were arguing, another communication signal connected.

This time she is a mature woman in her thirties. Of course, if you can ignore the fact that she has a dragon-like head, she is indeed very enchanting.

The dragonborn woman took a puff of cigarette and said with the smoke rings blowing out from her nostrils:

"Only a few people died, but Boss Prajna broke the defense?"

"Shut up, you bitch!"

"I'm just reminding you that we don't have time to waste here."

Indeed, Carlos didn't want to dwell on Alyssa's matter for too long.

There weren't many expression changes on the tiger man's face, but the dragonborn woman said at this time:

"Let my squadron also help. The identification friend or foe signal has been sent, but don't hurt my little baby."

"I appreciate your kindness."

"Instead of thanking me, why don't you work harder too."

The tiger man finally made up his mind this time. He turned to the men next to him and said:

"Have people activate the naval guns and use anti-air fire to knock Alyssa down."

We have reached this point and there is no turning back no matter what.


"Too weak. Are the Federation's MSs only capable of this?"

Alyssa listened to the sound coming from the speaker under the oscilloscope, but she really didn't have the strength to respond.

The suffocating G-force pressed Alyssa firmly into her seat. Even though the void protective suit had a certain degree of pressure resistance, the model she wore was a type that was convenient for movement, not a pressure-resistant suit worn by professional combatants.

The instruments seemed to be dancing in front of her eyes like a carnival. Without looking outside, Alyssa knew that this shuttle was dancing a deadly waltz in the void.

Groups of exploding flashes appeared in front of the cockpit one after another and were quickly left behind. Each flash represented the disappearance of a space fighter and the melting of life in the void.

Alyssa had seen machine souls with high intelligence, but she had never seen one with such an outrageous intelligence.

Completely disobeying orders, talking to oneself, without any constraints, and...

"Close combat is good for me!"

Accompanied by inexplicable words and heavy metal music with decibels that were so loud that they made Alyssa very headache.

——It should also be affected by G-force.

She struggled to change the seat belt to a more comfortable position, and shouted with all her strength:

"Slow down! Slow down!"

"I'm so excited!"

It was obvious that the other party had no intention of listening to Alyssa.

Another flash exploded in the left front of the cockpit, and Alyssa even saw the moment when the human body was engulfed by flames in the cockpit.

Alyssa was not a rookie who had never seen blood. It was normal to have a few lives in the recycling business.

But life was disappearing at a very fast and unresisting speed, which was the first time I saw it.

If the machine soul wants to attack a living being, it must first obtain the permission of another living being. This is the underlying logic of all machine souls.

But the machine soul controlling the Manta Ray obviously has no such restrictions. It is no longer a battle, but a complete harvest.

At this time, the radar panel in the cockpit sounded the alarm again. Alyssa barely looked up and found that another large signal source appeared on the radar.

There were four squadrons in total.

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